A definite step toward the launch- ing of plans for the construction of a Wilmette community bouse was taken last YFriday afternoon when the special commupity bouse committee of the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce, coin- poedof the chairman of other cOrrn- inittees of that organization. mtto: discuss a pieliminary progra 1m of ac- tiVity. IL This ,committee, which is ronly a temporary one., plans, to solicit.the co- operation of every civic and cburcb organization in Wilmnette, With a 1view to the formiation'of a permanent -com- munity' bouse committee composed one representative' f rom eacb of -these orgzaiizations. Organizations t. Cooperate It is proposed to hav e tbe permanent committee -carry through the program, -for a new, community bouse ýuntil the building is actually constrocted. This. it is expec.ted, wvill, take approximately. tbree years. B. was pointed out this week by B.-T. Clark, secretry of the Wil. mette Chamber of Commerce, that no solicitation of f unds for a new com- munity bouse is contemplated witbjn- the near: future. The. plans have flot yet passed tbe preliminary stage. The Chamber o'f Commerce wiil boki its regular monthly meeting on Mon- * day night, April 6, at the Wilniette Mas'onic temple, and it is understood that a résolution will be passed at tbat. - tme setting forth tbe needs for a coiriunity bouse in Wilmette and the reasons for taking steps to buiki one. Members of the Cbainber of Coin. merce special community bouse 'coin- -mittee are: Aider Tighe, cbairman, A. D. Albrigbt, B. B. Udell, A. S. Van- * Deusen, John Hofiman, D. E. Allen, Jr., and W. H. Zibble Nominate Doddis for Presidency of Civie League Hiayes McKinney, cbairman of the Wilmette Civic league's nominating~ Claude A. Ediiionds on April 1 asslimed the position of cash frr in thse First Nationial Bank 'of Wilmete. Thse news of his election to thse official staff of thse boitte will be received wtith a great deal of inter- est by numerous friends in this comnunity since Mr. Ildoonds lived in Kenilu'orth for a long tine. The71 new cashier came to Chicago f from Washington, D. C., in 1906 after receiving his editcat ion in, the capital's public scisools and George Washington university. For tupo years lhe was engaged in thse. real estate business and then en- tered thse field of banking in tlhe Northeris Trust contpany. After fifteen years' exeperience with the Northern Trust, during which time- he %vorked successively througb the varions grades until lie reached the of- fice of assistant casher, lie accepted an officiai position with the Washington. Park National batik. In consequence of his long experience in batik practices- and administration, Mr. Ednionds 'is' extremeiy well qualified to discliarge the duties and responsibilities wbich are etailed by his new connection as second in command in the local insti- The bid, of the Arcole conipany was $210,553,. wbile- that of the higbest of the ni4ne bidders* was,$232,04S..50. Wben bids were, first opened on the project -at a meeting of the Board of 'Local. Imiprovements on 1'uesday, March 17.ý the'Arcole company algo had'the low bid, $215,,758; At that mheetingtwel-ve bids were received anid: al were re- jected. The bigh bid at that turne as. $342,401-50. Following are the. streets wbicb, are to be paved: Elmwood avenue, Ashland avenue, Thornwood avenue, Chestniut- avenue, Keniiworth avenue and Beechwoo i ave-' e ue between- Ridre rmail and 'rwentY- third street, -Keniiwor-th' avenue from Twenty-thlrd street to -Locust road. Auhland avenue frein. Twenty-third to Locust road, Illinois road from Iroquols road te, Ashiand' avenue, Grant -str.eeti Twenty-sitth' atreet and Cleveland Ptreet f rom Ashland avenue to the north limitsof the village. Twenty-fifth street, Dartmoeuth .treet, Twenty-fourth street and Coigate street from Ashiand ave- nue to Kenilworth avenue, Twenty- third street Trom Elmwood avenue te Beechwood avenue, Twenty-ftret street f rgm Elmwood avenue to Beeehwood. avenue, and lMlm*ôôd avenue, *est of TWenty-third street. to Cherokcee-road. Wilmette Market Robbed of Saturday Meat Stock The Wilmette Grocery and Markcet. 146 Centralavenue, was robbed early iast Saturday morning of practically its entire stock of meat for Saturday custoiners. About six~ hundre-d dol-' lars worth was stolen, according to Louis Redke, manager of the store wbo said the robbery probably occurred between 4 and 7 o'clock in the rmorning. After sawing the lock on iron doors at the rear entrance to the store the thief or thieves sawed a ole through..the wooden doors, whicb were bolted, and forced their wayý in. Apparently the meat was buled away on a truck. Other arti- cles ini the store and tbe cash regi- ster, which is in a glass-enciosed cage were flot niolested. Il.- tects with nrnrnrong, PFUrst Ma 1W1 il S. LaSalle. street, Chicago, as as- sociate architects. Nieiler, Rich Mdi company, 431.'S. Dearborn street,. Chi-. cago, are engineers for the meechanic@4l Armstrong, Vurst and Tilton wil take. figures on, general work ad plumbing, and Neiler, Rich and' com'- pany will, take figures on heating, yven- tilating and electrical work In, a letter to WiLmMTELî#m this week William H. Zllis, secretary, of the New. Trier -board of education said: "We bope to be able to let the con- tracts durijg the month :of April so that the first unit -of tbe building cati be completed in turne for occuac this f all." Careful Planning Mr. 'Ellis- adds: "We have taken' a good deal of turne getting out the plans aind specifications so as to eimiii4e as fer as possible extras on this job. and we are looking f orward to having the proper facilities for bandling New Trier High school the way it should be taken, care o. Several rnonths ago voters of New Trier township authorized a bond issue of $875,00 for à building program at the high school, made thecessary because the present buildings are flot adequate to accommodate the large' student body, whicb now nunibers more thani 1,800 and is increasing at the rate of one hundred a year. It is expected that the building prograi will eixteiid over a period. of two years. Plan Two Bvilings Two buildings are to be erected, one a 56-room laboratory and class room building which is to adjoih the pres-, ent buildings on the north, and the otber a semi-détached building north of 'tbe mess hall and west.'of the new class' room, building *for the shopa and the <mechanical draýwing departmnent. T1his .latter building also will bouse the music department on tbe second floor. B3ush, George H. JF burgh, C.. C. 'lien Jonston and C. ý noifnanaug ___________ the siate of can- VST NIW ous league offices VST NJW ~rwee:Hayes Miss Virginia Burgss' Of 1534 ian, Harvey A. Highland avenue is spending e -dding, A. H. Vos- Easter vacation in Marshalltowii. eirson, Garrett F. Iowaý visitinor>Dr. Grove Harris and Blingame. bis'.fatily. :To làs or fo, #?Il MO Yo > m.s ,, gt sa ~the