Club ......Bill, Suadof ............Dave Lott Reprte....... Jane Orr views ........Ruth Jackson Alice.AltscW el And erson, John Bard n, ma Bickbam, Jack IHicks, Bud Hoiward, Bob Huntchings, Virginira Lot:,Harry Kinne,. Willard Kits, Jack Mee, Jil McConnaughey, Meta Miller, Earl Mkoss,. Mazie Mouat, Jane Nor- man, George Ogan,. Babe Ricb, Vir- ginia Rietheimer,. Leila White, Jane Yost. SE.MESTER EXAMS Semester examinationh are very belpful to the student who is. prepar- mg for college. Thèse ex aminations are similar to the o'nes that are given in coflege; they give the student ex. cellent training in marshaling 'the important facts of the semester in a logical way; the examinations give the students a definite goal in the or- ganization of the daily lesson; and they leave the student with a clear remembrance of the entire course. O n the other hand the examinations take at Ieast. a separate week; they are long and ýdifficuit to make out and to correct; they oftentimes de- termine too- much. of a studëets, grade; and-often, they'leave- the stu- dent's mind full of a lot of useless facts. *New Trier does flot have semester examinations but it is perhaps for the best. New Trier is modern. It ap- plies everyday business methods to ail parts of its curricular. In a miod- ern business when a person is pro- moted from one department to an-, other or f rom one position to another. he is not given an examination before he is promnoted, but bis entire record is the basis.for'his promotion; so it- is at New Trier. Businesé nethods of the present day have reached the highest place for efficiency and- suc-' cess. that they have ever7 attained. What's sauce for the goose-is sauce for the: gander; therefore the appli- cationof these same principles -to a high school sh ould be very beneficial.ýi At the sanie time that this system is helping the student ini bis daily work, Beon: "Wfl on?" Ken: "Sire Just acoepted." Obtuary The bearded lady ln the cirons died today, leaving a wife and four çhll- dren. ,i guose this' out," said the gent as he pushed openthe deer markod Four Ont et Five-t "What's the dlsadvantageo f being éeIor-bllnd ?"I -Yeu eau't tell when Yeu have.. pink tooth-brush. O110w much for this radio ?", "FIfty dollars cash." 'UHow mach on payments?" "'Sixty-tivo dollars; fifty dollars down. and three dollars a week for Ilve .Weeks." Mac: ***How was thé geology lecture?" Jack:- "Fine, 1 was rocked te sleep.'t lait IEesort Billy: **I id'on't care- what anybody ays. Southeasteri Is the best college te. go te atter al".' Wily: I"After ail?" Bily: "Yeah, aftr ail thre other coi- leges.", Author: "'1ve Just 'flnlshed the great Americari no vel. 9. Y., T.:- "My- but l'à liko tef read it 1 Who wrote lU?"' Trosh Anthem -When 1I was young I couldn't spit over my c hin. Now 1 cari spit a.ilover IL"p Humante Soelety Case Gene: -"And Intptihe train came a manri wth a little baby bear." Babe: "The poor littie thing " Net i i se Cam Help 1* Voie Over Phono: "Is tis thre lady who washes?' 1.cety Snob: *uIndèted.! 1 heuld Say net!" V. 0. P.; "Why, yen dirty thiig i" More Scotch Stif - Jane: "My, those hot doges sell good!" Pain: "l1'il drive a little doser."l Xferely Derrowed 111 nover stolo anytbhng In mY lite." -Oh yeah? 1 thought yen wrote jokes for your school paper?," Students Present French Play at Club Gathering hail and flad tiem lighted most of theéevenimig. The east side was flot decorated and was Ieft completely dark except for two spot lights which played about en the dancers, chang- ing colors --(when àa member. of. the board remembered: to change the slds.It is, o course, unnécessary to mention, on. which side tbe couples chose to dance. Refreshing pirie- apple punch vas served. during the course of thée evening. It. was, also notlced that the, stag Unie was e- duced-maybe that was because Of: the'fifty cent tax on each stag. How- ever, the dance was claimed- by ýal as a huge'success«. Miss Col'. sophoxnore adlviser room, bas a very systematie pregram for thre weed. On Mondaira we.atudir, ons Tues- day. wé have a weekly business meet- ing, en Wednesdays we spend a valu- able half-hour on "110w te Study," on Thursday we read an interestimg atory of the "Lite of Florence Nigitingale," and on fldays we have programs. Our able programn committee, cemposeid .ot Derothy Jane Orr, Barbara Mutn a»d Betty Kirwin, always manages to find plenty et geod entertairiment. We have had Miss Wright twice, Miss Grever, Miss Fulton, Mfr. Nay' "Sis" Gloason and Mary Jane Eider, and a program of our ewn talent. Last morith we challenged Mrs. îWehr'fl ndvisor-'rQom tr, a contest. Thre thre wro9ng enid. Mm. Wehr's advlser reom thought a ftve-pound box of candy, was a pretty big box et caridy and, beflive me, se did Miss Coie's! )fiss Wa Ikup's advlsor room enjoyed a luncheon andl show Saturday, Marcir 21. Atter thre lunchoon at tire' Edge- water Beach Hel tire party gplit ln, hait, ene part goirig lu ueo "ICimarrori" at tire Granada, and tire other "'Rcduc- Ing» tihe Uptown theater. Miss Karst's room le now reading a very Iitoreeting book,.'*The Americari for ilaniguiu. Wehr of the lightweightg jso w«Oj tWO Rames at thse outiet to anüç4 thse championship. Schumnacker . the 'victim. 'The score was 22 to iIi, Varney's. feaithers,, the freshmwê ehamps,, after bcing. defeated iw'ibe finals at the hands of >Shéerisph came f rom behind and sho wed that 1 was hlot impossible for freshmen Win thse championship although tii. maàrg»in as only 8 to 7. The volleyball tournamnent has jute- started., Here are the scores for theê first set of àames. Flannigamn b9aCao -,-0 Persig beat Oà*se 34, 80 AraW bet:Rlffly,13-7, 14-9. Ream beat -Edwards 2-O, 2-0, Funkheuuer beat Grater 15-4. 1"4 ,Junio0r Music Club, in Program at Simon Home The Junior Music club held its: Marcis meeting at thre home of Claire. Simon. The following program was given: Pfano soles by: Florentine strube- "Peu E'let" ............... nomïa, Aithea Murphy- lIý on ..........olil B Miner" ...... ChoPin 'rie, John MatheBoit ice Hayes, celle> sud roln, played thre In t- Lh. Trhis was the Trio's 1 a in pino. Mol Mickey piays the part of Ruth. and Virginia. Sprague the parte!f Mabel, ln tihe Glbert & Sullvan light opera, "The Pirates of Pentance," which la to be presented at New Trier High sohool. April 10 and 11. Claire Simon sorvel delightful refreshments after the pro- gram. I Boys' Advisor I Room 'Phi OEATÔRS COMPETE On March 30, the district comptitie» efthtie Daliy News Oraterical Centeat, was te decide thre suburbami champion whe willi enter thre reglenal contention. Dan Wachs la the representatlve frein4 New Trier and was te aMgain deliver iis oration entitled, "John Marairali and tfie Constiti." UP Isaw a fat .parrowp.-perhaPs he agreed. Hie sat on a chimney attem>ting t0 sing. t] Hie might have been telling creatioff, 1 for fme,.ti To "Cheer u, world!i'mIi sure that d if hos tobe -Spri#ng." c met laum rmuay aitrnoq -I o 1 wnacn mu mae P s the subjert' 'Resolved-thatI stromn, Bob Livinl ïStores are detrimental *to the Anteim atgued the i