oï commce oxuces. The committee discussed, among, other things, the ann.ual town meet- ing of New Trier township to be beld at the Winnetka Village hall on Tues- day, April 7, and. Aider Tighe was appointedl to attend this m*eeting as the representative of ýthe Wilmette Chamber of Commerce., Éach- year et this meeting' the township highway commissioner .1ev- ies an annual tax for each of -the New Trier villages for the township road *and bridge fund. On several Occasions in the past there >bas been a surplus ,in this fund Which bas been refunded'to -the villages con- cerned, according to B. T. Clark, secretary of the Wilmette Chamber of, Commerce. This ytar, owing to, the "tight >ness" of, money in general, the Wilmette Chamber of Commeirc.e is endeavor«- ing, to, havje the tax, rate for the, town- * ship highway -road and bridge fund set in as .smail an amount as will take care of the needs of each village for township, highway purposes. TONSILS REMOVIED Robert W. Townley, athletic di- rector at the Joseph Sears school, Kenilwortb, underwent an operation for the removal of his tonsils at. tbe Evanston hospital this week, which1 is spring vacation week in ail ilorth shore public schools. FProc Delivery ~JjuS LaAAimen, tIIoearCJIKJt to! f i- merce and private capital,"i said Mr. Shantz, "and augments the air mail service through. rail coninections fromu Wilmnette t o the nearest terminal in such a way that citizens* of Our, vil. laeCa n secure, even greater advan- tages than in the .past. "Trhe service established by. Na- tinl Air Transport in conjunctio with Boeing Air Transport makes'thle route the, most important in the world and is 2760 miles long. Because of the new policy of the Post Office de- partment, passengers are now carried with the mail and the entire route is equipped With * two-way radio comn- munication to insure air travel at its best. "Coincident with the new trans- continental, National Air Transport will establish .a new pas seng er ser- vice to Kaina City, thits makig a total of three mail and passenger services east and.two to the south- west fromn Chicago in addition to the ngtmail operated by N.A.T.," said the, postmaster., VACATION IN INDINANA Miss Adelaide Howard, secretary to Supt. E. L. Nygaard of the joseph Sears school, Kenilworth, will spend this week-end at Frenk Lick, Ind. Phonpo Wil. 311 EASTER -PLANTS Direct. fronj Our Greenhousesý cBobolink Hose are beautitul, tbey're full fasb- ioned, tbey're smart for every occasion, they bave no glaring shine, they're guaranteed to give satisfaction or motùey backwith-. out.conversation. Priced per pairr Ring,.T7iùg. hornepY 4tfine service weight. Th are fulfasbioned and, sub- stantially reinforced at, points of greatest stress. Priced per pair. aInt roducing ÀALOHA T"AIL OR El)UNDRRWEAR Run P coof Novelty Feat ber Stripe Rayon 100%,Service Guaranteed This mnadeÊ dainty new material i.nto beatitiful gar- rivais the richness of I - A, GQ.d F uiyStore 1123-25-27Ç.t. v.lhWU14 NORTH TowN FRUIT MARKETS 1111 Central Ave., LargeSUuIdt49c Extra Fan"y DeIis 25 O slorsVa= Appe&,3 l., for. WIiai.. bave strawberries and îamy ,tber articles at spee lai redmced Prime. PHONE WILMETIrgE $11