Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Mar 1931, p. 1

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Garbo n P. Dubbs Heads .Welfatre PartySiate PUBLI-SH C IVI C PARTY PLATFORM j: Econoiny and Sound Planning Keynote of Pronouncemenùt Adopted This Week Iiconomy and sound planning for the Village _of Wilmette are two of the principal planks in -the platform unanimnously adopted at a caucus of. the Wihuette Civic party in the fHow- ard. school library Monday. night of thisweek. The Civic part3- ticket inludes** Frederick 'J. Newey, candidate for Village president; Henry J. Brandt, ..Evan R. James and Floyd, B. Weak- ly, candidates for Village trustee- ships, and Harry W. Miller, candidate for Village treasurer. During 'the discussion which ac- companied the adoption of the plat- form section by section, two attitudes, were emphasized: First that the plat- formi is a declaration of principle and not a matter of political expediency; and, second, that the platformi is con- structive. Intend No0 U5Jm *"There is no intention to slam," it was pointed out. WVith Hoyt King acting as secretary of the caucus in the absence of George F. Iliff, and with Dr. Donald M. Gallie presiding as chairmail of the caucus, the platform was first' read ini its entirety by Mr. King. Following the passage of a motion S for the adoption of. a platform, Mr. King read each of the thirteen sec- tions, separately. Each of the sections was. then adopted, after discussion, almnost ini the.,saine forni as had becu recommended by the platform coin- nuttee consisting of Enoch Steen, Ralnh C. Wessel, Hovt King, Fred- Buy. Tickets ,Now for- Spaldin' ocert! Albert $paldinig, violinist, in giv- ing his services without charge f or he .benefit concert at New Trier Uigh school1 auditorium on Satur- day evening, March, 14, is giving the equivalenit of $1,000, wvich'is"the pric e he ually deniands for bis services. The, Winnetka Music, club, .which. is sponsoring the March. 14 concert,: expects, the 'auditorium to be filled to capacity by north shore patrons, as an expression of their appreciationi for Mir. Spaldings splen did offer, and their support iq.i raising money for the general uneni- ployment f und. Tickets nia* be purchased at any' tinie f romn Mrs. &suie Gran~t, Wnnetka State bank, or f ront any meniber of the \Vin- netka Music club..1 Circulate Petitions for Library Trustees Petitions were circulated for two independent candidates for trustees of the Wilmette Public library, Myra .J. (Mtys. Deavid) Davis, 721 Elmwood lihé Rev. John 6G. Hindley, who occu pies the pulpit of tise Congre- g.atioizal chu r-ch for tise first tinté next St4nday rnornting, i: a mans of fine talent and traisting. Af ter nine years of service he is. relinquished. by the East Cleveland Congre ga- tional churrlî with deepest regret. He cones to t hi: cominunity ztith a record of outstanding service not only? to hi: local churcis but to the, vacancy on the iîbrary board. TO LEAVE FOR BILOXI Several residents of Kenilworth are] leaving Saturday for a sojourn at Biloxi, Miss. Edwin Hedrick and his' dauighter, Phebe, of 304 Melrose ave- nue are among theni. They expect to spend a fortnight there. The Oliver Barretts of 623 Abbottsford road and the Craig Ketchains and tlheir family of 611 Abbottsford road, also are, am~oe thnop <enarting March 14. NOMINATED A T CAUCUS FARLEY' Seision Tuesday Also S.lectm Trustees to OpposeCivic0 Party Nomninees Carbon P. Dubbs, 1004, Michigan avenue, was named -as the, candidate of "the. newly oranied Public Welf are party f or presîdent of the Village of Wilmette Tuesday night at, a caucus which attracted a large audience to the council, room at the Village hall. The. new, party was organfized at that time. A. W. Froehde, 1608. Wilmette ave- nue, Arthur Lee, 925 Manor drive, and St.acy C. Bennett, 1321 Greenwood ave- nue, were nanied as the part.y's candi- dates for Village trustees. Thiere was no candidate for Village Treasurer. Thé choice Of Mr. Dubbs as candi- date for president wvas unanimous. The nominating speech was made by Myles. J. Phillips, 1003 Michigan avenue. Os- car W. Schmidt, 827 Elmwood ave- nue, former Village president, seconded the nomination. When nominations for trustce'candi- dates, were being- made- the naine of quest bis naine was eliminated f rom consideration by a nominating commit- tee appointed by the chaitinan. Lomquist CWSufms Axel Lonnquistý 500 Elmwood ave-, nue, acted. as& barman of the caucus. and- was one of, the principal spokes- meni for the new party. Before he took over the chair, William M. James, 208' Eighteenth street, acted'. as tempor- ary chairman. M4rs. Anne Cochran was AV~W* . ... -'g .1 *ness principies require tne awarding G.arden Section ....... 56-57 of contracts to the lowest bidders, Junior Lie .............2 provided their financial responsibility, Music ,page ........ ... . .38' faciities for doing the work, and reputation for honest performance of Public Forum......... 18 cnrcwarrant 1. ar n ulRecretOn ... ........ 5 "Village mâanager: We ae nî1 Society Page ......... .44 (Continued 'on page 6) mation and belps pertainîng to home f uroiuhing, decorating, gar- dening and planting, appears ini this issue, and wiII continue to appear in subsequent issues during gh the vzulage. Blevate or> supprese ralwy 9 to eliminateý grade croseliige. proteçt our Villagel bumlaesm an (Continued on page. 5) m

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