WhuI price t. pay for good mueets? Somtielln a quesio.n - but neyer .ftvrY« shp et A &P. Stop -in and seefer yqafslf. The. Iteims on Sale on Fridsy andSsturday, Atl3 and 4, OnIly EASTR ECNOMY -SALE NATIONALLYADVERTISED HAMS Youar Ghoioe of PREMIUM, STAR, PUJRITAN,9 SWEETMEAT, BLACKHAWK SMOK-ED SKINNED. No -ExcwsMa 4 $te Center sites. SMOKED HOCKLESS Whol. or Haif - L.33c: LB. ý-MILK FED VEAL Leg Roàst Shoulder Roast Boneless Roast SFoulder Roast. Leg Roast Rib Chops BEEF RIB ROAST CHOICE CUT POT ROAST. j~Pork Loin Roast Rib Enid LB. 23c LB. 17c LB. 29C LB. 15C L.25c L.27c LB. 25t LB. 17c LB. 16c and find anyseif se thoroughlyini accord* with most of its statements and so pleased with the fairness of the editorial that 1 bestate to point out, even in the most friendly *fashion, the one place where 1 think the edi- tonalI makes a miistake. 1, feel sure, however, that you will not object to friendly, criticism adaccordingiy 1I direct your special attention to the first sentence of the fourth paragraph of- the editorial. This ,reads: "We believe both tickets' were selected in a similar'manner." heeditorial hee falis into 'very. definite -error. The *Civic ticket was. no hastily-devised plan for electing a grpup of candidates apparentiy inter- ested. in but one phase of com'munity life', but 'the nom inees. of the Civiic Party wer e chosen afterI months of- careful consideration.. Not one of such nominees had a single thing to do With bis own selection as a candi- date and only became a candidate -upon the earnest solicitation of the backers of the Civic Party, ail of whom were known both as to names and their positions in the community. and flot one of' whom had any per- s nal interest to be served:> On the other hand the nominees of the Public Welf are 'Party were hiastily chosen at a caucus whose backers were not ail standing out in the public view, many of whoni are suspected of hiaving personal inter- ests to serve, and whose nominees were participants iin the very caucùs which noniinated themn and helped bring about their own nomination, thus putting themseives definitely into the class of self-seeking candidates. Surely such 'a, vital diff erence in the mianner of selection calîs for a correc- tion of your inadvertent, comment above ref erred to., Yours truly, Hayes McKinney, April 1, 1931 Edcitor, Wii,ý,izTTE Lipz: The work for, the Governor's Comi- ana 1ine vvomaU8 sOuAAvi5JU £zori LIA Einergency Relief fund 'for women and children was finished March 30. When .we put on the drive for new clothiiig we had a wonderful response in answer to the appeal. the local charities w ere taken care of first of al,. and when they were supplied we had enough left to fil a van to senid to Chicago. I wish that -ail could have seen the bundies of ciotbing. shoes,. blankets, everything packed te the ceilingi in the Byron Stolp scèhooi. You wotild have aÊked, "Is there any ciothing left in WilmWette?"' I deeply appreciate, the help of the committee and the childien, and their> marvelous work in, uathering the clothing,-,The work ; oeuld nlet have been carned on without them. Whe' the appeal came to us to. hep raise our share of $500, the sum -of $26225- was sent in. As I did nlot. want to interfere in the drive for- th e Boyý Scouts and Community Chest I did flot press the matter. Our villag e has clone its part in a noble manner, To one and ail for 'your cooperation in the work, I deeply thank you..-1 Mrs. Robert C. Kirkpatrick, Chairtoa.,- 1328 Greenwood avenue, Wilmette, Illinoîïs. March 30, 1931 -Pub1is1ir, WJLi~tmx"zLiE: Will you: please publish the follow- ing statemnent as to the disbursement' of the total' receipts of the recerit benefit concert of the Winnetka Mu- sic club? The Winnetka Music club wishes to share with the 1133 patrons of the Spalding Benefit, the club's joy' in the material success of the concert and iri the use made of the proceeds. The gross receipts were $1,700. T ù keep this sum, intact, the clubé met' ail incidentai expenses, flot othetwise donettd, out of its own treasury. Becauseý of special conditions of unemployment in Wilmette,: that vil- lage was given '$100 for, local use.' The remaining $1,600 was divided. equally between the Winnetka divi- sioti of the Emergency Relief and the A&PVe<>d lSteores. ~~ICUILEWTEN DIVISION tI«CtWAntltc sud FadloTe«Cuompany 1I85~ P. CUIo Lg uaket V.avenu ipro W. P.Seng, 41Lk vne spo prietor of a ne2wly organized nineý Sy 9 piece orchestra, in which he plays the saxcophone and the clarinet. The or- chestra will give its first Wilmette Service performance April 10 and 11, when Wahu,.tto 43M it wil play for the Wilmette Cathohic club's producion of "Your Uncle