Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Mar 1931, p. 64

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ie .ehurch 'w of holy c Dr. Zelie wIlt preach anid cond woi-shtp for thse laat time on inornlng, and atter fifteen mont] the Ftret Congrégationa" churich, Park, the Firat Presby;teriaia c Foi-est and tjhe PFinot* Presbytei Wlimette, .wili return te his hi Boston, Mass. eia ozIIII horneli Thts churcla*111, unite on Good Fi- day evening with theMthôdiat bchI ln the.Good Ë,'rtday service. -Munie Misse erna Rounds..>........ Organist Edward Otis.........oos Chartes Sean.........eo Prelude-.:--"Hàoaannah"......... Dutois Solo **-The Palmes"............. Faure Due-'i-ciix!"...............Faure Mr. (nis and Mni. Searsî Offeitory solo "Kijng -Ever Glorinius (The Crucifixion) ...... .....Stainer Ms'.,Seans Pontlude-"March te Calvary'" (Redemptien).............Gounod *. 'nday Lenten services wtlt eho hld at the Blackstorie theater, 60 Baat Seventh atreet, ftom tMaioh- 30 te Apll 3, under the auspices et the Chicago, Churich foderation, ln charge of the * Preabyterian Churcli Extension board. On Good Frtday thon.e will ho a serv-z tce fi-cm 12 te 3 on "The Sevon Wji-ds From the Cross" with addi-esses, hy Dr. John Timothy Stone, Dr. Henry S. *Brown, Dr. Rtobert Clements, Dr. Wil- liam H. Boddy, Dr. Hai-rison R. Ander-' son, Dr. W. Clyde Howard and the Rev. * Roland W. $cholerb. * Spoice 8 wtll meet Tuesday, Marcis 31, et the home of Mrs. A. L. Miller, 106« Sixteentis street. St.~ Jokn-'S Lutheran Wihiaette and. Park avenues, Wihaiette Herman W. Meyer, M. A., pastor. 406 Prairie avenue . Telephone 1396 Chai-ch telephone 3111 SERVICES. Palmsunday 9 15 a. m-is service and sermon' 9:80, a. Dm.-sunday ehool and Bible classes le0.. m.-Advanced Bible clas - 11i a. x».--Second service and sermon Sermon:, -Be. Thou Fgathful" SERVICES INi KOLTWEZX Maundy Thursday evening ai: 7:30 C=geima service for comimunicants Adde: Lord, ta it I? At :_Regilar servtce,.aai4 oly Cern- k. e Noonday Lenten services wlil 1 be held. ,f under the auspices. oftthe Lutherau ichurch of the Synedical cenference ai: the; Adeiphi thoater, Clark street, 'a few deors north of Madison every noon. during holy- week. These services will *bogin at 12:05 and close promptly &t 12:30. The speakers are the p9stons:- Bernard M aUrai-o f Shermnan Park t Lutheran church, Milwaukee, and Wil- liam Daliman,,D.D., fourth vice presi-' dent of the Mo. Synod and pastor ef, Mount Olive-,Lutheran, churcli, .Mil- waukee.- These services are open to elreryone Twe servtces *Ill bo. held on Good. Fridynoon. Special efforts are, now being put forth by the Lutheran Laymen's. league te establtsh a fund which will guarantee the contInuance of the Lutheran radio heur every Thrday evening from 9'te 9:30 o'00e1 Dnations for tht. pur- 1 pose may o et -di etlY to the Luth- eran Laymen'sleague off«e St. Ljouis, Mo., or they may hob given te one of the deacons at, St. Jochn's. The Eater service wil ho spectally announced ln tiese~ columns next woek. It'has been. the custom at St. John's te have~ a speetal offertug on ester day for the' reduction cf the indebted- nous on our chuaich. Special envelopes have been insertod ln ail envelop pack- ages for this purpose. The special on- velope for Painsunday is f&* missions and honevolences. Kenlworth Union Kenilworth avenue and Warwick roadt Dr. Herbert L. WiIlett, ainister n Dr. Wiltett'a subjeût Spiadayr, Mai-oh-a 29, wl !b. "The. Lonely Road." The0 service wtt! h. at il1clock and wM beho approprlate to Palm Sunday.J The Sunday school la held at 9:45 o'c1ck eah Sunday anorning.1 The Women's Guild will meet at 10 o'clock on Monday monning, Mari. 30. in the Guild room ef the churcli, This will ho the final*meeting for this sea- Ô son. A luncheon wtII ho served at 12:30. s The following are the subjectsffer the t *This va folowdby cars, back- gammon and ping-pong. Atter the 10:30 a. im. services ln the churi-h today, Friday, the workers of.tho assoclated gutlds will meet ln the club lieuse ati11:15, with luuncheoln at 12 :15., Miss, Moore, manager of the House of Happinees, one of our church Institutions in Chicago ýfor ci-phan girls, will give a talk. Ba>tist Ckurch Wlmette And Foi-'est avenues George D. Allisen, pastor "A Churcli that Cares" Our Sunday program -begins at e:3 withý the session ef the Church achool whtch. with -its'graded, program, offerâ opporti.y for Istruction, expression and worship. for ail ages. At il o'clock the moirning wership will center around the theme: '*A Study of Religicus -Enthusiasm," based on the text. "HIosanna!' Bleésed ls he that cometh, ln the, naine of the Lord." There wiII b a @tory for the littie folk whlch' wlbe followed -by a continuation of exprossional work ln the children)'s roem during the remàinder of: the morning. J3autttul aiitiieni appropria4te te Palm Sunday will ho given by the choir. Sunday eventng at 6:30 thç younig peo- Pie wiil leave the clhurch for the Mapie- wood Aaptist clwreh ln Chicago Where, the boys of Mi-. Harvey Bowen'a-Sun- day school class wiil have charge of the' program. The Rev. Mr. Bowman of Wiimette ta the pastor there. The Sunday eventng club at 7:30 pi-e- sents the Russian Cossack chorus at the First Congregational churcli. Passion Week will b. observed by thie clhurch with three services each mak Ing a çistinçt contribution te oui- religioutg . UJe. on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, April 1, the play, "Pttgrtms of the Way' wtil b., pi-es inted by the following younir peoplO: Ross Blaylek, John Dernehi, John Bailey, Wtnlfred On Thursday evening the pastor will led in an "Upper Room" Communion service, an evening of nieditatieni, andý prayer. Good Friday wili be lept by the vari- ous chtirçhes oJ Wilmette in a union service te be held ln 'the Methodist. sanctuary. The Re#. John Htndiey cof teaddress.cirhW gv The Women's society wili hold a shower for the fld PeopIA'rn Home Iui Z_ Rev. Leland H.. DSiiforth. rector n Palm Sunday, t:he last Su 1nde.y ln 18 Lent, begins laoly Week on March 29~ n The services throughout thue week will n be as follows: Palm SÙnday the usual, C services, Of Holy Communion at 8. ro'ciock, Sunida.y school at 9:30o'ciock !and- morning prayer.with the,,sermnon rpreached byr the rector cf the parlsh at. Il o'ciock in'the morning. Tueday evening, Maich 3 1, at S8 o'clock, the girls, choir of St. AugUs- ttne's* church, Wilmette, under' the di- rection of -miss Winifred Mickey, of the music staff Of New Trier High aschoel, asslsted by a. quartet of young high school people, will give a short, heur cf IRussian music, Some Of the selections they have Prepared te give are: "-When Jefus. Was a Child," a catrol by TsciaJiý kowsky; 6*Glerlous Forever"l by Rach-' mý,aninoi, and "Night Shadowà'", by Maundy ýThursday, pi 2,. the cele- bration of the Lord's Supper will be remembered by the Celebration Of Holy Co4mmunion atil o'clock. î Atter that cernes Good Fri1 day,,wtth celebratji o f the HolY Commuion at 7:30 aud 10 O'olock ln thie morning. The former service Wi especially for the businesq mon Who may stop at the church on the wv4y, te their train. The latter service,ta forlthe women. Stainer's "aCrucifixion" wlil be sunig- by the choir at 8 e'clock. On Easter even,..April 4, at 4. o'clockc the church a8chol wiil have the jasýt section cf>the "King's Shlp"--the final service. et a sertes which have been' held for the childi-on during Lent. The sacrament of Baptism wilI, be administered on this day. Appoint- monts aYe made with the recter. The Rt. Rev. George Craig Stewart. b1shop et Chicago, wll be the speaker during this Holy Week, March 3o to April 5, Inclusive, t theGarrickthea- ter, Chicago, from 12:10 te* 12:30. These Lenten services during the noon hou~r are heid under the. auspices cf the Church Club of Chicago. English Lutheran Cor. Greenleaf avenue & Seventh street Wiimetto Cari I. Empson,. paster. P-ALM SUNDAY THIE SIXTH, S-UNDAýY N LEN 9:-A M............Sunday echol Arthur Stark, supcrintendent M .M. ..... ... Morning Worship THE HO.COiýMMUÛNION Sermon: "The Dental of pools- rébelvrng ithe Loi'as p. m. Pleaaenotitfythe'rector-et ny--- 'ru-,iiaaiBible ravelg lectre wt li ra a t o h . « ail t o b pl e .Tie e v l e a m tt g e 1 .t a l- be given nezi: TuesdaY eveplaag at 7.45. ~o v a lli ' v ii b n p ser ices W e d os- ors an ~d o f fcers O f th e C h u ric ia ch ool T i fin a l lectu re c v er a th e p er tO d ef I hý I e sriesWde-eudt eveninor lnthe Gtztld irn lb.th citoy f techurich riteas ero'uaIw y nît day eveaatug ln Holy ek 730o'clOç& Iti taa vir .Important cenaIon et Of ur Lord tote dut'so r c Wednesday at e4g t hc th e h hae r- t. an. ttaa taeaî îte stn la th . rw na e O ur- girls', veut ed ch~oir ed the m u i- c a t ' t k a t h t atn ng o urave pr lodt &U l t ela ma cf te ch rhlnn pw"se ot cal part gt the service t the Ohurch _,P oWa t howot o on~ r! . ( n te i YofPage c71) in I

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