WILME1TE UFE -WINNETKA TAUC compaaiy. William H. Jonson, jr., of Baird & Wamaer rep resented, ail par- ties i the transaction. It is interestiaig to anote that Mr. Urbain's home, was on-e of the 6irst of fine north shore homes to be'placed li Baird & Warner's "I,ibrary of -Fine Homes." Ths library is. part of a newer and more comrplete' service of- f ered to buyers and sellers of quali- fied north shore properties.. Stewart B. Matthews, manager of salsals rports the foilowîng tran- sactions durin.g the past month:- The purchase of an eight-room home by John W., Slacks from F'. Burton Sith at 1887 Grovelin avenue, Ra- vitiia Woodlands, Highland Part.. Ed- inond Burke,' Skokie Ridge office of. Bitird & Warnei,.represeted boh par- ties. Robert V., Fitzsimmqnps of Geiviexv purcbased -f rom Norma 'E. Meiieley, --Hollywood, -Calif., the property at the northwest corner of Sheridan roari and- -Frankli street, Glencoe. John Newhail, Skokie Ridge office, represented both p parties. C. W. Adams, Evanston- office Of Baird & Warner, acted for both par- ties in an exchange in whicb Miss E. C. Williams and Miss R. W. Willianms traded property. iocated at 6723 Green- view avenue, Chicago, for a tbirty-acre 1GLENCOE NEWS thie fturre. lIn Une with,this trend; thirty Pro"<* aient north shore architects have- cooI,4 sentid, to submit. plans, and, drawings of' homes for dispiay i the Archi" tects' Exhibit to be held soon at Skokie Ridge. Complete, deuails wiIl be an- noumced at a later date. F k nstiïatsSéIencei Lil!!rhes $,Reality" was the subject of, the lesson-scrmon li ail Churches of Christ, Scientigt, on Sunday,' Marc-l M9 The golden text was "As the earth bringefh forth her' bud, and as the gardeai causeth tihe things, that are sown i it to spring forth; so the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before al the nations" (saiah 61: 11). Among the citations Which coin- prised the lesson-sermoôn was the f ol- lowing f rom the Bible: "~But as it- is written, Eye hath- n-t-sten, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart,-of man, the things which Cod ~1~~44444444Pà44J2 li 1- 1 . 0 In colorful1 pousion -the: WANT AD: STATION IN LOOP. For the. convenience, of orpafront we have. a0opofc hr you can placeyorWont' Ad. SUITE 12 12-'1, OE LS 6 NORTH ýMICHIGAN AVENUE CHICAGO, ILLNOIS COR. MICHIGAN AT'MADISON STREET. IF EE ARE' CONCERNED, Precision in glasses is comiparable to - - pursty in drugs mnd meditine. You would not buy drugs or med cinos from an unsiIIed or an un- vouched-for pharmadist whose, only, appeal. is pricel s if not therefore equally hazardous to buy from the unskifld, careless and ofifimes unscrupulous dlealer ln glasses?7 CIUDREN'S SPECIAUISTS lôos CHICAGO AVENUE + EVANSTON @PT CAwà lot m.WMASH 15S~ A SALLE 75 L JACKSON 1645 ORRfINGTON AVE.-!ýVA14STON w i i i E I. E 4 i. ~4 m.vp.-. du