ply from the cty of iEvanston was read at the regular meeting of the board Tuesclay night. This petitioni bearng the signature of twenty-three residents living on Isabella street, Prairie avenue and Wood court, re-ad as follows: ".We, the. undersigned 'property own- ers and. citisexis of Wllmtte do hereby protest agaixnst. and object to, the con- striction of a booster pumnp bpaiding to be located ln the parkway ln Prairie avenue adjacent toIsabella sûreet and d1emand a hearlng on this objection.", In connection witb this petition Village Clerk, Lea J. Orr read a leng- thy communication from Ralph' C. Wessel, 216 Wood court, askingthat a public hearing be 'held on-the mat- te-fr-of erecting the proposedl booster pumping station before final action is taken. Mr. -Wessel stated that, since the secion in which ýthe Village board proposes to er ct the station is resi- dential it iàs entitled to every con- * sideration in the matter oï protection. He SYggested that seme arrangement be miade whereby the station might be placed in such a position as to be hidden by shrubs and trees. *Teatro del Logo Has Pleasing Art Exhibit The spacious foyer of the Teatro del Lago is housing an exhibit of fifty-seven oul paintings by members of the Palette and Chisel club. of Chicago. Nearly <rty artists are represented by these pictures which will be on display 'at the Teatro del Lago until Friday, March 27. > Patrons of the theater enjoy strol- Jing before. these pictures which ar.e shown to advantage in the nellow. * light of the foyer. A pleasing ar- rangement 'of the exhibit, also en-ý hances its, appeal to th e1 many per- *sons iwho see the paintings. Refreshing -landscapes, wit their golden shades,. rich browns and rest- :fuI greens; enttancing stuiso * clouds that change the. mood of the, observer in the manner of beautiful and varied musi; trees wbose leavesý almflNt whi&ner from the canvas; a. 0o Eriends of Miss Rosalind M gave her an evenine surprise pa on her birthday Friday, March at ber home 400 Park avenuç. fuis Il OAIRS AND TABLES FOR lENT FOR Ja O OAsioX 13.t 521 MAIN ST. W"LMT1'H 3 HERE ARE THE B ARGAINS 0F THE, MONTH for MARCH VALUES ARE UION-LUKE PRICES ARE, LAMB-L1KE, A six-cup table percolator Use it. for parties-use kt every day. This new Hot- point Percolator is meant for ail occasions. It's very n*sy to clean--chroineplated outside (can't tarnish)-" Oiverplated inside. A regular $12 value$395 speciallypriced at... .A tip-and-turn toaster When you tip, openthe dooirs of this Manning- Bowman toaster, the btead -tu=us over automatîcaly. Finished in non -amishing cbromep 'a-te 39 ths$6 value is priced speciailv at. . Save h'om $2.50 to $6 on à new Feclelco Cleoner W. C. Braun of 807 Central avenu~e and W. H. Smnythe of 43 Kenilwortlb avenue, Kenilworth, are returning to théir homes. the last. of this 'week f romn New Orleanis'where they hâve. béen spendn a fort night playing PULC SIERvICE. COMMI« f4 JlPH W. IÇ0frfE, hrc aae -71141 I Av., WdIm.# ho WIkstt 2899