ONE YEARAG -- Oa Genulue G a b ri elee n e r m a c Wave rendeus, thcaniting chic in accen- tuating your -baM. 1 The De Nelda Beauty Salon opened its doors offering the newest, methods of beauty. culture. We take this OP- portunity to .tbank those whose patronage and good; will bas enabled us to. prosper and grow. The resuits of the work of ôur skilled attendants will be a revelation wortby. of. your attention. *Pbone Wilrnette 4576 for an.Appointment De Nelda Beauty Salon 1651 SHERIDAN ROM) *Grove'. Laxative 25c Bromo Qu1,piue.. lil' Casami25 Quinine.........5 lÀiseti.e..83c Listerine, 47c sosfme......... Liaterine,25 UAstertue Tooth 23c Paste ....... ..... Gillette Blades, 89C 11.00 aime ... ..... Giflette Blades, 5 50e si»e..... Bromno Seltzer, 25C 30C sime ..... 60e ize1......... e S c $12 ize ........ $1.0 Mennen'a Shaving Creain, 45c 50e ime ................. (Photos by Wtilrte) The young peo ple show,; in these p;cîasres uill take part in the presenita- lion ofthte Gilbert and Sullivan cornic opera. "Pirates of Pensxmnce," at New Trier High school Friday and Saturday, dpril 10 and 11. T/te upper picture shows a group of principals of the Saturday itight cast. Reading frorn left ta right they are: Ellen Cozzens, Jane Orr, Johw Chapwé.an, Jean Hall, Bob Kirtland and Vir.inia Sprague. The students shozv*, at the Iower left are in thte Pridajy nigh t, cast They are, reading from leftta làripht: Jean Lindstrom, George Bcrsch, *Eieauor Ctilzer, Moiti' Mfiche v and Hugh Middleton. The srniiing yoitth at the~ lower right is Lindsey Field who tuill play' the Part, of' sergeant of police. IVI m fer »«o Ihap 6 Years :PIios.s: Wil. 400-01 APril -The 8pirtgai Laws Underlying Bible Mirae1s- A Sclentifie fllterpretatioi APril 12-The mira~cle of Modern Science Aili S-.The Miracle of the Resurrection By ]RISS NAILTEALU NoOT: April 81--Ny Wqrld travels ln the Interest of UniVersai Pesêes S.,