Wilmette Permit List Totals Ten; One New Residence, Building construction in ten build- ing permits issued in, Wilmette tbis5 month up ,to Monday, Mardi, 23, will cost only $20,450j according to, esti- mnates contaiued in the records of the issuance of the permits at the Wil- mette Village hall. James.:Crabb took out a permnit on March 14 for a brick veneer rTesidence and garage costing $13,500 to be -built at 627 Elmwood avenue. That was the *only permit issued for a new residence in Wilmette this mionth up to 'March 23, but several permits were issued for residenicel additions'or alterations. *Max Schichl was granted, a permit, to make a residence alteration costing $2,00Ô at 2117 Lake avenue. The sanie amount will be spent by Henry Dose' ! who took out a permit on Mardli 19, for a residence addition at 730 Green-ý wood avenue. A f rame residence addition to be built for Mrs. Thomas Kerwin at 2001 Wilmette avenue will cost $1,350. The permit for this was taken out by Carl, RyeIon March 2. Other perm-its for residence additions or alterations issued in Wilmette -this month up to March 23' were as f ol- lowvs: Mardi 6, to A. Anderson for brick resideuce addition at' 1740 Wash- intnavenue, cost $500; Mardi .11, to G. W. Abegg to build a f rame porch addition for John Lang, 321 Park ave- nue, cost $300; Mardi 16, to E. Ander- son to enclose a porch for M. R Loy- gren, 1323 Wilmette avenue, cost $60, and March 17, to Otto Hillsberg for a porcli addition at 206 Catalpa place' cost $165., J. Braun took out a permnit'on March 3 to bufild a private gara ge of brick construction at 1945 Thornwood ave- nue at a' cost of $500. The only other1 permit. up to March 23 in Wilmette was issueçi tô A. Zançier to build a f rame shied costing $75 at 1613 Ashland ave - nue. I ReaIty Notes Sr Waltar E. Danil (Chicago Real Estate.Board) "People are' looking ,to real estate to lead the upward1 swing- of the penidulum in,1931," Mark Levy,. presi- dent of the Chicago Realý Estate board, declared in his statement for the ewyear. "Extenive 1 public improvement bond 'issues have been passed for their. effect on. prosperity. The uni- fied transportation ordinance' was approved flot only because, it prom- ised better transportation,, but be- cause it assured $300,000,000 Worth of construction. for the, betterment of, Chicago. «President Hoover, Secretary La- mont and other 'national and, state leaders as well as, Ieading realtors, builciers andbankers. have expressed the opinion, that home buildiing should be encouraged. The govern-> ment leaders have set forth the ad-' vantages to. civic welfare and per- sonal character of home ownership as well as, its aiçi to prosperity.. Builders have shown that it costs less to get that dream home now, Bankers have said Îthey will loarnfor home owning and that they haNe millions for that purpose. Foundation la Laid "During the troublesome per io(d through which we have been passing a fouindation has beeni laid for a great superstructure of prosperity.. "Arrangements have been or are miuch publicized but actually very small percentage of real estate bonds which suffered from the business de2- pression. David Jackson, the state securities commissioner, lias issued ïï warning to the public flot to let go of these bonds for ridiculously small sums as under good management they can make a good return. "The services that highly special-j ized professional realtor manage- ,ment orga1izations can render lias been brought sharply to the atten-i IMarch Witnesses Two PerMits in Kenilworth, Only two building permits had been issued*in Kenilworth this Monthup te Tuesday, March' 24. Que was for a twe-story. brick ýveneer. residence witlî twe-car attached garage te be built for George H. Dièkersonat 416 Sheei- dan road at a'Lest of $24,00. The other was for remnodelinig work at the, Robert J. Sample residence, 741 Cuni- Min gs avenue, which is to cost $2,500. Mr. Sample plans te couvert an at-ý tached garage at b is residence into living- quarters and to build a detached, brick ' venter two-car garage. . A. Hamrphill took eout a, permit on Febi-u- ary 28 to build a, two-story brick veneer. residence with attached two- Icar garage at 532 Coventry road, Kenilworth. Tic estimated cost (Àf the residence is $18,50. New Real Estitte Financing Shows Gain, Te Report Ipcreased activity in the financing of -residential preperties was reflected *by a 16 percent risc in the volume )f new first mortgage real estate security, offerings in February, according to theý Monthly Investment Review of. Nelson, Hunt -and company, Chicago and nortlî short specialists in'real estate and first, mortgagt financin g. New real estate bond andi stocic issues1 publicly o«fered by leading investînent 'houses in February totaled $ 10,168,000, 'as conipared with' $8,737;'000 Ii Jan- uary. , 0f this- amount titre was $1,032,000 in stock fi'nancing on coin- mercial projects. 0f 'the 19 bond and note issues, titre were ninue of the collateral trust type totaling $5,311,- 350, or about. 52 percent 'of tht total financing for tht' month.- "Tht indications are that tht volume of realty financing in February, stat- ed the review, "will' represent close to't a normal, monthly figure for tht yearh of 1931. At tliis slackening Dace' the1 Bills Realty,bInc. Announces Recent Transfer Aocti i" Mr. and Mrs. 'Walter A. Hansen of 2755, Eastwood avenue, Evauston, have bought from Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Gaines thein beautiful Cape Cod Colonial residence.at.2812 -Blac-khawk road inulIndian'Hili Estates. R. M J .olnston o 'f1 R.- M. Jolrnston and com- pany, 340 Linden aveu, imte was broker. vne imte The Hanseu's new hoôme, admi recl by 'many',aMo h -e eutiful homes in Indian HlilI Estates, is on a large woded lawn with a 77-foot frontage and. a depth. of over 200 feet. It con- ,nects on* the rear with the beautifully. landscaped lawn of Dr. E. E. Graham and* is' adjacent to the wonderfut garden -of Charles N. Evans. Tht Hausens* are members of the Shawnee 'club andinii business' Mr. Hansen is a member of the' Fidelity Investment association 'of 105 W. Adamis street. Prom the Sheridan road office of Bis Realty, Inc., is reported the sale of 185 Fuller late, Winnetka, to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wbîtwell by Don A. Crawford. The house is chateau style with a tower and beamed ceilingz studio living room on a lawn having 75-foot frontage. Mr. WThitwell is district 'sales manager of the General Cigar cern- pany. The,.present residence of the Whitwells is 624 Sheridan Square, Evanston. Another sale reported througzh the Sheridan road office of Buis Realtv' Inc. was tht seven-room frame resi- dence at 826 Eigh'th street, Wilmette. Milton P. Vore sold to Virgil Wes- cott, Mtartin OIson of Bis. Realty, agcting as the broker. In conumon with other brokerage offices on the north shore, Bills Realty reports the demand for housesý to rent this spring is appreciably heavier than tht two'years. previous. ïng fever. 'Luring thc past year only 27 percent centinued te move in the old peak months of Apnil and Septem- ber on May -and October 1 leases, wbile ovýer .73. percent movcd duning the nemaiig ten monthe," Mr. New- ton says. YIý: wilcl cmmeriai ana umustrîii Uve lU Uheworic Of the Ci.cago 'AUso- T"1axes have.. been lncreasing for structures comprised about 50 percent ciation of Commerce, and is a mqpiber years bu~t the' crisis period has of the total volume of new issues. of the Hamilton club. Mr. Hoyt's brought recognition that real estate Clubs, churches, colleges and ýother connections with engraving bouses has must be relieved of the unf air por- f orms of institutional projects ranked gaven him a wide acquaintancesbip tion which it has been bearing. A second in volume of finaucing this among bankers and brokers, and isi Property Owners' division bas been year, comprisiug 26 percent of the familiariéy with real estate through. orgauized, by the, Chicago Real Es- total, and industrial and commercial such çontacts *ill add te the.service, tate board and other boards through-, pro!"ct was third, cpmprising, about he wtllý be able to render bayon a&W out the country. 23pret"sellers of ral, estate lubS w1.. J'