was. stricken out. 1 know why it was stricken out and I know why the time hie took and I know "ho the backbone of' the party is;****** 1 have seen their names in print; I have seen it on stationery, and 1 know that a, large part of the party is the samne group that a year ago orpanized the Wilmette Greater Improvement Association, and filed a pétition before the Zcing Commission, asking to re-zone ticar- Iy, seventy acres in thc heart of Wilmette,, sixi acres for additional business and fifty-;six acres right through'tUic heart of Wilmette for apartments. ruaing f rom LMinden Avenue on the south nearly to Elmwood on'the north, f rom T1enth Street west to Park Avenue. 1 rememiber ameigw had in this .auditorium, jammied with, property h. owncrs, protcsting agamùst any sncb desecration of Minmette, ýand that is the issue., (Applause.) That is the reaionwhen they saw that I was at Uic hetad of the Wilmette Civic Party that they niade me the target because they know thbat Uiey could flot put Uieir programi over unless they got rid of me. It is onl in the. last f ew weeks that several memibers, Who are n ow, on this- officiali Welf are Party stationery, . nterviewed varou mmbrsof the toning commission to sce if the conditions had flot changed, so that it was about timie to put Uieir proigram over. lit may be these candidates are innocent, and have flot, been able to look behind the scenes and cannot sec what is moving behind the scentes, but anybody connccted with the. zoning for any time know wýhat. it is, and they had to be men of iron, if they can stand against it. That is the issue and they are .irowing dust in your eyes on these other issues. If they, want Uis issue, wýhy didn't they cone -ont openly and put » it in .thir platform and say, "W. are for apartinents; we are g>ujg to -have the tbing re-zoned ?" There is a splendid opportumty for a ý,referendum. I am perfectly willing for a referendum like that. If the people of Wilmette want apartments, they are entitled to them. lifthey do, not want apartanents, let them say so in the referendum. The bour is getting late; 1 am. not going. to take your time to discussthe various phases of our platform; it is in plain print; it, doesnot need any interpretation. It is a platform that is the growth of long years of study. There has been a group of unselfish, public s..pirited citizens meetingeer onth for years, thinking over the reeds of this community, and that platform of the Wilmette Civic Party is the outgrowth of the study of that gronp of men. Y %ou know that someone has said. that a statesman is a mani who considers the next generation,: and a politician is one who considers only the next élection. That is the difference between these two platforms. (Applause.) ofalnel nierdsuyfth ()ne is the outgrowtho og el.cosdrdsuyo h questions that have been presented to a group of mnen, by ment who ktiew their subject~; the piatform is the outgrowth of that. The other pIatform is put together hastily to win an election, and it won't stand the test of intelligence or the light of day. NoW, I cani be perfectly happy if 1 amn neyer president of Wil- mette. When it was first presented to me I did not think there were: enug pope n ilm ttet induce 'me to occupy the position i1 occupy tonîight, but if I arn elected I shall give the very best. I have to. the people of, Wilrnette, but whatever ýthe outcoîne of this elec- t ,Ion is, I want to bespeak your continued, interes t in the welfare of vour comninity, for, af ter ail, it is your commnnity, and you -cti .make it what you ivill. btThe personnel of your elected officiais is but a passing incident, btthe spirit'of _the cornmuflity, thé rnoving, vital something that Now, please rcad the followinig: 4.Immediately following is.a thue copy of defect NO. 15 in a Chicago Title- and Trust Co. letter from their. Guaranty 'Departmenit under date of March .21, 1931 referring to Order No. 1849737. The piece of prôperty involved is in Winmette on. 21 st Street, and north of Lake Avenue. lTio it the dfc above r.f.rr.d to:, No.' 15 "lOrdinance paesed by thé. Board of Trustees of Village of Wihnette ré-: corded in Recorder's Office :of ýCook County, Illinois on March 23, 1929 as document 10~318»~ of adoption of compre- hensive plat of publie streets, roads and Iiighwaysin mid Village." M ay agaun -tli. prop.rty is.icludsd The, above is real evidence. ** )IL*Sce paragraph 7 in platform published he.rein. Also see advertisements in last week's issue of this publication, and also a previous issue.- -T.he, Public Welfare: Party is opposed to apartments. 444.Read. again My thsarticle. It explains WeIf are Party. statement at the begiining of, f ully the origin. of the Public Don't Forget: ThePublic Welf are Party Is, AGAINST { -Street Widening end 2-Aprtints