. 0 $22.50-. The young man froun 16 to 21 tskes hieclothos seriouuly. H e likes goo 41d-lokngtweeds Of goo linos. Wvo had tluse iS deàigned foýr hime. They're pro perly out--the y hmig wll-1keop their tiilored look oven after long ýwearing. A mighty low price for, such qumity! Tocts to. Wear With Them, $2250 Pastel Broadclâth SHIRTS. $1.95 Soft greens, tans and blues .ugg.st a color schenie te carryv out furtiiar in sox and. tles. Other shirts, $1.45 té Colorful New TCIES 65c Stripes in brilliant. contraste - moure cou- servative fignred de-' siggua-and the always- pogilar plain coloe. Others et 95c tg 31.50. A Mallory Fedora, $5 Top off thi. Lyton Hi Suit eud Topco.t with the right hat. This is itl Spring trays: sud tanS. Lytton Jr. (Il to 16). Knicker Suits, $13.50 Gray, brown tand pairs of knickers. tan tweed suits with two Tweed and Polo Topcoats, $16 .50* ou.. .'n u *-. is da - - i - Among the. books recently -added tthe llbrary are the following : Sleagfre&-HeaL. Ther Little Wooden Fare-DelI igliesii. Lious and Tigers and Ullpliants, Too Tea Time Tales and Katy Kruse PlyBook-FyIemaiL Falry Tales of Modern Greece- Glanakouills TIalesof a Basque> Graudmother- CÉ.rpentWk. Irish, Fatry Taleà-'Yeats. Scout Jamboree Book-By fifleen A Boy Scout in the. Grand CaVen- Oliver, My Naine. Is Mary--Fry. Advrenturouùs Days-Grabo K-ah-da-MacMill=i 110w the, Worki Bega-Heai How the. World la Changlng6-He.1 Tii. World's Moodi-Heile. Other Worlde Than This--]Fontany. The. World of Anznals--Stephenson. Wiat. Maltés Up the WfrId-IHayes. This Physical World-ýPolIak. The -Garden of the Worl-McGiI. How the World GrewUpý-Klner. HO* the World Is RuIed-G(eolWe. Thé. Henneker Dlamood-EBernard. *Stars Tes ght.-Teaedae. Tales frein the Striss AIps--MJtchel. Tihe Houni -of Culain-Page. My Naine IhJohn-Fry. Children of Amerlca--Cavanah. Cildren of..Holland-iClineY. Around a Toadatôol Table-Bennet. Boy Scout With, thie "e-ei" martin. Wiien 1 Wa» a Girl lu ]3ungry- .acobi. Taxis and Toadstools-Pileld. Squlggles--Aldis. The, Wite Kitten andi the Blue Plat. -Hagan. Spiriach Boy-Lenski. Tales from. Cluucr-Farjeon. Adventures In the African Jungle- Akeley. The. Farin Twins-?eiiuuo. *Folki Tales of'a Savage-Lobagola. Magyar Fagry Tales--Pogany. Barly Moon-Sandburg. Pal ' Mlne-Haswkes. Madain Red Apple-Bonner. Miss AngeIina Adorabie-Bonner Tii. Big Aviation Book for Boys- Èrencii. With Whip and Spr_-Evana, Aces of the Air-Frenci.. With Wind'and Tide-Evane. Patches-Hlawkes. Pioneer. All-Prenchii> Wltii Pack and Sasdile-Efvans.' Slversheeue, King of,,SIed DOg&- Hawkes. * Chinook, the Cinnaiuo» Cub-Chaffe.. FÙzzy Wuz---Chafmee. Sitk, the Snow Baby-Ciiaffee. Orrimgton sud Churdh, BVANSTON Telephoneo Winnetka 188 Ev.wsaln 81w>Oppus Tanday, Tfqrsdoy and Satur day Bossue g, Lake Shore Conclave number 57, True Kindred, will hold a card and bunco party on Friday, April 10, at 2 c' clock, at the home of Mrs. Fred' M. Coxon, 1538 Central avenue. Members are requésted to bring their f riends to the affair, for *which Mrs. William Melbye t's chairman.