Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Mar 1931, p. 44

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Congregation Israel Group In- vites N. S. Women to Hear Noted Psycbiatrist The, next meeting ofthe Sisterhoo of the North Shore' Congregatin Israel will be held on Wednesday M4ardi. 18, at 2:'30 -o'clock -i the after- noon. at the -temple in Glencoe. The program thatlias. been arrjnged for this meeting is of keen interest ahd outstanding importance to aIl of, the modern,. progressive, and, thinking womeh of today. Dr. -Edward N. Sclioolman, wil h< the speaker of the afternoan. Dr. Schoolman, a Chicago man,: is one of the most eminent psychiatrists in thiù country. He lias lectured for year On psychology and allied subjects and he is particularly adept.in takîng pro- fessional subjects and, transposing them in ta the words of the layman. In idditi on ta tis lie combines mod- ern literature with psycliology. Dr., Schoolman lias cliosen as hi§ subject for the afternoon of Mardi' 18, '«D. H. Lawrence, the Walt Whit- man of the Novell" He lias analyzed his.,subjeét in the following manner: f-Attack of feminine dominance i culture; 2-Revaluation, of. sex; 3-: Psychological -value of literary work, sucli as "Sons and LoVeif'1 and "Lady Chatterley's Lover." Dr. Schoolman gives this parfictular lecture only before a group of womieu, "80 that-it would be wortli while" the Sisterhood announces, "for aIl north shore women ta avail iliemselves of this valuabie afternoon. Guests are cordially welcomedi" Catholic League Plans Pro gram on Browning The members of tlie North Shore Catholic Woman's .league are awaiýt-. %ig witli interest the nexýtmeetiing 1 thc league whicli Will' be held at the Wihnetka Womnan' s club Tuesday, March 10, at 2:30 'clock. Sister Mary Loyola, a great favorite arnong norti sliore wamen, will deliglitlier audience wfitli à talk on "Browning', Tiecfine arts departrnent of tie Wornan's Catholic club of Wilmette wiff hold its next meeting at the hom~e of Mme. John Boylston,, 1302 Chestnut. avenue, Friday, Mardi, 13, at 2 o'clock. 'An interesting po gram 4s been, arranged. Carlyle Bennett, tenor, will -be heard in a group of solos at the Woanan's club of Wil- mette on Wednesday after- noon, Marcb Il. lHe was one of tbe national winners in the ,d Atwater Kent radio contest a ,i year ago,ý and. since that time y has Sung before most of the -Cbicago clubs. and organiza - ýe tions. Last su mmer hie went ýr on tour. with a light opera d company as leading tenor. He e is the soloist >of the Seven- 9 teenth Church of Christ, Sei- entist, iniChicago. e The. morning session1 of the *ail dayr meetingî will o pen at E 10:30 with Frank O. Potter, ssecretary of the State Bank sand Trust. company of Ev- 1 anlstôn, Viving a talk on *"Conservation and Manage- ment of Estates." "This, s a subject in which women should be. ,especially 1inter- ested,"- the club announces. 'It is a. fine question tô be rbrouglit before women as many do-flot knaw how ta manage- estates, a Simple procedure when it is understood" the. speaker, *proclaims. ' The noon drama hour will be given over ta Mrs. George N. Lamb who .will talk briefly on Clrrent plays and plays sclieduled ta' appear in Chicago thssrng. She also wiIl review "The Barretts of Wimpole Street" by: RudopliVessier, the, life of Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning. The civics department is ini charge of the afternoon program wvhen Miss Alice W. Hunt of Rhode Island -will give a talk 'on the subject of "The Great Adventure." Miss Hunt, who is an autstanding womnan in lier state, is a graduate of Wellesley college and lias tauglit Greek, History and Englisli in bath public and private schools. After. two years of travel ini Europe she becaine interested in public welfare work ini Rhode Island, and since the war lias 'been especially interested in 'International Affairs. She lias 'visited the International Court of Justice at the Hague. She lias attended four assemblies of the League of 'Nations and.l las been a mnember, for four years of Professor. Ziimmern's School of, Internationlal; ]Relations at Geneva. Mouànt Holgoke, Club in Meeting Mai-ch 7, Mrs. George P. O'Brien. president of the Chicago Mount Holyake club, lias announced a 'regular meeting for' Saturday, Mardi 7, at 12:00 o'clock at the Chicago Wom)an's club. JV.e, VVwno as beeuc olstfl one of the twelve greatest women in the United States. A sketchi of Miss Wpyolley and lier achievements. ap-' çears in the Mardi issue af Good Housekeeping magazine. Miss LouiseiBaetlike is in charge. Of arrangements for the lunicocn. .Home and Garden Club Plans for Flower ShowO Tlie Kenilwortli Home and Garden club met Monday witji Mrs. Joh i Wilds of 244 Oxford raad. J. R Foote of Winiietka gave the mcem- bers an exceedîngly interesting . talk ,ri 4Ltre vircan vs art -in Chi- cago. The cOmmittee on conserva- tion of tic Kenilwortli Garden club will also have a bootli at the Flower show, sliowifig wild flowers whicli sliould nat be' picked and encourag- ing conservation of aur native Plants and flowers. Wilmette, Kenilwortb and Glen- cee Women's Club Members Take District Honors Mrs.. Walter Care Mitcliell of Wii- mette, a mnember, of tlie Womnan's: clurb, wonsecond place* in tlie recent pa etry cantest sponsored by the l iter- ature chairmani of. the> Tentli district. Illinois .Federation'of Womnen's clu bs. lier poemi follows: Death Contes As In a dreain, we watched October'is blue Fade slowly -from the sky., The sof.t warm air Grew cool. About us leaves« of yellow hue Came, fiutterlnig gently down as light and fair .As phiantoni butterfiles. We saw the .sun Withdrawn from earth and leaden cloudls unrolled.' The nlght came in the dark 'robe of a flun And scattered ashes on the leavels of Mrs. George E. Ort pf Glencoe was tlie recipient of>tie flrstprize for lier- Poem which is ,printed below. Mrs. Orr is a member. of, the, Walmatn'% .Libr-aryclub. Mary Sîcepi Upos the Hill >mary sleeps upon the hili that overlooks the Town. low she hated It, the Town >1Illean, Wlth lts sordld cbeap waiys', Ilts shodd stores' and salsouled folk?;'sml Chili parlors and odorous the atres Where stolid- Mexicans and olly' Dagô' bootlegge*rs Sée the last word In pictures 'Ground out to the blare of an electrie piano. She does not g1reatly mind, 1 know mRestlng there upon the hll, Beeause away fromn the Town there is beauty,.1 q. 1 The"snow crowned Sangre ýdeCito Against , the azif re sky. Thé'ceaseless oVertoxies of pinie trees, The glint -of. t.he Purgatoire when the . nobws,1meIt in the sprlngtinme. The golden sunlight, the eagle soaring high. Ever seeking, ever Iovlng Beauty ýShe ha$ found the only lovely spot in, ail the Town. Oh! empty trium'ph 4elry sleeps upon the hili. Mrs. Vibe K. Spicer, p)res ident' of, the Kenilworth Neîgliborý, won the third and faUrtli prize. for lier poetn which will app)ear in a later issue af ....cLn Ims atternoon with Mrs. Hayes McKinney af 1035 Cliestnut avenue as its liostess. Assisting lier will be Mrs. C. R,. Bixby and Mrs. A. E. Logic. A travel program.will be givien by Mrs. C. P. Berg, ýWlio ,sPent last sumumer in Norway, and bY Mrs. Donald M. Gallie wlio will tel of lier .impressàions of Egypt. 't

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