At' the Village Election., Ap ril' 2lst, 1931 STACY C. BENNET CARBO P. UBBSCANDIDATE FOR VILLAGE CANDIDATE FOR VILLAGE Born at Nctoaygo, M<hgan <du PRESIDENT >Iarch, 1877, came to Chicago 1Borg in Franliln Pa., 181. in 1894 anid n 1908 forme the H a8 lived in .Wjlmette ainceý Hardwood Mille. Lumber Cc., of 1915. Owna h<s owc» home at ichicli Company lie -fa the 1004, Michigan' Ave. ,Married pr#me mover and Pe<et and haa three children. HaO Mcved to Wilinette in 1907 in been an executive in varions whicA vllpge lie kh. beçnaa oilindutrial firma for rnany re8dent.for tcn -oryaa yeara, iwas one of the organ- la a mem ber of :the Wilmette izera of The Univeraal O.:1 Baptiat Chtsroh. A lac, a mçm- Producta Co. and waa ta Vice ber of the Wilmette Maon<c Prea<dent. Director in The Lodi)c A., P. & A. M. No. 931. Une poo Co., Treaaurer and Di-, Belcuga to the <Chicago Con- rector of the Kennedy CorPOra- a<tory and gAtine Temple. A tion and haa many other inter- member of the Au Sable Clubi eata in theciol <ndustrh,. Member and Med<nah Countryý Club.. o)f Wilrnette Maaon<c Lodge No. Comm faa<cner of the Boy Scouts 98,thc Shawnee Country Clu&b <n Wimetc. Hia fçamily con- and ihe wilinextte Batîtat i.ta of hie ,Mfe and <liree chil- ('huch.*dren, one girl and two boy8. Owna ie cicu home 1821 Green- 10004 Avenue.à The Public Welfare Party was organized. to protect properly owners by the use of. the.. ref- .ereý ail major civic questions. Public W el/are Party, Head quarters: 1157 Wilmtte Ave-Telophone Wilmlte 5100 805 Rdge WiIithe e2100 ALBERT -W. FROEHDE, CANDIDATE FOR VILLAGE TRUSTEE Bor» 1 ebruary 26,1896, iut Chi- Ca , Illinois. Bcrved overeeaa in- thc l07tli u. S. Inidntry, BIth Divisicn. flgltly w c n n d e d. Cit ation f rom Major-G eneral John F. O'Rya'4.- Admitted f0 * the Bar cf thc State cf Illinois OctD ber, 1922. Systema and efficiency m4an for J. W. .Butler * Paper Company 1919-1922. Chi- cago Truat Company aa at- torney tin Real Rat eLoan, Dcpartmient.Cocam politau State', Bankc, Aaat. Cashuer jzn4 Trut. Officer, 1923-1929 . vice-preai- dent, and Stecretary of Great Lalcea 1Finance Corpoôration, 1929 to preacut time, and 'general. combael for aevcra.i ethler cor- porationa. Has lUvect,<nii wn home at 16o8 W<lmtte Avenue, at 925 Maiiur