You can now get a genuitie Exide-with an allowance of $IL for your old battery lioplate Dattel7. ..0#8095 15-plate, Dattey .l *1.50 ýWhy take a chance, on -an unknown battery?o on't buy a guarantee., buy expert service. wi anEie WIlnette Dattery&Eectrie.Servic 1740 TWOfth Street Phono WMmett 691-6 Wasing- reasing - Tirs Ignition Service. Buy GUARANTEEI> Coal andicoke, You, do not have to gamble when you order Coal or Coke from Consumers Company becaiusbe*v.ry ton is fully guaranteed as to quaify and fuil weigt-'it ;must sat.isfy, YOU or ws wilI1 remove it and refund your money.' Avoid the "flu" by teeping your borne at a warm, even temperature. A bin fuit of Consumers ÇQa! is a guarontee .of heaI*h and cornfort this winter. SYO0U R COAL O N APPROVAL IGUARANTEED COAL. FUEL OIL SOLVAY COKE DEL 1VE YARD ~psu ers Q pai s A LL 0OV ER T HE mN0R TH S IW WL MET TEe 13.00, WINNETKA 3385S GLENCOE 75 HORE DIS CT Co* Tlophonu ýWmientka 32 Rb.F. Doqii.l PhlIL aru. alL r BU.Y L Brgm