HAMS SwIft's ~ IOJL Am.s mu. dI4uD!'~aC lb. lin-si WItmNETTEAVE. 11,8-Si CENTRAL AVE. tliN»EN iAvis . NANST. you get Up 27Cb" Chiekens :%df Pot Baked Hum .g tfred A committee- meeting was. held at the home of Mrs. Helen Fischer, 1618 Wihnette avenue, for the arrange- ment of the dance tOý be given 1Easter Monday. On'Thursday,; April'Z members of, the a éuxiiliary ýhelped' in distributing Eaàster plants at the wards at -Great Lakes hospital. At the March meeting -it was un- derstood that the auxiliary is to have a' joint meeting with the Legion post at 7:30 p. in. before the dance. Me- morial'day plans are to be completed, at this meeting,. and.-ail membersare bei.ng urged to attend., Priday afternoo.ni March 27, the Mesdames Mary Loutscb,« Laura Engles, Kate Cote, Helen Fischer and Mjss Ann Huerter visited their Uitf (rnumbér 8) at Great Lakes hôs- pital, talcing with them magazines, several jars 'of home made jpreserves, and other gifts. I They also visited the boys at the United States Veterans hospital in North Chicago. It was very inter- esting watching the boys at work in the shop. Mrs. Alfred McDougal, AbbbttsfordI road, Keoilworth, spent last week. in 1 Peonria. The house ju st purchased was erec- ted three. yea rs ago b Mr.. Mc- Guiie from plans by William. T. Braun, architect. Its, construction is of. steel and concrete frame with ex- terior of 'brick, stone, and stùcco, ,with slate roof and..with. two, car at-" tach,éd galrageý. It .is situated on a lot 100x180 in McGuire and Orris Skokie Heights subdivision. Mr.. MeGuire has moved to 1021 Eastwood road in the same.subdivi- sion. McGuire and Orr were, the brokers. Jo seph, C. Becker Dies at H.ospital in Chicago j oseph C. Becker 12 years, old, of 2031 Lake avenue, Wilmette, died at the ChMldreùns Iemàriai hospital ini Chicago on Monday, March 30, fol- lowing an ilinesa of tbree weeks' dur-' ation. Funeral services were held from St. Joseph's churcb to St. Joseph's cemetery Wednesday morti- ing, April 1, at 9:30 o'clock. The boy, who Was born in Wilmette at the late residence, attended St. Joseph's school. Survivors are the parents Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Becker; two sisters; Clara and Louise; tliree Ionn fe onn WT d:0éa=wih ha LIA must be sktfled and educated. He muet stock hundreds of medicinal .1135 C p~As. b...: Im.m U Ave. Hubb.gd Woodà 925 Linden Ave. 795 EIm St., 84S-8 I