Time ýto get up and the Trigger bouse is nice and warm Br-roerrng 90" ce'calarm. Tim'e to get up. Mr.,Trigger bounces out of bed,, puses ownthewindows, and crawls back for twenty more w.Inks. Ton mimutes later when MrS. Trigger geto up, the bedroom la nie. and warm.. So is the kitçlien when ah. goes down to s tari; the <,offe<, màticay turne Up the. heat, exaèily at six o'clock every morning.- Why don't you talce a tip from the Trig gers and find out what it will cost to heat yoiur home with gas? Surely you don't like shivering inithe morning any more 1141 2899 TTIEtA hR.R01 TUETRI.Os-S(0.0;.3 8F SEES)