scouts FoHowing is the .complete; ist of awards presented .by John .arli ,Baker, chaimanof thi . Wilmette Court of Honor, at the 'Scoult HÔI>by :Show iast Saturday night,, March 280 at the Stolp,,school: s Troop 1, Congregattonal church-Ten- 4.f t. Ror Lynch; Second. Clama, Otaaley Cochran, George Colton, Jr., *Iobert.Knepper and Donald. Lynch; Morlt Badges, arvis Brown-ftretnan- shlp; Wayne Cochran-ftrema; eames L loceer ng; -John Luke- M=lonern;Donald Lynch-,personal ~aat:John Pear son-cmuping cooking, lptoueeriug, and, seamanshlp; Press Club Z111, Stanley Cochran; Tiroop* charter lor 1981 ; 100 percent Boys Life Ban- eier for 1931. Troop 2, CongregaUIonal eburch-Ten- det.vnt 6UdDîn *WAth! Statr, IdwaxM eemn Award for, la at 7 30 si 011, boâ .icmt 'Apl 4, Many A ttend Ho bby Showon: Wilmette Saturday, March. 28, Wilmette had its Annual Hobby Show. and Court of. lthoughj4Wrograni was, - '~U7S "m., parepts, iifri-p ô '^te Scouts were at the gynuasium at 6:30. About 600 people attended the pregram. An excellent, orchestraîmade up of older Scouts and Scout friendsfurnished music beforeand after the Court of Honor., Among the éleverest of Scout -hobby exhibit s was that of Troop 10's bird bouse collection and ¶Troop 4's short wave transrnitting station. The most outstanding ' awards to Scouts during the Court of Honor were the Eagle' badge, presented to Dick Steen, and the Eagle Bronze palm to Jerome Nevins. North Shore Press Club quilis were awarded to Stanley Cochraii of Troop 1; William Schara, Troop 3; Elmer Stone, Troop 4; William Bowen, Troop 5, and Johnt T roctTntn 0.- the sý with orc; ress Cl.ub U qu,. Tlroop charter for. 1931 ,tawr for iast quar- Episcopal jorjonlan, !IA'U and. ýhurch-Tenderm- chn Lindstromn, orman Ture.k?- . ndi forma n was Local Scout May Attend National Press Confab The fourth annual meeting of the National Boy Scout Press association" will be held in the Hotel. Clevelnd,* Cleveland, Ohio, May 1 and 2,. ac- cording to an announcement made at the national offices of the Boy Scaouts of Anerica in New York. The North Shore Area gnuncil bnne in be able. scouts o! Troop 19 Plan Overnigbt Hike I*ëre- 1. wbat happened at Troop 19's last meeting on Thursday, Mardi 26. Firit we liad a busiiess meeting Andi boy!l Whatýgood news we.lad. Saturdayr,,Arii. 4, wc 'are going to have W "swell", overnight hike to the. Izaak Witon Cabin. We're going to pass tests, play games, tell stories by the lire at nÎght, ;and it wiil be a good chance for th ,e Scouts to1 pass the fourteen-mile hike for the first On Mrch28 there was a Board of Review. We had Scouts up for,.Ten- derfoot, Second: Clàss and Mernt badges froni our troop. Ross Jerome, who joined our troop the night before the last Board of Review, passed theý irenderfoot test; at this Board-of Re- view;he passed the Second Class test and two Menit badges. It is a n hono'r to have a reai. worker like, him in the troop.-Sydney Craig, '1roop M9 Winnta ~Community HMes.. Couneil Is Welcoming New Cube and Scouts The foliowing new Cubs, Scouts and Sea Scouts have been welcomed into the North Shore Area counicil and registered at Scout headquarters. There is now a total of 1,558 boys actively regîstered in the council. Troop 23-Arnold Wolff,; Troop 36, win and Richaird Wethiner; Troop 48-Edwin Brugess; Troop 59-Xrving O'Dett, Bastino Russ; Troop 72- Ljouis Wehrenberg,, Langworthy Thomas re-registered, and Troop 73- Albert Schen. Arrange Vacation Hike at Meeting of Troop 2 Trnnn 2 held its regnular meetnî Mystery Patrol Projeot Revealed ,on This Saturday nthý big Scouting event of the mnth 1 the Mystery Patrol pro ject to be heldin e' ach. district under the leadershi e- of the,,District Commis- sioner.Thie event staged at 3 .'lk Saturday afteroom4 Apili 4, and wile last for one hour 'ouly, but w*hat an houri1 Al'a Scout needs to brill is hi- self, in uniform if hie has one; a Pen- cil and Scout'handbook. Ail activi- tics wili be heid outside. x'oilowing are the place:b. Wilmette istrict, Village Hall, Stacy C. Bennett, comimissioner lu in arg IkenilWorth district, Postoifice, Roy H. Jarrett, commissioner. Winnetka district, Village Hall, Rob- ert B. Browni comnitasioner. Glencoe distict, Village' Hall, Keith Roberts, commissioner. iRiihland Park district, New 'City Hall, Sol, St. Peter, commlissioner. 11 Highwood-Ft. Sheridan district, Vil- lage Hall, Paul Mtrnie, tdnisoi Lakce Forest district, Village Hall,. Robert Roeber, conimissioner. Glenvlew-Golf, Civlc Building, Ray- mond Danielson, commissioner. Northbrook district, Civic Building, Oscar Mueller, comnîlasloner. Deerlleld-Bannockburn district, Puzb- lic school, Homer Camel, commissioner. Libertyville--Mundelein district, LI-. brary building, A .R. Andrews, con- missioner. Board of Review Held for 2 7 six for first -Class.' Eleven Scouts passed menit badg~es. 'Phere was one, candidate for Star and one for Eagle-David Roberts. This was one of the largest turnouts the:Board of Review ýof Glencoe bas ever experk- enced and tbey. hope is will be lang- er next. month. How about' it Scouts!I 1 The awards Will be made at the Hobby Show Saturday, April 4, at the Glencoe Hobby Show at- the Episcopal cburcb. - Gordon Matthews, Troop 22 reporter, Glen- çoe Union chuirch. ~40 ahopl-rogp Ï neP* cent mlws i go Bapt et rh- I ii.ciaartie for telegram every other Ithe Stone reporter, XViI-I Bened >p 10, A', 81VE held theïr last ni school, The 1by oun study iod in which After having iOf real inter,. mes we close4 nkella and John j f. F ~t 4;