TWO IRECORSFREE PUBLIC,- LIBRARY Notice le hereby given that the Presl- dent and Board o! Trustees of eaid Vil- lage have authorlzéd that at the sald Anirual Village Electlon théré shall ho submlittéd to thé voters o! 'said 'Vil- lage the followlng ordinance: OftDINANCE NO. 168 4 A4N ORDINANCE provlding for the issuance of. bonds of the Village, of Wllmette, to thé amount of One Hundred TPhousand Dol7- lars, ($100,000.00), for the purpoie .o! obitaining funds whérewith té ereet and construct improvemnents to the -présent t water works systéni, lnluding aBoos- ter pumping. plant, mains, hydrants, meters,' valves, punmping1 equiprnént, bousing, including. the necessary land and ail appurténances theréfor, for supplylng water for public use and for doniestic use oif tle inhabitants o! the Village of Wilnette, and for the bétter protection of thé inhabitants of! said Village againet lossés by'firé, and pro- vlding for thé levy and collection'o« a direct annual tax to pay thé Interest and .thé principaËl of said bo(nds, and fixing theéother détails of the issue. WHER'EAS,. the present watér suUply for thé Village, of Wilrntte le Ina«dé-. quté for do.mestic' useé and 'for thé pro- tection from firé of' thé inhabitants thereof, anid it je deméd nécesary and _____for the beet interests' of this Village thât an adéquate iwtter supply' and the nécesarv équipmént for furnlshinge water for 'doméstlc 'use o! thé. Inhabi- tantes adi for iré protection be pro- vidéd for, and .WHEREAS. thé P>résident mtd Board of Trustées have èaused to bée made an 'esimaeof thé cost of seh Imprové- 'innts. and have found thé cost théréof to'lbe not lèse than One Hundred, Trhousand Dollate (*100,OOO.OQ), and that it «Wili. be necéssary to borrow that amutand issue bonds of thé VlllagqP In évidence theréof. THEIIEFOR9I BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PR'ESIJYENT AND~ BOARD O F RUSTÉES OF THE VILLAGE 0F- SECTION 1: That for thé purposé of providing' thé' nécessary funds whére- with to érect .and .coustruct fimprové- fiente té thé présent waté'rworks cys- teinj lncluding,; a Booster, pum'ping plant,: mains, hydrante, meters,vle, pumping équipuient, bouslng, including thé -nécéssary land' and ail appurten- ancés necés.sary théréfor, for .supplying %vter for public use an-d for doniestiè use of thé Inhabitants of thé Village of .Wilmetté, and for thé, bétter protection of thé, Inhabitants 0of said Village. against lbases by tire, 'thé.re shalbe thé sum of Onie* Hundréd ThoutSankl. Dojiars' ($100,000.00), and to évidence such len' fhe.,.. hal he. rand her ut clusive, aggregating $7,000l.00 in ainount, on May 1, 1951. Said bonds shall bear lnterest f rom and after date at the rate of four and one-haif Der centum (4%%) per- annum eayable semni-annually, on the tiret day of November and hiay,,li each year, which interest, installintsl- shall be evidenced by proper coupons attached to each bond; and both .principal and interest shaih be payable ln' lawful mnonéy, of the United States of, America at- the office of the Treasurer. of eaid V'illage of Wilniette, lu sald Village. SECTION Z: That each of said bonds and éach of the interest coupons to hé théréto attached'shali be lu sub- sta.ntiall-- the followlng forme,' respe- tively, to-wit: * (Fîorm of Bond) UNiITED STATES 0F AMElIICA 9 TATE 0F ILLINOIS COUNTY 0F COOK VILLAGE 0F WILMETTE, WATER WORKS IMPROVEMENT BOND No.- .$1,000.00 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRES- BE2TS: That the Village (if WilRn.ette, lu the ('ounty of Cook--and State >of Illinois, .tckhowleçlges jtsélf. to owe -and, tor value réceived, héeby promises to pay to béarer, the surn of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) 'on the irfst' day of May, A. D. 19-, together wlth Interest on said sunf rorn thé datehereof until I)aid at the, rate of four and oné-haif percentumù (4%%)i perý,annum, payable em-annually, on thé iret day of No- vemùberand May o! eacli yéar, as evi- denced by and upon the presentation eand surrender of thé intereet coupons hereto attached as théy severally be- coiniédue,' both principal and intereÈ3t payable at thé office of the Treasurer of said Village .of Wilméette in said Vil- lage, and for thé prompt paymént of this bond, with interest, as aforesa id. at maturity. the ful faith, ciredit and résources of said Village are hereby irrevocably pled.ged. This' bond la le- sued by said Village for* the purpose of provlding the necéssary funda' to 'erect and construct improvenients to thé present water works systerninl- cluding a Booster puinping plant, mains, hydrants. metérs,. valves, pumping equipmént, houslng. including the 'nécés- sary land and aill appurtenances 'neces- sary therefor, for supplylng water for public, use and for dornestlc use of the *inhabitantso! -the Village of Wilmette, and for the 'botter protection of the Iflbabitants, of sald Village agaînett loeses bv tire, and in accordance: with thé' Provisions of the ordinanice duly passed by thé Président and Board' of Trustées of the said Village* on the. day of ,A. D.1931, adsubrnitted to and approved by 'thé and said eoicers are hereby autîurîseu and dirécted to so exécuté . said bonds and said'coupons for ,and,on behalf o! sald.Village. SECTION 4,. That thé intereet, accru- Ing on said bonde ln thé yéar131saha be paid out o! thé général fund tax o! said Village heretofQré. leviéd for thé yéar 1930. And-lb-at-for thie purpose of reli'bùrsing' such général fund. on ac- count o!: such interéet payments. there- from sund providing thé uécessary ud to meét thé interet which willl accrue on said' bonds lu thé yéars. 1931 and 1932, theré shah bé and theré le. héreby lévied for thé yéar' 1931 on ahl thé tax- able Propérty lu said Village -lun addi- tion to ail, other Village :taxés, a direct tax sufficiént té producé the sum .o! ,Six Thousand Sévén Hundréd and Fi! ty Dollars ($6,750.00). And, for thé pur- posé o! meeting thé intereist whieh will accrue, on said bonds subséquent to November lat,- 1932, and to pay thé principal o! eaid bonds at théierrmatur- 'ity, thére shahl be and there. is héreby lévied on ail of thé taxable propérty lu said Village,' ln addition toý ail other, taxes, thé following direct annual tax,. to-w't:' For éach. o! thé yéars 1932 and 1933, a tax sufflceént to produce t4ié sum o! $ 4,500.00 for intereet. For, thé year '1934 a tax sufficient to produe thé sum .of $9,387.50, 'bing, $4,387.50 for interes t and $5,000.00 for principal. For the'year 1935 a tax sufficiént to producéd thé sum o! $9,162.50, béing, $4,162.50' for interet and '$5,000.00 for principal: For thé yéar 1936 a tax sufficient t produoe thé sum o! $8,937.50, béing $3,937.50 for interest and $5,000.00 for. principal. For thé year 1937 a tax sufficient to produce thé sum of $8,712.50, being '$3,712.5.0 for intereet and $5,000.00O «r 'principal. For thie year '1938 a tax suffilcient to produce thé suni o! $9,465.00, being $3,465.00 for intrestand $6,000,00 for princi~pal. For thé, year 1989 a tax suffilpiént to produce thée'sum o! $9,195.00. bçi»g $3,195.00 for lnterest,and $6,000.00 for principal. For thé year 1940 a tax sufficiént t'O pÉoduce thée um o!,$9,926.00, .béing $2,925.00 for interet and $6,000.00 for principal. .For thé yéar'- 19 41 a tax. sufficient té. produce thé sum of $8,655.00, being $2,655.00 for' Interest and '$6,000.00 for principal. For thé yéar 1942 a tax sufficient to produce thé sum o! $8,385.00, being $2,385.00 for Interest and $6,000.00 for SECTION 5: That when properly exécutéd as aforésaid, said bonds shall be dellvered by the.Treasurér of Uald Village. tothé purchasérs, o! the smre from- thé Presîdént - of- thé Board of Trustees of eaid' Villaige at flot lema than Par and the priceetls -' derived thérefrom shall bé used solély for the purposé for whlch' said bonds récite t.hey are ilssued. SECTION 6: That ail ordinances oir parts o! ordinances lui confliét with the provisions of this ordiancé bé and 'the s amé are héreby repealéd. SECTION 7: This ordînance shall be iu force from .and, after its passage, publication ýand approval by thé votera of said Village. PASSED. by thé Président and Board of Trustées of, thé Village of WiI- mette, on the l7th day o!f ebruary, A. D. 19381, and déposited and iled ln thé office of the ýVillage. Clérk of sàid Village thils 17t.h .day,-of Fébruaryr,. A. D. 1931. LiEA J. ORR Village 'Clerk APPROVED by thé Président o! the Village of Wllmétte, this: l7th day of Fébruary, A. D. 1931. * EARL E. ORNER P resldetrt of the Vilage- of Wilmtte ATTEST: LEA J. ORR,' - village Clerk PUBL'ISHED lu ,WILUMHTTE Lu'a 'eb-' ruary 90, A. D. 1931., LEA J. ORR Village Clerk That for thé purpose o! holding mai41 'lection thé Village of Wllmette shall be divided into twélve preclucts as fol- lows: Precinet No. 1-Polling Placé: Village Hall. Pirécinet No. 2-Polfilg Placé: Village Preclnct No. 3-Polling Place: Byron Stolp School. Precinet No. 4-Polling Place: Byron Stolp School . Precinét No. 5-PoliJng Placé: 419 Fourth Street. Précinet No. G-Pollng Place: Laurel Avenue School. Précinet No. 7-Pollilg, Place: Store- 1145 Greénléaf Avenue. Précinct No. 8-Polliig Place,, Store- 1217 U1 lmétte Avenue. Précluoýt No. 9-Polhing PlaWe:, Logan.l Séhool., Precinét No.' 10-Polling. Place: Fire Statlon-829 Main Street. Ppecinet No. 1 1-Polling Placé: Hoif- man Hall-609 Ridge Road. Precînet No. 12-Polling .Place: Store- S. W. Cor. Lake Avé. and Illinois Road. Ifumnbered 45 to 50, both lu- executed by thé ilorp asml hsodn aggregatIug $6,000 .00 'lu amount, sigiatUres o! said Président and Village' Vill ge, the 1. 1943. Clerk this iret day of May. A. D. 1931.' o!fWinetl 9numbered 51 to 56, both in- _______ with to flUe ~..gregatlng $6,000.00 ini amount, ATTEST: Président inance witl 1, 1944. __________County. Iii inurnbered, 57 té 62, both In- - Village Clerk County Clei aggregatîug $6,00-00luin ount, On (Form o! Coupon) 1931. to il A. D.i1 e téwlth thé d 9 »JWibered 63 to 68, both lu- Villa ge o!. Wilmette, tCounty o! Cooki and law, sscerti ois, to ýthe end that said The orchestra is being hea niay lu each o! sald years, Beethoven 1s seconid syniphon] Inclusive, lu accordance te Strauss tone1 poern "Thus les, imposed upon hiM, by t a thé rate per qentum ré- Zarathustra."? clue on . clue "on1