Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Mar 1931, p. 76

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Rates-15 - u om au oash wlth c eftralAe.! WII a, or 3 GlSonOm o. nttaoerates-manu e as upon roqmeoi. Deadline for. w "u - m vou 9 -Io>* foe b. WumT ivs r ai thr. paois;Thu rsday 9o'elook for the Wzuxg.aTALEand Frldar 6 o'clookfo the ommLUNCO Nwu. relephones : Wlbntte 48!00, Wînnetka 9,00, Wlnnetka 600 Or Glenco 1484. Greenleaf 4i00 Or 1Sheidrke, 508. 3 ýLOSAND, "UND LOST- BLACK LEATHE»R PURSE noar Indiau Hili..Reward. Phono Win- netka 2771. 2LTN47-lte, SMALLý TAN MOIRE CHANGE irae containtig bills, lest Me»day sElm-L nce n neighborhood. Reward. Wiunetke 2000i LN4-t LOST >- BRINDILE BULL DOG# white front, anuweru to name '*Larry," * 2LT47-tp W ANTIQUES F>OR SAL E - COLONIAL ANTIQUE 'mahoga.ny davenport and cheet of drawers, in very goed condition. $35 each. Phono Giencee 948. 5LTrN47Ite FOR SALE - ANTIQUE SPINNING wheel, over 100 yea.rs old, in running erder. Waukegan. Ontario 7667. 5LTN47-Itp 0 BUILDING AND CONrtRACIINS FOR KLEIN AND SON CALL WIL.- -mette 3966, home repair and land- scape cervice. Artistic Masoury. 8LTN47-lte CARI4 BENGSTON CARPENTER AND BUILDER REMODELING AND. REPAIRING PHONE WINNETKA. 2480 8LTN44-tfe REMODELINQ AND REPAIRING, planningý iowest prices for satisfac- tery work. Financilng if neeessary. *Estimates free. J. C. Traweek, Green- leaf 2532. 8LTN47-2tp 9 *m1sINESS SERVICE H[AVE~ THE DUST REMOVED IPROM DRESSMAKING AND PMAIN SEW-ý lngC. Ph., Kenii.worth 1178. iLTN47-lnc GARDENER, HANDY AROUND THE, heuse. Cail F. Kares, Winnetka 9922. 14LTrN47-4tp IF YOU R SURUES REQtJIRE PRUN- lIg have It done nos' -by x>. za'r- douer. F.Koeberl, Ph. Northbrook 241-J. 14LTN43-tfc lU INUTUCTION TEACHER 0F PIANO Beginners and advanced pupils. WilI teach ln your home. Phone Superior 4701, Apt. 1004. 15LTN47-ltp TIJTORING, HIGH SCHOOL OR LOW- er grades by teachers of experience. Reasoflable rates. B-3,. Box 40, Wil- mette. 15LTN47-3tc 26-A SADDLE N OliES WB AI.WAYS HAVE ON HAND about 15 'head of high-grade tiiree- and Oive-gaited ua.ddle herses. We specialize ln training for pleasure use and furnish herses perfeotly mani- nered for the novice rider. Prices frein $20 0 up. Write fer circular. Ail horses guaranteed. Drakewoed Farmn, Deerfield, Ill. Phonoe Deerfield 386. 26.ýA-LTN45-tfc 85 RADIOS $6.00 Bues-RA electrie, tran batteries, cost tween 6-7 P. PATHE speaker, houe be- Over 25 y7aruexperIea~ce-backed bY a $233,000,000 Guarantee. Oeil or Write for Detaili 30 N. Dearborn 8L45et LOANS TO P»OPERTY OWNERSl. Make and buy lot-a.nd 2ud mortgagOs. EVANSTON BOND &M-G. 0.. 618 Grove St. GremeieafmO 38LTNSO-tfc 41 SITUATION WANTEDFEMAL~ .-EFFICIE~NT HELP A botter emPioYment service for the Northi shore homes. Reéfèeeces peruonaliy ilnvesttga.ted. No CHRGEI TO lEMPLOYRSc Telophoues Winuetka 2662 Highlanid Park, 2520 PAULINE'5 EMP. AGEISCY 748 Elm St. 8 North Fir3tý Wlunetka Highland -Park, 41LTN44-tfe CUIVrAINS, CHAIR. COVERS, OTHER. liaundry Work dene reasonably. WiI cal] and deliver. 886 Wil.low'rd. Tel.. Wlnnetka 1924. 41LTN44-tfe G1IL 19 IH . S. RADIAE, SKS position as maid or mother's helper, can care for and tuter chiidren, also capable of ail stenographic work full or pert time. Ph. Wiimotte 2623. 41L47-1tp CALL PAUJLINE'S AGENCIES r FOR EFFICIENT HELP WINNETKA 2662 . DAVIS 7777- HIGH. PIC. 2520 WINNETKA 3670 EXPERIENCRD DOMESTIC HELP ONLY. 41LTN47-ltc COMPETENT -COL. GIRL, GENERAL housework. No objection to chilidren. A-i n. s. ref. Glencoe 1465. 41LTN47-ltc WANTED - DAY WORK WASHING, ironiing and eleani»ig by exper. young wonian. Ph. Kenilworth 4730. 41LTN47-lne A-1 HOUSEKEEPER, GOOD COOK, excellent mgr. Aduits. Qwn roorn. Sa-lary optional. Best ref. Ph. Wil- meýtte 822- 41LTN47-lte EXPEmEFNCED DRESSMAKER ANýD householçI seamstress, workg. lin your home. Ph. Winnetka 3482. 41LTN47-ltp RELIABLE WOMAN WANTS LAUN- dry work or cleafling for Monday, EXPER. wH» iaundcy or ci nesday. Tel. 'N47-ltc GIRL WANTS POSITION UD STEN-' ographer or.goueral offce work. Ph. Wilmette 8945. 1T4-t HIGH SC1UOOL GRADUATIC DESIREs poslti on as typiat. Rof. Ph.,Wilmette 021.4IIiTN47-ite TWO SISTERS 'WANT 'GENERAL housework togother or ueporatoly., 10 years, exper. EÉvanatQu ref. Phone Greenleaf 4401. 41I47-ltp YOUNG GIRL 19 ýYRS. OL» WOUTLD like to do amy kind of wotk, or do generai, housework. Ph. Wlilmette 26.23. 41LTNL47-1t(: 4a SITUATION WANTED-MALE JAPANESE MAN DERSIRIES GEN- oral housework position by Ma.y lst. uuud vuui, liiuy, willitag worker,: alse capable to do morne gardon work. Good reference. 8 yru. in present posi- tlofl; WiitSH.M1X., 5733 KenmOore Ave., Chicago. 42LTN45-5tp FIRST CLASS GARDENER, HANDY manl, painting, calimining, wallwash- Ing,~ paper cieaning, or any'kind of work by houzr, day orý week. Best reference. Guarantee satisfaction. Oison. Ph. Davis 8400. '42LT47-ltp EBXPERIENCEDj GARDENER BY D AY or hour, aIso wludow washiflg and housework. Ph. Wilmette 2345. 42LTN47-lnce ANY KIND 0F WORK IN GARDEN or house, including painting,. calei- mining, etc. Winnetka 3690.. EXPERJENCED GARDENER, WIN- dow-washer, and ceinent worker, by the day or nour. Phono Winnetka 2164. 42LTN47-1tc- COLORED CHAUFFEUR & HO USE.' man desires position. Good reference. Cail Kenwood 2465 Sundayr. 4ZLTN*47-It EXPER. GERMA1N CHAUFFEUR AND' houseinan -wïshee position. Good, ref. Phone Winnetxa 292.. 42LTN47-lnu EXPER. GA1LDENj2R WISHES PusÂ- tien. Can aiso d~o housowork, windoW was.hing. and fleur waxing, by houir or day. Phone Winnetka 2359. T'hii O*ce wiII accept casifid adv.rtising to be gun is TEREvA?4STON RBVIRW, reacbing 17,500 famni- lin in Bvanston. RBVIEW copy must bc in,, by 5 p. mu. Tdhpbone WiInete 4300 or Winnetka 2000 mette 4ÉÙalter 5:30. -41LTrN47lnc ilnt »or IBox 40, GIRL WISRES GENERAL HOUSE- work. or cleaniug by tho.ho,,>ç or I XPERI uerving. Ph. University 0#1. I ~ae 41I4TS47-ltp etc. Wini azUa onaracter ret. A-199~, nette. 48L47-ItP BlD MAN - CAIW 0F ih windows. gardont work, a, 158. . 4slÀ7-ltp

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