Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Mar 1931, p. 31

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Humôr ........... Dais Lott Inquiring Reporter . .....jane Orr Book ft.views Ruth Jackson Alice Altschul Jack Hicks, John Barden Bud Howard e eugene MancinelliJ. )McConnaughey Bob Greenhl Jane Norman __ Bob, Hutchings Jerome ý$trau$s Virginia Lotz Jane Yost George Ogan Willard Kuse Va. Rietheïmer Helén Putt Ethel Anderson Babe PRich Emma'Bickhamà Bob Hutchins Earl Moss ORDER OR CONFUSION? A question that has long been up for discussion at New. Trier pertains to' the procedure of conducting'an adivsor- room. Should it be informaI and give opportunity to meet one's frienids, or 'a model. Parliamerit? We feel that a room* that. is- run on an entirely formai basis looses its châ'rm. After àl, the class rooni procedure is usually of a formai naturel depending upon the' teacher in charge. It is not always up to the student to determine the atmos-' phere of a class. Therefore we feel that advisor room should take on a very quiet, carefree toUe. We say quiet, as it is impossible for i.i to be transfor-med into either a dance hall or a gym floor, so we must restrain ourselves when it cornes to noisy play. We do advocate its being a place for free informal conversa- tion, .without an advisor's restrictions on the type or iength of the conver- t sation, This should also incltide the privilege of going to and f rom Iock- ers at necessary intervais during ad- visor. period. We f tel that those students causing a commotion in the halls at« their lockers should ha ve discipline notes or some equivalent toinstil into their minds that. it is selfish, to say -the least, to- disturb those endeavoring to spend their time studying. It is aniother instance of a great number being reprimandtd for tht misdeamors of a f ew. Rn.mearirmemntgi favor of a most Tuf Guy: l'Hey, you! Why dof't you put your feet where they belong?", Tuffer Guy: "If I dl, you wouldn't be. able to sit down for a weelc. Ray Stocks Jane: ."I hear' you were upeet by .the bank failure." 1Dan: '«Well, rather.! Completely loat My balance.'*@ Advt, "Pal, I think I'm gonna. shoot mÙy- self!" . dAw, Swede; don't, shoot yourself !-, you tan do it better with gas !" Eneyceuieodia Trovetlaui Puppy Love-TRie beginning of a dog's life. ExeuBée It, Flease, Doc: "So they thought Gordon was paralyzed." Second: "Yeah, they didn't know Rie waa aà chesa player." Firt Herring: "WRiy don't You take better care of your brother?" Second Ditto: "WhY shOuld. 1? Am 1 mir brother's kipper?" i110.rds l 3tlels 'IPKItry "'Whatcha waflt?" "Soda." .'Yeah, soda th' reat of us." George: "What are you ,writing?" Betty:. "Jokes." George: "-well, say hello to hlm for me." Zooji1 Ruth: "Egad 0 but that have been a barber! ordered noodie soup and and brought mue a bottie0 Bleanor: "Wbhy that's a .Last week I orderad an Ir blime If they didn't dragi ice-tusu !" FwgitlCiiiiy speskIug "'Isn't this ducky " quoth Ii as Rie waved again. to sonýeone ln the gaflery. "m odian! Your Jokea last week rk)J 1 4du t know-I threw somne l the tire and it juat roared !" They i aughed. when I. started to ait down at tRie piano, but when mrY pants. began to rip I thought they'd Split!f DIMPLES, dinnr the hes Dear ter muet erday 1 vent out, sangtibelne ua.rence songs,£iD8flowen o5 au à4drelà on *Orbe World We L'Ve lu," delivered»by Miss CourtenaY. the, dean of girié at Llndbioom IUigh chboolL &fthr tutu the. numerous projet;s. of the Girls'club were.diecussed. Bailyrde- bel told them about, our seholarahipo and our various. ways cf mmiking mnoneY duringtRie year. :Âfter luncheon we returned to the auditorium andi *ère entertained bY Miss Borchers of tbe Speech Depart- ment of the Univeraity, of Wisconinf. BRie spoke- on, the qualities, mont neces- ;rbbleY ý BRie llutra.tted Rier talkfWith poetic andlitevary slc ion. olloing this tRie gilsl of',Morton presented. a one-act play, «'The Aftected Young' Liadies,"i by Moliere. This conference tg one of thie bout ways of comparing our GWirs club with those of other achools and la an excellent means of producing a spirit, of f.riendshlp, among tRie girls. Advlser ROOMS j<ast 'week Miss David's advisees were entertained by a very delight- fui gentleman, namely Mr. Frisbie, who gave a lecture on bis trip to Europe. Tht talk w.as - enivened by motion pictures which were operat&t by Miss May Fogg. U.Miq% nadden's atlviitnr urounl)ave the 'attie of long healthy swings and. K. 0. panchies. Although 09»' didn't havre mach of a chance lie took some punichqoe that«..woiuid have knocked ont the averaÈe boy. u 1àthe 147i-pund clams Billi Mler lest to ugene ý 'homB- nlu of tthe bout bots, the,,tserles. Bill won- by a for'-, feijt overhl\tb*ther B& .CNI beat, Chick Kreme lu a laugh riot. Cblck waded into, a better boxer lu ail the seriousness that hoe la notel for,. Panny Runuifli pouandetibisý way to an easy vlctory over George. Wood lu tRie 120-pouad clam 1 F5nny was bey far' the, better, flhtdr of, the two, but. George wadedigbl t ying . bard tQ win. There were two forfeits. Martin Bridges was, delared champion by Ie-. fauit In tRie 136-pound clam ansd loung In the 115-poinid cams. ORNITHOLOGIST CLUB At the Iast monthly meeting of the Qrunithologist club on MQnday, March 9, tht members were treated to an iliustrated taik by Davis Lott on the birds whîch he saw in Colorado iast, summer.' Among- these were the Whiskey jackç or Camp Robber, the Red-shafted 1Ficker, and the Water, Ousel. -The annual bird prize con-« test was also mentioned. This 18 sponsored by Mr. 0. R. Barnett of Glencoe, a. member of tht New Trier' Board of Education, who offers ten dollars every year for the best paper .1 Miss True of the North) Shore TIravel_________ bureau presented thé program. BOYS' ADYNSOR ROOM NOTES, - In the Senior boys' rootu, thet n Miss Sentney entertained Miss Ev- nual "'Echoes" campaign was jstated. an's room -a few weeks ago with a last week. taik on ber recent trip to* South America. In return Miss Evans Mr. Christnsçn's room, had- a pro- t spoke to Miss Sentney's girls on grain of readings given by Lindsay "Arkansas."' Fr Fielidl.h Misa H-amiltof's Fehe il ad as their guests laat Wednesday durlng advisor perlod' Miss Breidenbach's ad- . Mr. Aschenbach's advisory went to visees and their big sisters, Mise Walk- th.e Oratoricai Cortest given last up's. girls. Thie, prograin, whioh w&5 Tsa. lu nginthe aid audi- given ln the Girls' club room, 'was fur- ~ mrm niahed by, Mn. Karnopp of Wlnnta, tonium. haL a I1UKIAI ily Interest 0f the club. of IOYsO e She'IV aon ti eyes turu uer wui. (Mo». New Tsi 1 ý . ýPas*: now 1 montiti viding ts api not script t4.ws.m

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