blat the compréhensive plan of public streets, roads and 1,gb- ways loolng to the presentand future development of the Villageý of Willautte, whieh plan has prepared aond reconimended te tthe Presi- dent and Board of Trustées cf the Village cf Wilmttte by the Wil- mette Plan Commission, a copy 'of which said plan is attached hereto. and mnade a.part hereof, b. and the saie 'is hereby adopted andmade' the offiiai Plan of Wilmette." N.1ow, tas'a fact; it is se established. Then: "Section 2. Changes and. Amendments: "It shafl be the duty cf the Wilmette Plan Commission te pre- pare and! recoinmend tù eicPresident and Board of Trustees, f rom time to. tine, snch changes ini the plan as may be deenied necessary bY the, Président and Board cf Trustees or by said Plan Commnission. Sicb ,changeés*shah become a part of the Plan of Wilmette .after their adoption as ,ainendments te tbis ordinanice. Aond Section 3: "Map 'and Plats te Conform te Plan." "Af ter the . passage of this ordinance, ne map or plat of any subdivision. presented for ý record in the, office of the Recorder of Cookc Côunty, Illinoisi or- in the office cf the Registrar cf Titles i stid, County, affecting land within the corporate limits cf tbe Village Of Wilmette, or in contigucus.-territory outside cf, and distant net more than one andone-haîf miles f rom sucb corporate limits cf the 'Vilage of Wilmette, and flotincluded in any' city, village or incor- porated town, shall b. entitled te be'recorded in said Recorder's offic or t. o esisatrecd ini said . Registrars oiffice or valid, unless the. subdivision thereon shown shalh provide for streets, roads and hlghways lin ccnformity with the. requirements applicable therete ini the plan of Wilmette." "Section 4. Naines cf Streets." "The several streets, avenues, lanes and ronds in the Village of Wilmette shal! hereafter be known and designated by the naines ap- plid thereto on said Plan cf Wilmette, a copy of whichis attached hereto as aforesaid.. "*Theti," '(skippng the enforcement and coming down, uýWheî, effective :" "This ordinance shall be in force and affect f rem and after its passage and! approval. It, except the attacbed plats, shaîl be recorded ini the office of the Recorder cf Deeds cf the County cf Cook of the. State of Illinois." "iPassud by the. President and Board cf Trustees of the. Village of Wllmette, on the 1Sth day1 of January, A. D. 1929, and deposited and filed in the office cf tbe Village Clerk of said Village this. l5th day of january, A. 1). 1929." And it is signed -by- the Village Clerk and approved by the President of the Village of Wilmette on the lSth day of January, 1929." "Tfhat plan bas, as I understand it, a flexible feature. YoU can add te it or yen can. delete f rom jt. YOun mafy celete today ,and yeu may add the. saine thing back again tomorrow. Wbat is the effect of this plan? The effect of. this plan is an unfair donc! on thel'preperty affected. I amrnont guessing at this. Net only'did Mr. James look it up,- but I bad. the firm of Kirtland, Fleming, Green and Martin go inte this, anc! I do say te you that it is, a clond on the property. In the end i may not be, but 1 wihI illustrate the. point to maIe yen dndejr- ~.t.i wuat1 mean re, and diouldn't the utmcst care ai thceetreets? We ail Irecog- trafiRe ever thlen', am~ *t leYoutuelf bût te you childreai. )n home te yen. Iwant yOn te You may say tmat we are not goïng tw Puiin'. uu n..u"-s yon may say that this* is for the undeveloped parts. 1 want te, tel you that when this plan was aclopted it was flot only for the unde- veloped parts--here is Michigan Avenue; here is Sheridan Road; here is Sixth Street; here .is Maple; that is wbat that Plan Com- mission presented te you, and that is.thë developed part, not an un- developed part of our village. 0f course, now. they change, and. say that we. will not widen tbose streets, but only.the uùndeveloped part. Now, I will ask you this : We are in a stockholders meeting now: ive are considering how we will conduct this bu4siness in tbe f uture, and tbe maicrity are going osyhow, and the rest of us are going to support that majority. How do you size a man up. to j udge whetber h is fit 'to carry on the business of a village? Do you jùdge him: by .whàt he says hie w111l do in the future, or do you. judgehm by wbat he bas- done and advocated in the past?ý (Applause). Nowi had no quarrel witbi the Civic Party until this .came out, but I think it is wrong, and that is wbere I differ with them.L I think tbey are leading the people of tuis village into a very.serious situation sooner or. later, and that is wbat 1I want to get before you. There is nota nman or a womnan iii this village that I bave asked to vote for -me. That is not the point. Tbis, village interest'is sacred to me just the sanie as it is, to you. The. only initerest, I have here is ýmy- home, and, I do Want you to understand the question, and your, loyalty is to. this village and not to any other party or group, and it is your duty t» understand these questions and then vote, as you. tô the interest of the village. Now, 1. want te corne to an article here that 1 read in' the last issue of the Wilmette Annouricement. It illustrates the point, that 1 want to bring ouit clearly. The man who wrote tbis entitles, it, "The A, B, C'c cf Village. Affairs," and 1 want .to read it te you: "Village Improvements: "Any improvement in the village like the of,èning or. widening of street or widening of a street pavement, or an installation, of -any underground improvement must originate in the board of local, mi- provements. "This board must bold a duly advertised publichearing at whicb both the. proponents and opponents of the contemplated imprevemenit have the right to be heard. Should the board of local improvements * theii decide that the improvement is necessary, and. tbey pass a proper resolution. and transmit it to the president and board of trus- tees for their approval or disapproval, before any further steps can be taken, the president oif the. boar~d of trustees must pass an ordinance ini which, is incorporated the findjngs of the board of local improve- *ments. Later on the .county court must pass upon the necessity and legality of the 'Steps taken and the subsequent spread against each piece of property to b. benefited by the proposed improvement., "In the. Coupty Court any 'objector' may b. represented by coun-. Sel" That is your A, B, C's. That is claimed to b. the Ai B, C's of *village affairs. That may be the A, B,. V#s of a lawyer, *but it' is not the A, -B, C's of a business.administration and 1 will tell you wby: This Board must hold a duly advertised 'public hearing at which both the proponents and opponents of the contemnplated improvemne nt may have th"e right to be heard, What they ,are entitled to is a right to vote to decidé it. (Ap- ,InIà .p' I say that that matter should be put up te. the people te decide by a miajority. (App>ause.) 1 uay th4, that if 1 am elected, the first thing I will do is remove tuis ordinance f rom the records,' Ordinance 1$90, and resist any such Ordinance.being puton the records except by a vote ôf- theajority. n Wdai Pag.t). 1 bç n