a"V' heel neighborhodthat years ago might -i in ffl IWed. have been groups of happy homes. If we or mh« a«&, continue westward the houses grow less aà amitaw» t". lapubhléed. vilE be unatttractive, and it's only when we reach 1 8« t tUU ts Oak Park tbat we begin tof eel somewhat normal again. Bu!3t stili, good old Lake Grédé SpWillo Saue Lide Michigan is nowbere near Oak Park.' (Grcie SearaionBut 'if we drive north from the Loop .Let'a Haten the Dagi1 through RogersPark, it isn't long before ____________________________ We reach suburbs that are distinctly at- April is the month of spring elctiions. tatv.Tebue n rud r Norh sor voer wil aketh oporuniy pacious and* beautiful.. For miles- and tci exercise their right of suffrage, a' ri htmlstteeatesenohnnhbi Afilwbih omeims fç.~ ~~ftation only the lake, with its varied moods execis i to wek Q ~ r o eto, wild unrest, and over it iletons otrs o he ols. It{~t e earching- sky, canging continually.. coming elections no citizen will fail to vote dreains of the day. when h le will be living on at every election. tbe north shore? Trustees are to be chosen to serve on school' boards, parlc boards, and village boards*. The Not long ago we read the advertisement of very terni, trustee, indicates that these officersaby' mp"mtdtefry oygs do not act f or theniielves but in acting dis- seven to f ourteen." And it being the early charge a responsibility which tbey assume a smme part 'of April when trustees of the rigbts and privileges of theirSmr Camps wc read it, we began constituents. The governors of our com- for Boy to have a f eelin' for pinnities are the, citizens of tbe communities.. the w o od 5an d Thef oegongiacs *ke. igaevr ' waters. Then we happened on a string of elecionsomehin moe thn aperunctry erss byOldManGrant, singing the joys elecionsomtbin moe tan aperuncoryof camping out, fishing and sprawling on the duty. Tbey make it a miatter of intelligent .gasi h umrsnih.Tecmia orudence.. Everv intelligent man wbo wants gasi h umrsnih.Tecmia as a meinber of a democratuc community. Let each of us cast bis vote at every April, election. The corming spring will doubtless see:,active work resuMeýon the through super-higbway paralleing the North Western, railroad Nort SIsre hroiigb i vanston, Wil- Nort Shoe ' mette, Kenilwortb, Win- netka, and Glencoe. It >wbat n1 there wiii Snl it Nor* »«re Hîghway. of the summner vacation which used to visit us, in the early spring when we were rou~nd about seventeen. A boys' camp! What a great place for a boy! To some people 'heaven may be a, City with golden streets and master musicians playing on harps, but to a boy heaven must be a summer camp,ý a sort of happy, huting11 grotind. We are convinced that for the simple rea- son that every normal boy loves a summer' camp it must be the right place f or the nor- mal boy. If he didn't like it, if.ý it were a energy. As we proceed in our reading f rom accounts of primitive times through Greek, Roman, Medieval tmes, into modern times, we see rises sud declines which were. due largely to human behavior. A mtessage 01 Hz' MwrY Oumv- Ilt one meif t leeting breath He çpoke to us front reaints above Of eterlstin lfe and love, The. resurrection of theseoul, Thr/e final resting place and goal, Denonncing si* and death. .-Olivia Kingsley THE PAGEANT 0F ZASTER Agamn cones that fascinating procession of beau- tif ul womien and handsomne men, for the penduIUrn of -the year lias swung into, the season .of spring, andthe- hour of suoshine, color and happiness lias struck in hoiy music. *Bursting f romn bud and sheli, al is freshiy new. Li e and' >oy are awakening. '<Lit tathe t'rk s ht siSng;: Pluck the. daiuies, pluk thse iolets; Frienduhi>twith thse louPers some. Noble t/soug/t begets.» What: a celebration of the Divine Tragedy of Getbsemn's Garden and -Golgotha's cross, ending in- the triurnphant cry, "Ute is risen 1" Stnall .Wonder that al thing beauteous are awakening. Winter'bag taken wisgansd fown1 and ini its patih the crocus and the daffodil lift briglit faces to the sun and sùsiie, while grateful man, in fairest array bends bhis steps te thse House of God to worship and to 'sing his gratitude in happy Easter choruses. Through it ail, and above ail, the listenine heart , may hear the voice of Jesus saying, "Peace be unto you."44Lo, I arn with you alway"9' --Geraldifle Ericksen. Note: we are happy this week to devote the above space in S HORE LINES to IEaster messages. Append.ed is another contribution which, thougb perhaps not' an Egster message, seerns particularly appropriate at this season that sounds the knell of winter and heralds the approacli of glorious spring- time. We hope you'Il enjoy it, particularly because the author, in addition to being a genuine f riend Of SHoprJ LINes, also qualifies as an ardent lover of the out-of-doors. SOMIE DAY ýYOU CAN SAY Old SIim Grant's gone n -a tripi Cam npin' iw thse wood; Pack on back, gun btshii, SIim. hasgone fer good. Always tired of Icity 1f e, Cra4'n' fer t/s ewood;. .ick of noise, an' dits, an' strife, Sliim has gone fer good. À -D. K.Grant. Though we have been thoroughly disquaiified as a weatber prophet (consider thse rment big snow), we make bold to predict that ail and .sundrý will be 'perrnitted to appear in gayest garb on Enster morn. -Rain or shine, then wel'lexpect to mueet each and everyone of you itiithse Enter parade.