W. own our'store building and the. consqu.nt large rental saving for. .xceeds the cost of those sp.ctaI servics, Ioaving- a good m'argin with which to meet compe.fiti<n's Iowest prices. 0f course, w. handie no infror merchandise. ECONOMIES-March 20ota26 BACON Swifts Premium siliced f resh' every day IL.39cý CROWN-ROAST 0F LAMB, Somfething -differ- ent, sitbe fraloccasions ... . b. 55c LAM.B PATTIES. Fresh made, for eâcli order from choice stock............ ......lIb. 29C. COFFEE. Chase,.& -Sanborn's 'Seal Bran d, inte dated package .................Lb.39c CAMAY SOAPO Fragrant anhd' milid. for ,dainty toilet use.............3 bars 19c SUGAR. Pu re1 canie'granu1laed in w'hite ctoth sacks .........10 Ibs. 55eý SOAP FLAKES. American Family Iargest size 2¾34-1Ib. carton ........47c COCOA. Opler's pu re, rich beverage ancd ,.cooking cocoa '..... /2 Illi-1 3c, 1I L.19c CATSUP. Richelieu. Mvade.'from lsiu red ripe fruit ...............-pint 19C T OMATOES. Plymouth, *Rock. NO..2 tins of. heavy. pack choice fruit.........2 tins 23c CORN Baby Stuart No. 2 corn .................. tins of clean, white ~.2 ins 27c No. 21/-) tins of rich rocirn, the. visitors at the tiVr.d an- nlual fleiter Uomnes expôsi n are in-. troduýced to. the ýdeights of il der hou9eiceepîIng as they pas;" f rom on e bootti :to .another at the Womian's club -in, Winette.. ýAl1 the housekeeping articles are fascinatin g ly exhibitéd and, in -saunt- erinig *abot,,thée visitors see the ro- snaîce in a kitchen and. the beautv .hat.*can be in a borne. The exposition, which is sponsortd by the ways and nieans coffmitteof, the .Womnan's club of'.WilniMette,- will close- tonigt t has attracted %vornén f rom ail along the noritlh shore. On1 the, openinig day sL-xteen bunc d. e'visi- tors. aad ýpasse(l. throug.h t1lie display. roorns 'before,.t lhe afternoâon ýwas half over. Luncheon and diinner is served an-d fortunes are told witil afteruoon tea as anl added. attraction. Aîid 'On the stage theïe, is . the Woman's club bazaar with a 'variety oif things (il% sale including china ýpots and pretty pillows. Thie prograni fôr today, the last day of the exposition', includes a lec- ture at 3. on "Iinte.rior Decorating," 1w: Gladys Prutsman, followed bv a lec- ture.on "The Efficienit Kitchen," by Miss Alice V.. Madden., Tonight 'at 7 :15 there Nwill be ,a style show. 12. New 'Cases ofMeasles Reported Here This Weclç Eighteen new cases of contagious diseasés, including twelve cases of *nieasles,. five of mumps and one of scarlet fever, 'vere reported in Wil- mette for the week ending Wednes- dav, March 18. The Wilniette Health department also reported the follow-. ing old , cases of contagious disease-s still active in the village: mumps, 3; whoopixig cough, 3; scarlet 'fever', 3; measies, 2; and pneumonia, 1. 'Wilmete Businessis Peërs opaliged" We suggest for that WEDDING or *Qnly. one ticket, 'that * cf the Ci- izens' party, wiII be. in the field. for thé annual Kenilworth Village elec- tion, which is to, be held Tuesdav. April 21. The- filing tiue *for can- didates expired Tuesday at inidnight. The Citizens' Party heïd a caîicîs Thursday* night of last .-eek .at the *Kenil*orth. Assemibly hall .an& nOml-, i -atd Ralph R. Hawxhùrst, "618 Es sex road, for reelection. as président 'of the, Village.. -Mi. Hawxhurst ba.s. .seirved--two termis as Presid7ent and* one terni sVillage see *The.caucus also norninatedl Richard Wolfe', .414 Essex road, tôo succee .( himself as. Village tr .ustee. He- bas served two ternisin, this capàcity. GÇeorge R. Benson, 210 MeIroý!e avenu e, and joseph. Joyce, ý531* Essex road, thé other twotrusteés whose, ternis. expire' this" spring, are flot candidates for 'réelection, and'the Cit- izens'.party caucus nominated to take their., places Harry V. Crooks, -615 Cunor road, and Henry G. Zander, jr., 7,36 Cumniings avenue. Mr. Beii- sont bias served on the ICenilworth Village board, for seven years and Mr. Joyce for two years. .Hfoldover memibers. of the boarçl are John L. Wilds,,244 Oxford roa(1, Arthur B. Adair,, 320 Melrose. aventîw, and: Richard C. Johnston, 321l'i rose avenue. A. J. Elliotts Return From Extended Tour Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Elliott returned last Sunday to their home at 824 Ashland .avenue froni an extensive trip through the Southwest and the South. Mr. ("ýDad") Elliott inade talks ini the various colleges for the Y-. M.1 C. A. He> and Mrs. Elliott Ieft December 19 for Los Angele, going -on from- there to Sacramento,:. and Fre 1sno.ý At Christmas time Mr. Elliott attended the ' Assilomar c onifer- ence.. Early in January hé gave a .talk at HIouston college, Huntsville,, Texas. During February they travelë.- ed - througli Louisiana returning. _by way of New Orleans. They came. home by Way of Florida where they . 1 CENTRALS AND TWELFTH- WILMETTE. GROCIERY MARKIET aPHONE 510 "'PHONE514. rrice.a ai$5.00 DOMUINIC P,&GLIA&RULOl, Jeweler and Opticiau 1166 Wilmçtte Avenue Ph o e.L.16 I 'I____________________________________ Miss Ring-Ting Special.1.00 fl!~tngCanbo Shos 11: Central 'Ave.ý wIImette t -T