Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Mar 1931, p. 58

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More tha.n 100 contestants partici- liated in the fifth annual roller skat- ing tournanient held by the Wilniette Ëlayground and Recreation board on the 600 block of Park avenue last Saturday morning. The entire.block-was.roped off for the races held i the street, which is. paved with, smooth :cgncrete li that bloclc. Recreation assistant,, Dudley C. Stone, got the nicet under way proMptly at the scheduled, tue, 9 Wclock, and'by 10 o'clock the major e!eaits were over. Daniel M. Davis, director of- recreac, tien, acted as official starter of th, races, Glen W. Gathercoal,.recreation assistant, the announcer,1 and Miss Joe Skidmnore, another recreation as-, sistant, as scorer. 1Mrs. Daniel. M. Davis was awarder of prizes,, wliiclî consisted of ribbons for first,, second, atid third place winners. * Winnexrs of. the various eveats are: 50 yard dash for girls under 10 yea10: 1. AdelaideKoenan, 1710 Forest ave- nue; 2. Ruth Mestjia.n, 511 Main streét; 3. Harriet ZaYemba, 1611 Lake avenue. 50 yard dash. Boys under 10 years: ; 1. Graha.m yinliyson, 731 Laurel ave- Mie; 2. Donald Garnlss, 721 Prairie; 3 pchard Walker, 1503 Lake avenue 4Ine-Legged ra.ce. Girls under 12 years: 1. Dorothy Davis, 920 Fifteenth street ; 2. Betty Todd. 1746 Highland avenue; 3. Mary Puetz, 1617 Spencer avenue. .One-Legged. race. Boys under 12 years: 1. Jarvig Lingle, 412 Tenth street; 2. Rodman Joyce, 831 Oakwood; 3. James Steen, 1535 Spencer avenue. Ojié-Legged, race. Girls undel' 14 years: 1. HI.lpn Cotseres, 718 Twelftfl street; t 8. steilla Brennier, 1320 Greenwood ave- nue; 3. Dorothy iII, 1240 Gregory ave- nue. Howard Bail Wins Rae One-Legged race. Boys under 14 years: 1. Howard Bail, 1609 Central avenue; 2. Tom Flnlayson, .731 Laurel; 3. Frank * Koena.n, 1710 F'orest avenue. Double race, Girls under 12 years; * 1. Dorothy Davis, 920FIfteenth strpet and Btty Todd, 1740 Highland avenue;, 2,1MIXfriel Klnney, 1709 Washington street and Mary Puetz, 1617 Spencer avenue; 3. Helen Schaeffer, 830 Six- * teenthi street, and Gertrude Barker, 1520 the speakers at the Districtconfer- ence of recreation workers ai Cedar Rapids, Iowa, April 10, 11, and 12. "Af ter School Recreation" is the subject upon which Mr. Davis has been ask.ed to speak and he has'also been asked té bring exhibits oif tbe, .ifterschool and recreation prograni in Minmette. Týhe Chicago' district of the Na- tional Recreation association, which is sponsoring the Cedar Rapids con-ý ference, inclucles four states. Although the Recreation boarcl 15 coauçting twenty- weeks of basket- 411 leagéesand tournamnents, two o the team. 1articipatii*".IkbDth the leagues, and tournament are stili b)as- ketball-miaided and have entered the Central A. A. U... meet sponsoreed by a Chicago: paper. . Trhe Wolff-Grifis played their flrst eame at the Broadway armory.last Wednesday eveniaig and the Bruins teani played at the Olivet institte on th e sanie night. In addition te the teanis f rom Wil- mette entered i the tournament. fhere are. also Bob McLean and Trank Church. who have played in, Wilmette leagues duringr the. past season. These youngz men.are playing with the Spencer.Piano comfpany aaid. Kenilworth public teanis, respectively. Although games were scheduled for last., night, the Men's Horseshoe League B were forcea to -end the olaying season On the precedinz Thursday because lights for the attic of Howard sc hool, where the games were .played. were flot available this week. Teamn standinigs at the end of the. league were as follows: Won 'Lest Pct. DP. W.'s .........18 1 947 Hoffman..........1 2 846 H. B. Fs.......... > 647 .rin ..... ........... 10 7 588 Opýtimist........5 :8 385 Hornes..........6 13 S1" Lyrnan Texacos ......... 5 13 278 Ridge Confectionery ... 17 055 The Wilmette Aero ciub's reeglar thle tiai and winter season. Thne ban- quet will be held at the Shiawnee Country club. It is an annual affair attended by membeis of the board, civic leaders, anidcaptaifis and mem- 'bers of al teams represented in the aàthietic leagues, durin g thé year,.as well as: représentatives. from other activities.. The feature of the pro- gramiis always the'awardinig cf tre-" piies and indlividual honors to the wiainers of the various leagues.- PlyFinal Games in Wilmette Cage Tourney Tonight Final- gamnes i the AII-Wilmette basketball tournament for men. will bie played this evening at the HoWard gymîîasiuiu, begfinning at 7:-30 o'clock. Sin!ce the serni-final games 'de-ý termininig the participants in the last gaines,. of the tournament were uIot played until after press time this, week, it is impossible te announce the contestants in tonight's gaines. However, both the finals in the ý'on- s olation league andi in the championî- ship league are to be played. Four teanis remained in the ruai- ning after last week's play, anid Wed- aiesday aight's games were te de- termine the contestants for tonight. The Wilmette State Bank five, Schultz and Nord, Presbyterian, and the Irish teani, weýre the survivors in the first week's games li the chain- pionship division, while eight teanis remaiaied i the consolation division at the beginning cf this week. Aai admission charge will be made for tonight's games, and the proceeds ar e te be used i purchasïng gold and silver basketballs for the wiainers of the two leagues and te pay the ex- penses'for officiaIs dUriaig the tourna- ment. Results of last week's games ýwere:- Schultz and lNord (42) K. of C. (24) Engene Hardt .William Melbyg Robert MeLeau . .Jcklarrisoù q 1 T 1he annual Easter Egg hunt for 1children below the fourth grade in ithe Wilmette schools will be held Wednesdlay afternoon, April 8, it was decided by the Special Occasions cýomnîittee of: the, Playground and Récreation board at a meeting Mon - day evening. Children of pre-school age, kinder-. gar teniers, and. first. grade children will 'have a> separate huait from, the older children in the second, third, and fourth grades. The.huait for the younger children will be held east. of.'the Howard school on Seventeenth street, and will -begin, at 2.30.o 'iclock. 'the older children's huait will be held ai the Village Green, west of thé school and Will begin at 2:45 o'clock.. Plans are beifig made to, transport thei children from the St.. Franicis, Central,, Laurel, and Logan schools to, the Howard. school where they Will meet preliminary to thé. begii-, ning'of the huait. ýMemnbers:of. the Parent-Teaàcher association are i ,n charge of procuring tra nsportation for the childrem~ .Candy eggs, 3,000 of theni, will be hidden for the hunts by the junior police 'of Howard school. The -eggs8 will be wrapped in wax paper te pre- vent their becoming inedible. George H. Redding, chairman of the Special Occasions committee, ap- pointed the following committee members to their respective' dutiès for. the meet. These duties are as' follows.: Junior huait: Mrs. E. M.' Simonds, Mrs. Herbert J. Leach, Mrs. H. 0. von der Hoff, Mrs. R. W. Armstrong, and Lowell F. Tod d; Senior huait: Mrs. E. H. Freeman and memberý of the Recreation staff. A committee consisting of Mrs. Simonds, Mrs. von der Hoff and Mrs. Freeman, was appointed to purchase the eggs., aaid Mrs:. -imonds- was -also. appoinfted, chairnian of the' com mittee te wrap the eggs. Daniel M. Davis, dîrector of recrea- tien,' ex-officio meniber of the Spe- cilOccasions committee, asstdin plans for thé hunt :and will act as director'for both the Junior and Sen-. ior divisions. [be'JJ Mundy, 1 wltfl twentjr victories to rner r edt.~ 1I The strongest. competitioa came froin '~?~~0>. Ithe I*offman Flrist téanimeuibers avmu. jhg~ 4p~nisered the ony.4dfat t~ Todd, Junior A. C. (33) Presbyterfan (40) George Watdener HIerbert Weld Bob Waters Harry Stone' Ceeil Williams Kennethx Moeller HEenry Spct Fred Schmidt Shi-wodNelSOn Charte. Roth, jac& fStLekhOUa wfe~w ..TOdd. refere. e Bruine (a2) Lawrence Liangdon Jim Ljawton Don Langdon G"e -~Stone John Moore. I *1 I. , ret«» -

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