UNDERTAKER "T1ht Houa. of PerSonai Sewice" Il 18 Greenleaif Ave., Wilmette- Wil. 654 5 54 Center St.',, Winnetka- Winn. 404 m ciOWî mmRY QUAKER STATE MOTOR OIL BATTERIES AUTO STORAGE DAY & NIGHT well. A propelrly equipped ambulance is the only suitable conveyance. Our splendidly designed, comfortable, limousine ambulance and skilled, uni- formed attendants, are always at. your disposai. Y.our doctor ,wil recommend this course. DeLuxe Fanerai Seruice. The, Oldest Established Un.dertakers on the Immediaite North Shbore. Supejior, Ambulance Service Licensed Lady A Ssitn 'T Smooth Work. A good greasing jo~b on your chassis wuiIl give velvety smoothness to the. action of your car. Our expert service gives you a thorough job at moderote cost-pro- Iongng the. life of-your car and increasing the pleasure of drivng. No mtter what the job maàybe you can trust us to do it thoroughly ~Lnd en-Coi arage7= 33» LINEWN AVE. Soe Tom for Complet. Garage Service WILMETTE 477 ue an ce BARCAIN SALES SERVICE Wilmette 435 Main Street, were Ihter, 955 UNwÇM- SIMOY4IZII4G WASHIP4G POLISHII4G GREASING REPAIRINO TOWING SERVICE DAY & NIGUT SAýLES .SERVICE