'UD :are The Candidates of, the Publie Welf are Party deieto stestepoint that the public should know ail about mao ii rjects and that .they are opposed to so-callt:d railroad tactics in passing ordinances that will depreciate. property values without, taking the public into theçir confidence and giving the-,public an opportunity throgrhý a refer- endumn to voice an, opinion -so thatiy'action taken. wJIl represent the willof a majority vote. Abo)u.t R.egistering Reniember: -There is no registration necessary for the Village Election on April 21sf, 1931. Those entitle.d to vote .are both men and women wvho quai- ify .as- citizens 21 years of age; regidents in 'the State, for. one year; in the County for riiety days; and inthe precinct for thrydays. Under "The Plan of Wilmette" Ordinance.. Our parkways with hundredsys thousands of eur beautiful trees. could be taken. awray from us- and this ordinance was> passed, in January,: 19219. Just think what this would mlean to Wilmette, the. Village'.of:.Homnesý. Bût, just think what t.his assessments. -and just think what this Would mnean in special wvotld nmeaiiï right Votee Pubi Welf 'are Party Ticket Straig'ht The'use of the referendum .,on ail major civic prob- lems. (and' this referendumi idea is one of, the, real. issuesin this cam-paign) can only be effeéctively utilized if the major ity of the Village TFrustees are in accord. Trherefore, elect all of the-PublicWel- far Paty an.ia sdn, t split your ticket. A. Village President needs the- support of a harmon-, ious board--ýgive' hin one. Taxes in Wilmette Are High and, Next.. Year (We Are Told) They Will1 Be Higher A good business administration in our Village Hall, by high calibre men, shQuld prove'of tremendous advantage to Wilmette property holders. Growth and progress call for improvements and Village improvements caîl for special. assessments and special assessments mean taxes.ý Let- us, therefore, elject res'ponsible, cleai- thinking Trustees who will make p ropèrty holders' interess their interests; men who recognize the burden of taxes and who als'o recognize the taxpayer's prob-,'. le ms; meni who declare thernselves ready and wilI- ing to have the advice of the man who has f0 pay Vote. the Public Welfare Party. Ticket-Straight .