No school this week .1 Heëres ithe Easter lùneup,.. .in feshion and value. IN CHýILDREN'S APPA.REL: money by 'Sh opping Wisely. and thet means shop hee fhis week-end because we re colebratinq Eater with somne oufstlnding values In childrenFs apparel mnd accesries Note ýthese typical values.. e io $5 RIBSON MAT *,and how ulfab6 if h. foo. for oft.,nco. ln cherm,, sumg cors fo vmtlch Spring FOURTH FLOOR TH1E T-STRAP' *.pàtoMWMI$hWad im. ln si»s11/ t 2 tI6.0 'O/2 t 15.5 and, color. ON THE ?ND FLOOR R ON THE RR$T FLOOR" Save Fiow For f1 have 1