$&69 ile Lowest Làevel Ever Reached in Hletooy BEY NOW AT THESE LOY PRICES! At, ne w.low.pricesGoodyea-the larget unaker -announcem, NCREASED VALUEmaldng today the Bargain uie oftiie Century to replace oldires! Washing-Greasingý-Ignitiofl Service Lt. Dttey, E lot, 30x3,l 4450.21 4,75-19. 4.50-20 * KEEP YOUR.COAL BIN FILLED.I SYour besi protection against cold weather and sudden changes in-temperature.-is a warm > eventy-heated home and a bin fuit of Consu mers Guaranteed Coal or Coke. Wafch your coal supply and telephone us before if gets low. W. sell -.very ton of coal or coke with an unconditional guarantee of high qualify, fuit1 wèight and satisfacion-"it must safisfy you'or we remove if and refund your money.", BUY YU COAL ON APPRO VAL! GUûRANTEEb r IFUEL, OIL SOLAY OKE D EL 1V ER y iAL a WETTE 33 0 COM GLENCOÉ 75151 YARDS -AL,, OVýER H E NOR TH SHOR E DISTRICT OIL CO. Carl L. Brans Telepme Winuetka 30201 Robt. F. Doel $5.69 Lect4c .Service Wflmett@ 6914696 hi H.