Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Apr 1931, p. 31

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In her various. works on the sub- ject, the Discoverer and ounder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Fddy. l,.as included many wide and f ar- reachiug. predictions. History lias proved4 and is constantly proving not only the verity of thesepredictions but the furtlier fact that they evi- denced a-keen spiritual.faculty, 6.on and f or esight. , In ber, book entitled 'Pulpit and Press" (p. 22) Mrs. Eddy makes. this statem ent: ',If the lives of Christian Scientists attest. their fidelity to Truth, I'predic t that in the twentieth century every Christian churcl ini our land, and a léein far- off lands, will approximate the under- standing of Christian Science, suffi- cienitly to heal'the sick in his name. Christ will give to Christianity his. new name, and Christendom will be classified las Chistia n Scientists." This prediction was made relatively a short, time ago.. Very recen tly, ac- cording to reports aéppeatnng 'in the press of the country, one of the* large Protestant. church denominations in the United States, at its regular, gen- eral convention, was presented, witli a report ýsubmitted by a joint committee ý composed of bishops and deputies of that organization, after. six yea rs of careful study and investigation. on the part of the committee, Which re- port finds as follows: 11. -That Christiatn healing lias passed beyond the, stage etfqçxperihent and Its. value cannot be questioned., 2. "Tiiat throughout the wo*'1d spir- itual healing le ne longer the hope of a few, but the belief and practice of a large and rapJdly Increasing number of persons. 3. "That such healing le an expert- once of inankind that can ne longer be questioned. 4. "That w)iile faith in any supposed1 remedy produces isomne effect, vital fatth An G.04, as 'revealed In Christ, le fol- lowed by resuits whieh are more .sur'e, more lastlrag, -and ef a. more ,evldentlyg spýiritual character." That >report wasslgned aind submlit- ted flot only by. b1siops and deputios of the. church but by somne 0f the iead- ingý physiclans and, SuYgeons 'et the Vnited Statês. 00O) The. foundation efthtie entire rovelation which Mrs. Eddy lias given te humanit>r in' Chrstian science Is the clear con- Angora Blouses, Sv *ilky fut-hait of1 gorgeous colorings. AWerica only. 'by THEI IIow there must lie uomethIng wrong àomewhere. What do 3rou e upposé han become of the dominion, the power, the goodraens, the 'purltyý, ïnd the helineas with, whieh Ged endowed man only a few verses back, beforetii. mist arome? I!ere we have clearly two distinct and opposing statements about man. One la thât man i. good, pure, holy, and spir- Itual, ha. dominion over ^everything,;là created of QeGd, and la like Ged. The otiier la that lie lea àhelpies, défense- less, powerlées créature 'made of plain everyd*y dust fromi no' particular pat- te*rn' whatever. ,The. only thing ln the Bible that soparates those two differing accounte of man's c retion lu tho "itt"' No mention la made. ut thie man created ln the ,Image andidlikeness of >Qed as havlng sinned and tallený, or as having been changed ln any way. There comes the. mist, and thon comee the account of the creation of man au about the- mont heliese and misérable creature one could imagine. You willI remember that we started out te ascertain what le the true nature of Ged. Now cornes the question: Whieli one ofthIese two creatlôVê, eor men, described ln the, Bible as having been created by Qed, is like G<id? Botb cannot be; that is certain. If we eau determnine whlch on.et these two men la like God, we can determine what, GQed le Ilike. The'BIhe -roywn beglnnlug to end le replet. with answers to thif query., MàllittckrotNw Rita Weber, daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Weber, of 105 Third street, Wilmette, was voted the most popu- lar girl at The Mallinckrodt in a re- cent election. The name of the wïn- ner. was announced in a general assembly called for that purpose. Miss Weber, whco is a senior, is also captain of the, Varsity basketball teamn of the school. Geraldine Weber, sister. of' Rita, won euti in the last. Popularity contest - held at. Mallinc-. krodt in 1928.. Geraldine was a jun- ior at the time. On Friday afternoon a large numn- of eighth grade girls fromn the vi- cinity attended the lait intramural, EDITH C. WALL DRAKCE CHICAGO Mrs. N. P. Miller Gelebrattes Birthday Mns. Nicholas, P., Miller, 1775 Washington :avenue, 1observed her sixty-fourth birthday -on Thursday, March 26 at family gatherings. in the afternoon and the evening.ý Dur- ing the afternoon Mrs. Miller en- tertained hernieces, Mrs. P. J. Waga- ner, Mro. Walter Pelke, and Mrs. Fred Baron; lber iunt, Mrs. Louie Gisberger, a friend, Mrs. Charles Goidman, besideshler children.1 Dur- ing the evening guests included, aine- teen, grandchildren-besides relatives. and friends. Mrs. -Millerlias made herhome for more than ýfortyr-five years in Wilmnette. DR.p A. W. GORDON Ihfmphrey Ig. SU Elu Street eep1Une-W4,sisetkâ a' Office Hous9 a. mi. to 5 p. mi. Eveafaga by *gpotiemt CANDY' for BASTER GERALDINE 'B. PARKER Phone Winnetka 3 23 6 for Home Appointment Di,>. SOsPh ca PAon . JiInwttu 316 RIIDGE AVE~NUE PIIARM*ACY C. C. Rennockar ý 1 L.-.,

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