-t-hir asit. of similar typ mmky bh hd for ns littie as 32M.5. To wear with k thor. is Tý:«HE GIGLIO SAILOR' A di11, rough.straw luat with a' ut, bri; a very .wfft.Teqi.s.digdleuo of titis tuilore. bat leude digtmtimte amply .tailorud costume. $3W-in bIuc&, l mippbu4 hrown sud beie. The: ýAfternoonkS*~ Fine black silk crepe, with A ly linge blouse end a, little bolero. A'- hamint model thiat includes !ii ts -détea s moera of the more important fushon points of 'tle year. $49. Smart TrHE DRAPED. StRAW MAT Pebble ,Ramie, supple' emougi tot.drape mi sweepini linos, this anodel is repr.m.ntativ. of the fterooon buts ut Edgar A. Stevens. $10ë Accessolries. AT UNEXPECTEDLY LOW PRICES SHEER lNGRAIN HO$E Clear and closely-woven, these gossa- rner-sheer stookings have been chosen for yoQu In the very newest neutra3 tones: Alil Baba, Opal, Ebony, Gray and Bloàsoo. 8 2.95 value DENT'S-MO0USQUEÈTAIRAES, > .ix-button-Iength kld-gloires with, the aw.ptle duffs requlred by the.tailleur mode. ,Blacko eggifhell anjd. whïte. Special at Dent'. 4-button k id' and .gg.IauIl, $2.95. slipons- in black, white j' - s - i s j