A Home. Of Your Own At a . Price YouCan. -Well ýAffr in a f ew. short' monthssholwilbeo -adyu children willi have from four- to -Six hours more each day frvigorous outdoor activities. Were will vhey play?.- in crowded courtyards ? -in streets, dodging trafc? o An a yard of their own? A safe place to play for your children and a home of your own for your f amily are flot luxuries, merely to be dreamed about. They are withi n your reach riglit now! QuMnlan& Tyson, Inc. have homes on the North Shore for sale at prices that are in keeping with the financial. conditions of practically everyone.. Prices represent some Of the ,greatest values and profit opportunities ý.ever o ffered On North 'Shore' real estate. Ask' cabout somçe of these off erings ,iow! Our representatives will gladly arrange appoitments, for you to see the Pro perties at your conwenience. EstàbiWwhd 1884 1571 SHERMAN AVE. 1 N. LA SALLE ST. 714 ELM ST. UNIvermity 2600 CentralI0227 Wimuodoce 2198