uw- tu-MW- f W W "FO-R BETTER, THINGS TO EAT" 1144o46o48 Central Avenue opposite Village Banl spe@i.I-Fridar7 Saturdsy and Monday, mmvh.27 280 Strictly fresh ail white, dozen...... 32Ç Cho.olate Coke National Biscuit lune assorted or straight, reglar velue 45ec to SOC lb., lb. 33 SPo.K S. P. K.(Dr. Price's), French Dressing? 3 Jars'.. ,.............. 59e SWANSDOWN Cake Flour27 Package .......... ............ .b E damt whole...............$1*75. 40% butter fat, or in bulk, lb..9 L i n c ol l n P a r k in 5 or 10-lb. bais, lb. Wilmette Business 15 Personalized Vvida7 aMd saftwdSly Rib Rost of Beefi, rolled,' or standing, lb. 5 >., Boneless Vel Roast, no waste, lb.32 Broiers. Selected4e quality, lb . .... 5 Jones' Sausa*e, Meat. 321 or Links, pkg . ....j Bacon, carefully aliced, 3 ]bs 000o WimeteBusiness Is Personalized Pi.uits country. Rkol 5 in 2-b. roll$,' lb .. ......... FL OUR .Ail ,dvertiued brande 24%4-lb.' bagta..................8é RAJaSTON 'Br.east foo" PINEAPPLE.. Cetrella Brad La rgo can, 2 size, 3 case..... SUGAR C!&,H. Granulated in cloth bas l. ........... .... 10: 1 55 ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . ........... lb....... CLIMALENE I aci p.........U W w Large pkg . .................... Carton of 12.o ..... ......$ 2 o2 9 _ _ _ _ _ _ __ W e W e l .o u ie C h a g e A e e o u n t$ ........................................ . FIREE DELIVERY TO WILMETTE. KENILWORTH - IfDlAN "HILL » WINNETKA - HUBBARD Woog>S GLENCOZ