Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Mar 1931, p. 12

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MA.KE TO THE CITIZENS 0F WILMETTE: A,. substanitial group of mnen, ail residential property awners. and. residélts of the Villa'e of Wilinette,, after giving careflcnsdrto ta a number off major'problems confronting the Village, problems wbich wi0ll affect the weèlfare of' the Village far into the future, presented our nianes as candidates in the coming Village election on April 2lst, 1931,.. at a nu*jc caucus held in the.VillageHall the eveniiig of March'lOth, 1931. and we were honored with'the nomination as candidates for President and Trustees off the Village, and in accepting thas hohor we are flot unmindful of tbe obligations wve assume and propose to, give ample time to solve these problemà ta. the best of our ability. It was determined, for differentiation purposes to, utilize the, tianie Public Weélf are Party. The Village nowv bas>before it civic qÜestions which the Public Wvelfare. -Party consider off most f ar-reaching importance and it 'ap- pears logical that in ;the, coming election, candidates àshould declare asclearly as 'possible,, their positions on -these major questions.. Thot ytti'jisa3i know exa(;tly what t/he Pjie l 'ielfar-c IartY '0(- * vcates, the jolfotviug is te ý?atfôrM: 1. Have plan. commission for study and recommendations, but * adoption ýof its recommendations, in whole or in part miust h. by majority of tii. people of, the. Village. W. -believe that in the. case off wideningof a residential street, exicept in such rare tases where it is an absolute necessity for the. welfare off the wbole Village, that. the owners off the property directly .iffected should firat decide by a inajority consent in each block wh.ther they approve or. disapprove of the wiclening of such street. ltaving approved by titis rnethod, the. niatter shotild tIien- be decided by ^ vote-of ailthe. people of thiVillage. If . posisbl work out plan to divert through traffic 4round instead off tIr.ugh Village. 2. 'Elevate or suppress railway tracks tô eliminate grade cross.- ings. 3. ProtetOur. Village business as well as di. residential and, * -commimity intersts. 4. Kçep -h Village expenses. as, îow as is consistent with proper càre and progfres off the Village. 5.Consider aIl matters from Village and not. from ouatide * interests. 6.No secret boaurd meetings off any ýkind. PLAN COMMISSION WVe f eel that it is wise ta have a plan commission to study the civic needs off. the VIillage,, bath for present and fuiture, and to work out a cuînpreheiisive plan off developnient. \Ve bellv&e that it is the duty of \Village officiaIs ta subiniit officials chargcdwith the duty of representing tbemn. W felthat to a ýînan who 'bas built bis hômne ini any section ofWilmette under the then existiflg laws, restrictions, etc., there is ý'. moral obligzstjjon on behaîf off the Vill age to hold that man'*s -prcperty sacreopiud especially so with respect to bis wishes relative' MIN 1 I I~1UJ Signed: CARBON P. DUBOS STACY C. BENNETT ALBERT W. FROEHDE ,ARTHUR LEE B. Sure to Vote on April -2 1 s-and -Yoie tf4 Public Welfare Party Ticket StraighIýý- toaywi(leing of bis street, beinlg careful inot in any way to put a cloud or, bis titie without bis consent. And. we also feel that people living on tstreets not aff ected by planis of street widening should be, careful not to. impose sncb, stret ideingaganstthewises f those property owners who. .object. THROUGH TRAFFIC '1'hroulgh traffic should, be carefülly taken care of and where possible it is . f advantage to.divert it arounld the Village. Tbrough t raffic should not be imnpeded but we do believe it is highly unjust andi unequiitahie to initerfere with thé personal pîropeýrty of our. residents to accoinniodate- outsiders. * We.also )f eel that thrcrugh l i. lanesar'e extreme hazards to the people and e.specially ta, the Children of the Village: also.that thle3 depreciate sucb streets as residential pro perty and that pn- warrant-ed wide ing of streets lays the first real step f or apartnIent. biuildinigs. APARTMENT BUILDINGS \'c- areý oppoucd to apartineflt buildings outside of~ the Village Ibui'itess sect*in. aid iii, turni the l)usineýs section should be con- fiiivâ t« thu iieds of the Village. \'<e belicéve that such buisines's ecessary for the Village nieeds> should l)e w.hole-hecartedlIy suplported bvy the peopleý and protected in every Way. Their iinterestr, are our intercsts and they' are a v-ery Important part of aur cuniiiunity. The Village off Wilmette was created as a Village of homnes and we believe the majority of us desire to so- maintain it. GRADE SEPARATIONS \\e beliéve thiat the railways passing through our Village ý,fiOild arranige. to eliniiate the 'grade crossings, as. a safety factor to oir peole ai(l as essenitial to the progress of our Village. W\ýe feel that the iniat-ter should 1w expedite.d. beéaritig inind.,that. puart of this expeinse rriust beborne b)y the 1roperty owniers of t'heý V'illage aiid sliould hbe1 brought'ab)ottiii such a way that the expense *thereto cati be best borne 1.1 the .Prajerty owners. VILLAGE MANAGER. Uü e elieve that baving a Village XManaàgcr, is the iast efficienit *way 'of operating the V ýillage, buit vwe want it understood that the - 'r.tees; elected sholild inat pt their responsibilities oni him. ANNEXING NEW JERRITORY On the ç1uestion of annexing or niot, annexing No Man's Land aiid other pieces of prQperty, we- believe this inatter should be t

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