Honor Sopliomore Students Getting High Grade Rating. Tuesday February Z4, there was an, assembly which honored those meni-1 bers of the sophomore. class 'wha re- ceived honor grades for. the- semester. A total of s eventy-a ne girls and boys were seated on the,, platforni at the .cnd of the hou'r. Mi,. Grinnell, sophomore boys' ad- viser-chaitrman,. openied thé -assembly with a. short talk on the grading system uned at* New Trier. This was by way et explii.atlon tg the attendlng parents of the honor atudents. Trhetn the. awards were made. 'The assembl1y was a' sur- peise parety for the students, but letters had been maiied to the païrents. Ljetters of 'conimendatlon signed by, W. L. Brown, the adviser-chairman. and, the adviser çwere given ta honor- stu.. dents,. and simlar> ones signed, by the chairman and the-adviser werç given to those whose namnes were on the hon- orable mention list. The assembly was cloqed by a rouslng cheer. The. aophomore elass has good rea-, 'son to feel very proud of having so many students with honor grades and *ight atudents who attained 'a perfect ocholastie average. GIRLS So)phomôYe Honor Roll for the flrsf seniester: 4: CatherIne Hei*urn, Grete Staun- Iiig. Emma Blekham. Jeanne Stotit,, Marjorie Seibolul, Barbara Wilder. 3.20-3.0:' Barbara M:unn. Dora Crawý- ford, Janet Chatten, Harriet Ohman. VIrginla Vawter, Grace Beckett, Rutih Ber.eh, Frances IElis, Betty Sheldon, Cecella Wagner, Elleen Burke, Annie Borovicka, .eanette posat. Beatrice Washbflne, Helen Parker, Ailison 'Burdge. Grace. Drummonul, Katherin'- Mauschel, >argar't Loomis, Jane Hor- ton, Elsa Carlen. Mary Jane Curtis, Mèlen Shepard. Bally Zaremba, Beveriyý BaiIa.ntlne, Judtith Fox, liaMcClellandl. >!.rlan Barber, LIeila Whilte, Eleanor- )CYuger, Na.ncy Rutledge, Mary-Adele Chave, Margaret Dickerson, Jean' Scar-. att. Betty Weston. BOYS 4: Sherman Taylor, Edwardl Johnson. .3043.80: Sydney Date, Chanton Dem-, mon, Bruce Ellison, John Beckman, Bd- muad Frazer, William, Nordbuirg, Victor flansofl, Eugene Harper, Norman Mo- dine, Ick Piekard, Bd Schmidt, Jack t%àbbLns Bd ICahler, Clyde Murphy. William Bremmer, Dick Steen,, George tzuit tnn Schî,mflfRogesr Barrett.. POSTPONE OPERA The opera, to which we are al looking forward with :increasing interest, is to be postponed tili the week .after Spring vacation. TIhis> extra timeé is. taken. to allow for alterations on the stage.. The wings are to be widened by five feet on eacb side. The aild cur- tain which cuts the height of the stage is to be taken away. Thi s change will be a great heip in' staging the opera.. Frosh-Soph Offer Tarkington Play Saturday Nighit This is the final. announcement of the Freshman-Sopho'more play which is to. beý staged Saturday night, March 7, in 'the auditorium. The seats *for this performance are not reserved.- Boothi Tarkington is the author of "Seventeen,"orte of the funniest 'books of our generation. The foilowing compose the cast: Florence Sellery, Sydney Date, Wil- liam Doty, Bob Merriam, Rosemary Price, Betty Sheldon, Philip von Amn- mon, Alfred Brown, Bob Sparks. Coram Davis. Joyce Staver. Grass Williams, Virginia Jones, Virginia Flannery. As a large attendance is expected, ail are, urged to ëorne early in order to obtain choice seats. A pleasant evening. 15 guaranteed ta the older people of the township ta whorn the play will bring back 'happy iniemories. Washington Trip Claims AtItention ThW~ashington trip.for New Trier students. ,teachers. anjd. parents prom- ises to he unusually fin e this vear. Many points of historicai and archi- tectural interest and beauty will be visited. There will be a four-day bus trip thrôuglh Virginia and other points, Oak Parkers Uliset, Our Cage Ho Pefuis. Fniday, Februarv 27, Oak Park up-. set the dope and took a 33 ta 26 win fromn New Trier. at the former's .field, bouse.. This'game, practicaiiv decided the supremacy .in the Suburban league. aithough the decision, cannot be definitely decided until next Fni-* dav when Oak Park meets Morton. .Befo're the -gaine*as five -minutes oid, Oak Park had a' 9 to 1 iead. The tpamn foundit hard to get started, but lin the second'quarter regained consciousness and the haiT ended with New Tr'ier on the short end of a 12-10 count. Coach Girater'sý boys were Instifred -durIng the hait and. came back te tie the count al 23-ail In the third *quarter. At this Point Finlayson and, Gordon- were put out on personais and without the qprv- Ices of CaptaIn Jones the team wa-s at *a bass. The scoing honora were' divided amnfg Church, Finlayson, SInding and Kiunder. Church garnered seven points; whiie the otherýs each got six. New Trier lightweights took a bard- fougÉt garne 21-20, whieh gave thein five' wins and five losses In the Sub- 'urban ieague. New Trier led at the haiT 16 to 10. During the closing min- utes of Play Oak Park found the bas- ket and gav our boys a scare. Borino andWarbie.eacb garnored six ponint% whiie Belmont ,and Baiak each got four. Ornithologiets Await' Home-Coming of -Birds The regular bi-weekly meeting of the New Trier Ornith'ologist club was held at 3:15' on Mondait, February 23. The sess8ion o9pened wîth a discussion by D~avid- Davis, 'club president, an the birds that will soon be back i the vicinity of CÇhicagoý If yoU see anv , students wandering about the campus with their eyes focused hopéfully on the trees, vou wiil know that they are only earnesf ornithoiogists searching for one of the foliowing: RoÔbin,'Mea- dow Lark,, Cowbird Fox Sparrow, Biue Bird, Red Winged Black Bird. Ficker, Sang- Sparrcw. Kilideer, Gold Finch, or "Starling. Several of the members have already seen soanè of these. Bef are the >meeting was. ad- journed it was decided that -with* ' Pro and Con of Fraternities 18 Discussion Theme The tiý:a sides of the- fraternity question were piesented ta the Senior boys during advisar peniod last Thursday and Friday., Mr. Reilev, soefor fraternities, and Mr. Wehr spoke against tbem. Bagth, men are miembers of. fraternities and so were well quaiified ta S'peak, on such a. snibject. Mr. Reiiey presented to thé Seniors the following, points- as to why they shouid JoIn fraternIties: 1. Intimate. friendships, forme"1 among brothers.' 2. Fraternai 'purpose eip'ressed ini ideaiistic and religious groups.,, ý.3. .A definite pledge' making eacl' member responsible for the group and for its reputation. S4. A fixed Yesidence.with the acce>-, tance, of the responsIbility Invoived. ..5.* Influence of group ta assist. efl- dient members and' develop. personal abillty. 6- PJrovide stiulus and support in leadership and in campus activities. 7. A graup backing for high schoiar- ship and general moral standards. 8. Definite relations with supfnior men aluùmni. 9. Opening of social and busine.4; connections wth members of' fraternity. 10.- Assistance fôr social lif eon the campus. 11. Heiping the administration of un- dergraduate nffairs hy the deveiopment of group. responsibility for the conduct of. its varlous members. Mr. Wehr divided' his argurments- against fraternities into two main poinlts and made several' specific points under ca eh. MNembership 'In a fraternity la not good' for the coilege for It duplicates ~activities and 4wides the .loyaity of the, ,4tnut.' Meffibersliip ln a fraternlty la flot good for the personality or the charac- ter of the student, for fraternities are undemocratic, They' don't allow the studient to choose his own friends: they deprive, the student of the opportunity% ta heip' himseif, and they do not carxry ')ut the upreal Ideais which they are popuiarly supposed ta represent. Planets Form Topie for Geology Devotees The New Trier Geology club- heWM discipline notes. to niake walk- to be set in* nsouep and Fish Lens club, Inter-Cupb board-, Gavel club, Chess club, two swiming teanis, two basketbail teams and two track teams. ,AIl groups will be pho- tographed indoors this year because of uncertain, weather and light; con-_ ditions ,preévailing otitdors At this tinie we also presen t Charles Kremer wbo deserves much credit for bis work in bas- ketball, football, and track. He was. also president ïf hbis class: in the Freshman year, FR-ENCH CLUB At the last meeting of the French club, held Wednesday,,February 25, Gardon Ruff showed the club some motion pictures which bis father had takenin France, Italy, Gerniany, and England. Rie also showedpictures of; the trip over and back, and of New ýYark harbôr. Onu N. Ai