àceffl the. elilldagu off thi e et-usr h.uw-eIuays occupi.d. Tu..7Winl tali. grot p"Sure in this wuidevfu1I heaJtImbuilding aUWBatu. t l is . . xcepti.umiJIy useful at Country Clubs, Coin- umiwmty Ceutrs and Publie Institutions. Pricua s wigiruade ,t-àis-nstaIIaio u cbusho.'. OUT-O.DOOIR 50N. C"a~ St, Chicago 47 497 L - Orrsngton et Davis fvanston, Illinois folbowîng table, to, tend assistance hy segregating each group in accordl to its height, and month by .month'. Varieties of low heights, and of_ short duration, should be in the back. or, form the bo4v of- the ,early plant- ing, giving preference to thé, edge to those varieties that have. a long blooming season.; Viota Cornuta pre- domninates this entire. list, as an, al às.easoin btoomning border plant. They' should be used in large quantities and prédominate your entire edging or* border. Forget-me-nots are second for con- tinuous bloomn. A good fotiage ef- fect mnay be açcoMplishe~d by the use of dwarf sédum. .A, sprinkling of early btooming srnalt bulbs-and Hyaciriths add nma- teriatly to the early. spting borders ede. 0 The month of May greets us most impressively with our tutips. These bulibs predofiinatCe so pronounced thta ether varieties of plants are com- pletely drowned, while their glorious session of bloomi lasts. The f ew varieties of Perennials isted are .very ineffective during this month. Your bulbs are your only hope. Towardi the end of May, however, the Ger- man Iris have their session of glory. Juua- june is perhaps the greatest month for the perennial border. There are are some of the most effective.,,both i-ymeflth in the garden and for cutting of this 'the Pe month's group. sicifoli,1 July Australi adonnaï- Juiy is a coniparatively hard month italie, L in the flower garden. as many Of lie, sit the perenniats that wereso abundant aDolhn Sth ANNUAL Ic, T'i FLOWER SHOW Achillea Garcleu Club of Iflinois S1tokesia Bd. De Laurier Oliver Hanson August are the Phlox. However Ver- onica Subsessellis, Platycodon, the purpie Coneflower, Hlollyhocks and Gladiolus, ail do their part, durinýg August a"d.Suqemb" As this period of the year approach- es,.there is nathingquite soi gorgeous as the Dahlias., Heavv batckgrounds of- Boltonia, Pyretheum Uliginôsumf faced ;with Rubrum àand ,Auratum. Uiles, a late ptanting of (<ý1adiolus, w.ill1help out most wonderfùl'11.1ii this Iast period of 1summer's beauty. Tt,. fact a welI designed and accomptish- ed fali boàrder ican be just: as charM-. ing and' beautiful as that of spring. As a matter of fact the great heights and masses of bloom at this period are moàt greu when properly ar- ranged. An dg=g of Sedum Spec- tibie predominating wili tend a neat appeara nce >as an edging for thesé tait -growing late falf btooming plants. 4 Inches to 1 foot hlgh ; celand P~op- pies, Alyssum Saxtile, Hardy Candy- tuft, Subulata Phlox, Primula Poly- anthas, Rock Arabis, Iris Pumila, Viola Computa, Reluis Perennis, (E!ng- ,Ii;h* Daisy'i, Specle Tulips. Narcissus, Crocus, Hyacintbs, Galathus, China- doxas, Early Tulips. 1-2 inches high:, Bleeding Heart. May Cottage Tulips, German Iris, Peonles -Ofticianalis, Anchusa Italica, Lupine9, Aquilegia. Chrysantha, Thallctrum, Dar- win Tullps, Breeder Tulips. 4 ft 1 ln. hioeh:-Heuchera. Hardy flian -Iris, SIÂ1les, Pe mnli uoronfla. ta, $M$U**UCfl, les, Campafiula Per- 3 f. liigh: Baptisc&, la, Delphim.im, Bell- » Bellamosa,..Dig- cedonta, Hemrerocal- Oriental Popies, ontiés. 3-4 ft. high: h. Hybrid. panula C --A 816 Oak St. Winnetlca