Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Mar 1931, p. 61

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HAVIE YOU SEI&N «'LINDEN MANOR" * 1096-1101 Merrill St. HUB BARD WOODS 3-4-4 Room Apartments available now-Reasonabie Rent, Il.1 W. H. CLARIS 1,1 980 Linden Av e. Hubbard Woods *Phone Wïnnetka 3380 OOLTN4$-ltc UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE MODERN 5 ropm'apt., avilble May lot, near lake, edec, refrig. Roe. -rentais, in- cludlng garage. 930 Spagnish Court. WIL, Ph. Wil. 2920, 56LTýN4$-tc IN HUBBAIM WOODS AND 'GLEN- moe hlgh clame 2. 8 and 4 roome,. furf- nished, and unfurnimhed, $45 to $110. ..echanical refrigeration, 2 blocks- to transp. Mr. Thompson, Winnetka 3138. 56LTN42-6tc IN MODEIRN BUILDING OVERLOOK- jn k.6 ms.,3 bdro ,elç refrig. 011 heat. Pos ay lot. $OO FRED XC B. THOMAS & CO., WINN. 56LTN46-ltc OAKWOOD AVE., 918 - 2ND. UN- *heated, 3 . roomn apt. Modern, hot water' heating unit, coal supplied, ga- rage optional. Ph. Sunnyside 9431., 56LT42-tfc FOR RENT -ATTRACTIVE 5 ROOM lot -floor apt. corner lot, ail outside roorne. 2 bedrms.;. bath. H. W. heat. Wildecô'rate tu suit. Ph. Owner WII- mette 4246. 56LTN46-ltc 3 RMS. WITÉ BATH, HEATED. HOT water. Garage. Adulte. $60. Âpril 1, 1027 Sruce St., Wlnn4tka 156i0. SOLTN46-Itp FOR. RENT 6 ROOM APARTMENT, second floor wlth garage. 2343 Lake Ave., Wilmette. Plh. Winnetka 2757. 56LTN46-ltc FOR RENT--5 ROOM FLAT WITH * bath, steve heat, aiso garage. 171 Prairie Ave., Ph. Wilmette 4227. 66LTN;46-ltp FOR RENT-UNPTJRN. 4 RM. APT, private entrance, excellent transi>., adle 726-lt> St. Ph. Wilmette 795 or 8155.66LTN46-ltc Buyer and Selle r hove foundý the. Want-Ads of WILMETTE LIFE of inestimable- value.- Ma'ny adealt involvng -hwidreds of dollars,:bas been the resuit,ofa Cla»ifipd ad which,côst, but a 44w cents. Classified ýads will be- acceépted'every even ing until 9. Phone W lunette 4300 W.dnesday before 9 P. M. for fthe Current Iiu. 60 FOR RENT-HOUSES TO RENT-7 RM. HOUSE, 7 31 1 TH St., water heat, garage. E. Side. $90.00. 10 rm. house, 1104 Greenleaf Ave., Ig. garage can be used as shop. Cor. lot in fine condition. $125; Flentye, 729 Lake Ave. Ph. Wil. 1382 60LTN45-tfô FOR RENT-6 ROOM HOUSE, WATER heat, o11 burner, eiec. refrig. Owner -will redecorate throughout. $95 perT monti>. Phone WilnieIte 1650 e'venings. --60LTN46-4te ATTRACTIVE HOME, 6 flSDRMS. 8 baths, 2 lavs. Lge. livý. rm., sun rm, play room. 2-car gar. Bleautiful grounds, good location. $300. Winnetka 1194. SOTN46-ltp 6 RM.. FRAME; L.ARGE LOT; 'OIL - heat-hot water system, hardwoo1 floors, cedai cleset; 2 car garage.- N4ear seho01s' pari£ and transp. Wili- mette: 961 60LTNý46-ltp FINE -MODERN Glaxed porches. Garage. $110. Ph. 7 ROOM COTTAG 7 ýROOM HOME. 100 ft. lot. Trees. owner, Winn. 2140. 60L46-ltp> s .wip. TO RENT-FIueN. HUS. WANTED *FURNISHED HOME WE HAVE CLIENT WANTING fu'rnished home Wilmette to Glencoe, 6 mo. from May let. ýMust be miodern ni> te date, property, have at least 4 bedrms. ; 2 baths. 8. car gar. Our party thoroughly respensible and property will be -well cared for, as fan-ily consists of 2 adiùIts, 1 10 yr. old daiighýer and maid. Eddington & Allen; mnc. End 'IL" 410 Linden Ave. M iWl). 408 63LTN46-ltc 66 FORRNIT --STOREs BOFFICES ALL 100% LOCATIONS 580 LINCOLN AVE., 30160 This double store sultable for First Class Restaurant or Tea Roome 576 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka, iSîGO. 980 Lindén, Ave., Hubbard W2pods, ilnusually attractive red brick, whiM 'tnim. Practicalir ,-'ew. -rive Manier ýbedrooms. 3 baths. . W L& BUILT' Solid -brick. home. Bngllsh type. 6, rms., 2 ba. Priod by. estate to -»IL "UNI VERSITY flSR«C!"' New modern moUd brick home. BIxeep- tlonallr well done; 9 .rnis., 3 ýbethe Priôed $15,M0 below market for quick sale. WiLMETTE~ BUNGALOW OP CHARMNG. pessibilities; brick; 6 rni., 1 bath. Zx-l ceedin.gl3f reasonable terme.; WINNE-TKA HOME OP DISTRICTION TWO ACRES OP RIPARIAN Modern Itallan villa. Library,- loggia.. 4- master bedrms., 3 'miteir bathe. Format gardens, tennis court, wooded. lawns 150x600 to beach. - - GLENCOE ""ID BRICK COLONIAL" Practically new; weIl planned and buit 4 master bed*'ms., 2 bathe, Un- ueual Interior. Owner is moviug out of town. '*ENGLISH TUDOR" New,, spaclous, well plaiuied. Central -location; 8 rnis., 3 baths. Open for Inspection. 'BEAUTY-LARGE GROUNDg"1 Well wooded, 1,00x198. This Ameriçan Colonial 8 rnis., 3 bath., Io pniced for an excoptionel buy. ."SKOKIE RIEDGE"' Several charming- new homes. OPEN FOR INSPECTION HIGHLAND PARK. ODEME ~PARK" TWO BEÂTTUL RIPARIAN HOMES SEVERAL BEAUTIPUL NEW HomESina-different price ranges. with niparian -privileges. .OPEN FOR INSP'ECTION~ O wuere eofu"ove propertie.. want olrs -or wll exchange for -,maller.or lu-M comne. Thon * home..> represent je- lected offeringe front eus, "Libraryv of Fie Homes" 528 Davis BCt. Evanstoiý Greenleaf 1855 Hoilyoourt 1856 - and 1071 Skokie -RIdge Dr. ;QieMncS 902 Sprut - &MLLF #Y b. reasa ni. oriving fi] bil pny 9m Owner movln.mrust B.0A real. - bargain. Repw, HILL & STONE' e.' 543, Lincola .A'e. Tel. Wlnaeêtkg 1644 CHQIXCE5T LOCÂTION- r.utIo0ed6-apo. Brick lklck 820 0 -pBm.Brick winL !W 1 ,, 89

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