Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Mar 1931, p. 64

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Thue show is rated lthe most suc- cessful in lbe history of lbe Evanston store, introduciag as it did two potu- lar' innovations ini tbe inclusion of models of larger, size, and the chil- dren who modeled pért litIle ",sister and brother!' wearables that wilL .be smart1 this spring. The children par- ticularly made a bit witb tbhe dupli- cale styles. for.- bolb broîbers' aüd sisters and for, either in tbe vanious, ages. Frederick >W. Goedecke Puneral HeId Saturday. Frederick William Goedecke, 77 years oic!, passed. away Wednesday, Mtrcb 11, aI ýSt. Francis hospital, Services were field Saturday, Marcb 14, at thme Scott funeral bome, in Wilmelte and*burial was at Memorial Pairk cemetery.: .Mr. G oedecke is. ound vvd by bis widow, Madame Eda *-Goedecke, whp. for many years bas bac! a piano 1 studio in Wilmette, and by one brother Edouard, wbo lives in Germany. Mr. Goedeckc was bora in Padef- bora, Germany, in 1854 and spent tlie earlier. part of his if e in.Poland. - At the. age of 21 he went to Liverpool, Englaad. A year later bie wcnt to Bombay, India, wbere be remained for aine years.- Froan there be went to Af rica' where he was employed by the German East African society. Bteauase of bis knowledge- of time Hijidustan language, be- was made interpreter- between Sultan Zanzibar *and-4h, German East African sociely. In 1888 be reîurned 10 Germany and f rom there came to -America. Ia 1890 Eda S. Scbridtborn, bis fancee, came to America and thcèy -were miarried Ihat year in New York. Tbey resided in Omaba for nine. otsthen came tb.o hicago for a * p.riod of aine years, at bbc ,end.ô f which time bhey came te Wilmette and miade their home on their chick- -en farm on Ridge avenue. They then * moved to Evanstori, where they bave .IiWed ever snce. wam n SU~Wa venue, This evenIngthe annual dinaier aud -Court of Awards for the Girl Scouts -o-e Wilrnette will be held -at 6:-30 In the Methodist churcli social room. During the days preeediug Eauter our ehurch *111l. have three services Cornmemüoating the Passion Week. On Wdmhmk AprIl 1,- the young people the play «PIlËgims of -the Wy;o Thursda.y evening au "Upper Room" Communionsevic ni bein g held-; on Fnlday eveuing the pas- tor will - lead 'lu a service ef picturés, seug and séripture. There will be'beau- tiful orRau musie during, these serv- icesaand every member ls asked, te set aside these eveniugs for. a time et meditatlon, and thouglttul reconsecra- Trhe Girls Scouts oft«- Troeps 3, aud 5 aeplanning a coocy, sale ln the vil- lage. ou March 29, Saturday. Underwood & Underwood Ilarriet Vittum, head rrsident of the Northu'estern University set- tiement, was the speaker on the Program given Thursday evening of *last week by the Business and Pro-- fessional Women>s club ins celebra- -tion of National Business Women's week. I Church News j (.Contmnued f ronm page 52) Mrs. F. E. Wells wili be the assisting iostess. Luncheon wiIl be served -at 12.30 o'ciock. - T~he next meeting of the Young Mar- ried People's cub wiIl be held on Fri- d*y, March 27, at thme home of Mr. snd, Mr. F. R. Kiluer, 430 Sheridan road, Kenilworth. Thiis wili be. stunt night, with each et the. members con- tributinàgte the entertalrument. About -two hundred, members -snd Kenilwortk Episco,a -Churcb ef the Holy Comtorter - 1 lCenilworth, Mlinois Leland .11. Danforth, Rector The servi~es ne1xt Sinday, which te the Iftth Sunday ln Lent, commoniy calIed Passion Sunday, will be- as usupLI wIth the Çeiebration of the Holy Comn- muinion at 8 o'clock ln the morning, Sunday School at 9:30 and morning prayer and sermon, the last service ot the morning, sat Il o'clock. The rector of this parish will .preach the sermon. The last of- the Mid-weelc Lentenl services wII be held Tuesday, blarch 24, anld wiii consist of the Litany. This service wilI begin promptly at 7:45 ln the evenlng wlth our guest and preacher beinw- the .Reverend Walter C. Beeler of Christ church, Chicago. The Lenten noofl day services at thme Garrick theatre, Chicago, will be led 1y the Rev. Ç. Leslie Glenn of Caàm- bridg~e, Mass., this weelç. These services begin at 12:10 and- adjeurn at 12 :30. For the benefit 'of tiose who are at home- during the neon heur, WMAQ. the Chicago Daily News' station, wlill broadcast these services -each day. Kenilworth 'Uni on Kefllworth. avenue, 1. ad Warwick road Dr. Herbeiri L. - Willett, minister Dr. Wiliett's. subject 'next gundayr, March 22, *111 he "The Appeal of Christ.".After 'an ilimess ef three weeks Dr. Willett hôpes that tlhere wiiI be ne further Interrupitien In the contlnuity of the church-nerviees.- scbool children aided the teachers in honoring Sr. Augustine.- -She- entered the novitiate of' the order exactly fifty years ago last Tuesday. Much of- the intervening tiane bas been spent at St. Francis parish.. Sbe' first came to Wilmetteë abouti 1915. On one or two. occa- s ions she bas been temporarily trans- ferred to other sections only to rétur n again to the local ,mission. In honoring b er. Tuesday the.;pupils of the eightb grade sang at the 6 o'clockMass, bcld in tbe sister's- vate chapel. A solem . HigbM a%- followed at 9 .o'clock. _Tbel Rev. Bernard Brady,. pastor, was the cele- brant and hé was assisted byr the Rcv. Micholas Norman as deacon and the Rev. James Sbevlin as sutbdeacon. Many m embers, of 'the parish mere in attendance at this service. IA private dinner for tbc sisters, with Sr. Augustine astbe. guest- of homoÀ,r, was held at the convent at noon. Ptipils ofthe schoo1 antd parijhioners caled at the convent throughout the day to pay thei? respects to the nuri. WomenVoters' NewsI LEGISLATIVE CONFERENCE Time, March 24-25. Place, Abra- ham Lincoln botel, Springfield, Ill. Learning .by- actual observation how the gesneral. assembly functionSL is an enthrallizig ecperience. Committee hearings turn out te be spirited dis- cussions and we begin to, appreciale the details - of procedure. With so. Tmany league. measures now before, the assembly there is the possibility wcmay*hear one or more discussedl. The Springfield Woman's club Legis- lative céommittée will act. as hostess. for the luncheon'meetingà Wednesday, March 25. Members of the "Third. HTouse" are being invited to speak. Chicago and Alton- trains leave Chicago at 6:50 o'clock in the even- ing and arrive in Sprin~gfield at 10:55. w.bt. Ollir pupils ap- rom various parts of Io beibg invtd - l t wiçh will bc gien r* :»P. lu .thrâugh ,1",,*iM!whià bc re- On Buuday evening at 6 o'clock the North Shore leagues will be iu- y'oung pieople vill meet for a service td planed -by' the 'Service oomuin terese to know thal Mrs. Quiacy IuhPh.lps, leader. TIi!. promises Wright, who lias occasionally corne to e a very urniual and helptial pro- in our midst and gained many, friends. gram demlung with lthe b"x lhereby,, WM l be the, aew presideat On 'Thurâdar' of nexiý wek, arcm 2j,-of -the Cook.,Oooty Afloeof Womn- Ink IF of thei. &mans àoîety, ius1enVotera. MisVir-ginýa Woodland, daugimîer of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Woodland of Mrs. Albert V. Sierea and ber daughter,. Eleanor, ýwho have been- speadiag; the past 1w9 onts in Florida, havýe returned to theirborne at 114 Fifîh street. 4 I

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