6:30-SoIO Stcwb 1 p. m. fl GALL SATURDAY, kMARCH 28 "MNII'ON -CALL"I' E<huuudLowe muidWarrm: Hyame ÙTee Mot te .dl"LeIeFamenda .-TlI fie bChai." sportllg4t Pa raumo*nt -Newissud «Te Lite 'ef a Bea?,19' NtlueeOuys«Pa tom thftue est" - "The Pue etgSilence"> SUND)AY end- MONDAYO MARCH 29-30. 'w UT- /1' -N(cekand TOUy ad Allen t"The Sky Pilot"f 31 and APRIL 1 1»i tb About Toi ,wood Girls" - iretta Younlg for a Ride" Adoiphe Menjou, as the suave" villain, and Constance Bennett, as the wîoman ulio made a mnistake, are stars o! ."The Etisiest W'ay,» adaptcd froin the famious Belasco . stage classic, and to be presented at the. Teatro del Lago on Tues- day, and Wednesdav, March 31 and, April 1. Nortown's Spiendor Revealed on April 4 Fas e n.ar.,ni oenmpletin .the nei accordmng to anouncements mnace ta-- day by officiais of the theatert. 0Of early l7th Century Spanish Ma- ritime architecture, the Nortown will present the most unusually original, most unique atuiosphere ever beheld in a modern cimema palace'. .Gor- geous murais depicting the 'days of. the. Spanish pirates reginle, with pic- turesque galleons, sky blue ocean waves, bistoric sand beaches, lend an appealing and intimate air to this Romoa inu We "ONrCE À UJNNEW' .... ...................... -.... Deratby Naekasl "THE UENT OF WAY" ..... .....................Conrad INage] Thuthdftl &Bd Priday, April S9 -raz CAWI>êL 514« 3?".... --..... . .... .George Bancroft ..... ................. Riehard Dix and Iren. Danu IL À¶wAltmiQ,,..............George O'Brien ; sl» ... .......... r. *Bdi Mn. Piliehot 4f»LBK NA VBN..................... Nancy CarreR LU ireni be offt iAprul Yi ock on tnese nîgnts. -bL fwl41 U) *LvwII. W will start at 6:30. Gales of sustained laughter will ac- company the showing of the nib-rock- T '4CibUION ~ ing romance, '«It Pays to Advertise," starring Richard Dix, tonight, Friday,. at the Teatro del 'unn, is nighty pktuA L ago:' Norman 1Fster, Skeets Gal- at. the Téatrodèl Lago I lagher, Eigene Pallette and Caro>e 20 and Lombard'are the, stars. "IT Pi NORMAN *Again thrilling the north shore wi~Ia lavish and intelligent entertainmeni, the Teatro del Lago off ers a double feature program on Tuesday an(i. Wednesday, Marcb 31 and April 1. The pictures are "The Easiest Way," starrfing Constance Bennett,. James Montgomery. and Adolphe Menjou, and "The Truth About Youth," pre-- senting Loretta Young. Adapted fromn the. Belasco stage classic, the film, "The Easiest. Way," is-considered by critics' one of- the finest discussions- of a woman's emo- tional problem the play world bas known. It revolves around the ques- tion, "Should a. man forgive a woman's missteps?" In "The Truth About Youth," ab!e interpretations are given by Loretta Young, movie star who is stili in lier 'teens, Conrad Tearle, and David Manners.' Clara Bow Stars On Thursday and Friday, April 2 and 3, the Teatro del Lago will glow with the delicious pretending of "'No. Limit," fast moving cinema yarn giv-ý ing Clara Bow: an. opportunity to make a smashing bhit, with the au-, dience. Tbe story is about an amn- bitious littie usherette in a big movie palace of New York, who encounters plenty of thrilling experiences for which the metropolis on the Hudson is universal1y renowned. Norman Foster is Miss Bow's lead- ing man, while others who star in the picture are Stuart Erwin and Harry Green. Frank Tuttle direct&. Janet Gaynor and Charles Farre!] are re-united ini what are considered as the best talking picture roles oi their careers in the movietone pro- duction ofý "The Man, Who Camne Back" at the Teatro del>Lago Sunday and Moniday, March 29 and 30., Bot 'h youngstars ri se to heights. of histrionic endeavor, said to gurpass their "great performances i'74-h Heaven." While "Tbe Man Who* Came Back", is an entireIy different sort of picture, it gives both Miss Gaynor and Charles Farrell even greater chances to reveal their flair