*35o.Fî sicie efiis g.nd' t bêck oo*r ana unwelcomle. Aggrossve telephone solcitation' would probably icroas. our Sales, but that certainly dlo.s fot warrant the necessary promis- cuo , itusons. 0W fashion.d? Perhapsl ECONONIES-March 27 to April 2 STEAKS. Porterhouse Sirloin, T'Bone or Club., Our finest quelity.... ..............b.. 48C PORK ROAST. Youngpi loins.. Tender and suc- culent.............. . lb. 28c ROUND, STEAK.. Fancy beef qround:f resh for every order.............lb. 39c RINEAP PIE. Faney ripe Hawaiian. No. 21/2 siz tins of 8 thick slices,... . . . .f . . in 29c PEACHES. Richelieu, Raggedy Anne. N o. 21/2 size tins of the most luscious:peach packed fin 29c GREEN BEANS. Refugee cut stringless. No. 2 size tins. Fresh flavored and tender. . 2 fins 25c CRASMEAT. Sweef+îeart extra fancy -600% ctaw meat. 1/2 lb. tins . .. .. ..1 3 'fins $1 GRAPE JUICE. Sweetheart pure Concord.......... ............... qf. 39c RIPE OLIVES.. Lindsay.choicte Giaints ..... pf. 29c' school election wiII be heici on Satur- day, April Il. Two members of the board,. Harry E. Weese, 141 Kenilworth avenue, and Miss Barbara 'Érwin, 621 Warwick road, whose terms also expire this spring, have been nominated for re- election. Members of the noiîating com- mittee were: Charles M. Holmes, 200 -Warwick road, chairman, Carl M. Huck, 605i Essex roaàd,ý and Mrs., Wal- ter N. Gillett, 533 Ros lyn road. Holdover members of the Kenil- worth school board are: DeWittý Still- man,. 707 Kent road; Mrs. John L. Wilds, 244 Oxford, road;- Walter An- derson, 127 Robsart' road, and Her- bert Taylor, 631 Abbottsford road.' Talk on. Zionism n àds Study Class Season The last meetingof the Kenilworth Stuldy class will be held Monday nortlng, Mrch 30, at 9:45 o'eloec, at the home of Dr. Herbert Wilett, Richmnond road, Kenilworth. Dr. Wil- lett will talk about "Zionismn" and, will conclude the series of lecture talks which were begun two nionthga ago. In this discussion he will tell of the "Arab and Jew in Palestine," of. the Jewish claims to the Holy Land,, of political Zionism, British commit- ments to Arabs and Zionists. the Wailing Wall episode, and of the problem of Palestine's future. dates for reelectuon. Âurs. ordon served as president of the board dur- ing the past year. The election Nvill be held on* Saturday, April 11, t'ie satue date on which school boards in the varions villages of New Trier township ýwill hold their elections. Mrs. Gordon' and Mr. Gathercoal, iwho were inclinied to withdraw f rom the New Trier boardof educaýion. were1 persuaded by friends and per-, sons interested in the w lfare'of the scho 01 to be candidates, for réélection. Because of the fact, that the, high school bas a building program tonder. way and .1 e cause a. new superintend- etis to take over bis duties in, Sep- tember. it was fieit that the same board should :serve during the coin- ing, year. Holdover members of the New Trier board of ecéducation are Edwaril J. Phelps of Kenilworth, Otto R. Ba r-- niett of Glencoe and Williamn H. EUh:; of Mihnette. 1'FROLIC& CHAIRMAN George H. Darling, 1538 Highland avenue, who is vice-president of the Freshman class at the University of Rochester, Rochester, N. Vwas chairman of the committee in charge of the 'Frosh 1Frolit," an important social event of the year. Hie was re- cently initiated in the Alpha Delta Phi. Clifton L. Darling, Jr., a sopho-* more at Rochester, is a member of the sanie fraternity., *WiImette Business 1* Persona1ixed III i. 1/2, 3-1b. tins ...lb..23c IVORY SOAP FLAKES 9 PÂLMIVE SOAP FLOUR. Best -5lb. 19C. 4 fo*i 29c 25 Ibs. 7 3cý CENTRAL AND TWELFTH WILMETIE GROCERY PHONE 5 10, MARKET PHONE 514 Aise Carlson Building Pharmacy HERE Prescriptions ai 1d Professaionds Supplies EacinsfreIy 6m RCUrch St, Evanston PhOneGrenea-316 CRISCO. 'I and L Ave., .ýL e'...