GIVE US YOUR ORDERS FOR HOME made angel food cake and doughnuts. 'NOTICE SNot responsible for- any lebt. ' con- tracted by'anyonie but myseif. -<Mrs. C. H1.> Charlotte 11. Eldred. L45-ltc NOTI(E ON ANIJ) AF71ER , MARCH 14TH 1 will flot be 'responsible. for bila on-, tracte.d by anyone but nîys0lf. S. W. Miller. -373 Ilazel Ave., (ilencoe, 111. 3LTN45-ltp SPEIALASSSSMNTNOTICE VILLAGE 0F WILUIETTE SPECIAL' ASSESSM43ENT NO 2#9 NOT'ICE la hereby, given to ail per- sono Interested tbat the President and Board of TJrustees of the Village of WilmettelW the County of Cook 'and State 'of Illinois,. having. ordered that storni sewer house drains shall be con- structed.In Lockerbie Street f roni Glen-. view Roaci to Central Street in King's Couirt, being a. subidvsion of Lot Thir-' teen (13), except that part lying, North- east of the center lifle 0f Glenview Road, of County Clerk's Division of Section '1hirty.-one' (31), .Township Fortýy-two '(42) North, Range Thirteen. (13Y East 'ef the Third ýPrincipal Meri-1 dian, and connected f0 the public storm sewer ne* In place ln the above street, ail In the-Village of Willm'tte, County of Cook and State of Illinois, the or, dinance for the saine belng o;n ' file Int the office of the Village Clerk, and said Village having applied to the County Court. of Cook County for an assess- mient of the costs of said inîprovernent, a4oording to benefits, and an assess- anet therefor having been mnade and WSW*UId to -,aid court, docket No. 279, the, Jqr,î, nearing thet con will be "bad oni the 30th day of March, A. D. 1931, at ten o'clock A. M., or as soon there- after as the business of the court will permift. Ail persons" deslring may file objections in said court before said day and may appear' on the hearing and make their defense. *Said ordinance provides for the par- ruent of sl assessment intu ten (1Ô)> lnsWa.lments, with annual Interest. there- on at the rate of six percent' per annum. Dated Wilrnette, Illinois, this l3thýday of. March, A. D. .1931. CHARL.ES N. 'EVANS Person appointed by the Presi- dent of the Board of LocalImi- provements of the Village -of Wllmette, Cook County, Illinois, to nmake said assessaient. United ±Realty tompainy's Frst Addui- tion to Skoki e Boulevard 'Addition to Wilnîettei, also in Lake Avenue, Schiller Avenueand 'Birchwood Avenue betwecn Roniona Road 'and the* west Unec of Midland Trust Company's Laketon Sub- division, belng a subdivision of the east Ten (10) acres of tlhc northwest quarter (NW:4,) 0f:the northwest quarter (eW o f. Section Tbirty-two (32) aforesId, ailso la Washington Avenue between Pine Street and Skokie Boule- vaild, also la Highland Avenue between Pine Street and' the first alley wesf of Pine Street, also ln Central Avenue be- tween Lavergne Avenue and, Knox Ave- nue,. also la Holly Avenue between Knox Avenue and the firat alley east of Hibbard Road, also Ina Wilmàefte Avenue between , Hibbard Rtoad 'and Romona Road, also ia Wilmettc Ave- nue between Laramie Avenue and Lavergne Avenue, also laI Glcnvlew Road betweeni Loekerbic Street and the west limits -of the -Village of Wilniette, also lan Thayer Avenue betweea Loeker- bie Street and-Lavergne Avenue, ail ini the. Village of. Wilmette, County of Cook, and Statc of Ilinisl, flhcor- dinance for the same belag on file la 'the office of the Village Clerk, and said, VillaL-e haying applied to the Countyý Court of Cook Couaty for an asses-* aient of the costs of said improvement,. .aecprdliag to 'benefits, and an_ assess- ment therefor having been made and returned to said court,' docket No. 278, the final hearing thereon will lie 'lad on the day of Mardi, A. D. 1931, at. ten o'clock A. M., or as soon thereafter as the business of the court will permit. Ail persoas deslring may file objections In 'said court before sald day and nî'ay appear on thc heariag and niake their defense. Said ordinance provides 'for the pay-, nient of 'said assessment' la ten <00J laistahînients, wltiî annual Interest there- on at fie rate of six percent per annuni. Dated Wilictte, Ilinis~i, this l3th'day of March,'A. D. 1931. CHARLES. N. EVANS Person appoinfed by the Presi- dent of the Board nI Local lmi- provernents QI the Village of *Wilmette, 'Cook Counfy, Illinois, to niake said assessaient. L45-2tc Young. People of Church, to Présent Play in April The high school and young people 1s departments of the Wiimette Parisl /Indrewv Murd ison, 1625 Highmland avenue, Wiliiette, who recently re- turncd from a concert tour, wilI broadcast "A Wee Bit û' Scotch" and scenes from ,cotland in soèig and story over WI111 each Mon- da, Wedniesday and Friday eveningi id 10 o'clock beg? nning Mondaly, MIarch. 16. Air. AMurdiîoit will 'be assisted by the WIBO kiltie band. Stage Manager IsStar. in Drama of Real Life Lea J.. Orr stage magnager, for- the, recent dramatic success "IWhy Men Leave Homie," believes 'in beingpre- pared. That's why lie. asked for spécial. c.argo to customers ~ iIAVugnouULt t: north shore areà.iBràum Brothers Oil company--iewed with complac- ency the recent blizzard which piled streets and highways full of snow and biocked, almost every forai of traffic except ,Braun,,Brothers 011 comïpanys fleet, of trucks. The Company has tanks with stor- age capacity of' 500,000 gallons at ifts f wo Northlfield 'plants; 300,000 at ifs. Highland Park plant and 200,000 at its Mainstreet, IWanston, plant. Thé Company bas two plants at Northfield, the, new ,onie, recent.v completed, being about one thousand feet south of-the old -one and haýving a' storagç capacity of 200,000 gallons. At. plant No. 1, in thle twelve huge bulk, tanks, it is possible to store .an1 additional 300,000 gallons. These storage tanks, are onunload - itîg tracks of 'the Chic'ago & North western 'Railway company. 'The switch track. is capable- of hiold(inl.g fourteen tank-cars at one timne. I'Empjoy Lea5fig TankJs Inside the building are also six 5,000 gallon loading tanks, into which the, varlous kinds of oil', -are trains- ferred f romn the bulk storage- tanks, adthence, by a separate groupof elecfrically drivren pumps, is delivered on througlî on e, ' or al of, the, eig ht loading racks, into the truck tank., I.lie filling of which. requires but a fe\v minuteS. Crude oil is piped from fthe OkI-41 homia fields to East Chicago, froni whence the refined, heating oils iin i0-thousand gallon tank cars goes out to various storage yards of refail fuel companies, of 'whiclh the Brau Brothers Qil Co. bas grown f0 be ftle largest north of.Ciîicago. Be.cause 'of -'the .storai.over.,last week end there was no train service f rom the East Chicago yards f0 the i 1orf h -shore, retail areas, -either 0o1 Sunday, Monday or Tu.esdaSr. 11ut Storage Tanes IHeip Btwithi their one million galions 0f storage, this break-dawn on, the. part of railIroad'transportation1 facilities, * no difference to the, Brauft Broth- crs 011 company. G. A. Schoenrock, plant superititeti- dent, a graduate of' Armourý insfifute, to 10 er homie. b- Mrs. Walter ~Noble ue. Roslyn road,, Kenilworth Il- Sto the meinbers of ber, ce, iast Tuesday.' Giiiett, 533 was hostess bridge club wouldn't mind it at"ail, if you> gave Mr. and Mrs. John W. Culien %vil nie a ride' home lin that squad car." return on Sunday to their 'home at 1226' Ashland avenue, f rom Winter 'Miss Jane Ridgway was hostess .at ParkFia. wherethey have been fer a trousseau tea at ber home ini Ken- several months. ilworth 1Monday afternoon. --'0 -0- - Mrs. Arthur McIntosh just as. m:e-; Mr.: and Mrs. Mark Cresap of Win- turned to her ,homre at j521l Roslyn netka' ieft iast Week for a trip to New road, Keniiworth froni the hospital, York.Whére shc underwent an operation.