.1qext Sunday thré Rev. Wilmer P. Joiston. Interim pastor of thre United Churcirof Hyde Pa.rk. will preaeh on tihe aubJeet, "Streftgtir for tire Da3." Tirere Wiil be apecial music by the Junior anid Senior choira. Thre.Churcir aciool will fureet ln. five depa!:tments as: follows: 1Prfimary department: grades 1, 2 and 3): 9:30 Ito 12 a. m..« Junior depart- ment (grades 4, .5 aud 6): 9 :30 to 10:45* a. m. ; Intermediate department (grades 7 and 8): 9:30 té 10:45.a. m.; Beginner's departmnent (pre-achool):' 10:45 te 12 a. lri. ; High. Scirool depart- ment (al tfour yeara):- 12 te 1 p. m Thre Sunday. Evenlug club meets lu this churcir at 7:30 p. m., Next 'Sunday it osent. Dr. ArtjrurE.' Bestor, presi- dent oft Ohautauqua Institution, .Chau- tauqua, New York, ln an address on "Adult Education.1" Dr.. Bester is an acknowledged leader làn tis movement and should have a large irearing. Thre Men's club will have, charge of the Mid-Week meeting which, wili be7 heid at g p. m. on Wednesàday in the cirtrch parior. J. C. Crossiey will be tire leader. On Priday. at 1ip. r»., thé regular montbiy Womat's Oiild Ilureer and meeting will be heid ln thre church. Mrs.. Àitira Northam 'wil apeak ounIrer work as direetor efthtie Wllmette char- MUes, and thre sewing will. be for thre local field. SowIng and program, are provlded b1w-the Neigjrborh'ood Cirele. Thre East End Circle wili serve* the. The Rev. John G. Hindley, minister- elect, wlli preacir iis flrst sermon ln' tis cirurcir Sunday,' March 15. He iras aunouncod that Ire will preacir 4, sertes ef four Lenten sermons on thre genoral subiect, "'Liveable. Beliefs." The first wilI be "About God." These mes- sages; wvll present. religion a:; a resource for living and t&~ faltir and 'piilosôphy of Jesuq as tire fine art of lite.: rire last session of the. Standard Leadershrip Training course. wiil be 'ireld iiext Tuesday evening. Match 10, at 7:45.' Ilnder thre guidance of Protessor Me~- Kibiren tirese meetings have been et great value to churcir school teachers and officers of Wilmnette. By the ini- proved teaciring rmade possible by this course ýand futurejcourseès similar to it, the standqrds of tire. entire religlous education program of our village cari be raised. TPhe next 'Tnten HTTl.h monnl venin, Ia'~I'v English Lutheran Corner Greenleaf avenue and Seventh street, Wihnette Carli1. 'msepastor. Sunday, March 8 Theý Third Sundajy in Lent, 9:'45 a. m .............. Sutiday schotl Artirur.Stark, superintendent il. ......... ...-Morning worshbip Sermon: ."We Cannot Be Neutrail". Tre enrollîment of the. Sunday sühiol has doubled. lu the lasteight Nweeks. For'eight consecutIve Sundays ýthiee has 'been at Ieast oue new scirolar cacir Suuday.. Let ýus .keep thre recor~d un- broken -as long as humanly possi4ble. Bjrlng yquqr friends to Slunday, schooI, but -be sure tjbat you are flot tnkîng, tirer» fronfi-another Sunday scirool. There is a clans in tis sehool for èvery age. Your apecial attention. is directedl to thre Adluit Bible class taright by A. ID. Gasir. The attendance at morning services is also: lncreasing-. Mauky new fa4ces aire seen each Sunday. We Welcome tire strangers- and Invite fhem to returuk regularly. Worship Goud in «"A House çf 'WorQip." Several new' faces are'to ire seen in tire choir. Tis organization, 'under the competent direction of Cirarles Dobsori, promises to outgrew its present quarters. Tire tynp ot rqusic being presented Is meeting With tire approvýa of musicý loyers. Our sololst next Sunday Will ire Miss Bessie Washburn. Thre Bible travelog preserrted evu'ty Tuesday evenlng is drawing scores of appreciative listeners. Visit us next Tuesday eveninz anrd learu 'the Bible 'trutrs' as you have neyer before. known theru. Tbe attende uce 'ls more tiran double of that of' last .yvar's J4entem services. Holy Communion' wil' ire celebrated Palm Sunday, Marcir 24f.' very con- flrrned rnember of tire liturc1r, and every visitor, properly prepared, will be ad- mitted to tire Lord's. table. 0f wirat use Le sucir eating 'and driniking? It is shiowur us iry these words:. "Given and shed for you for tire remission of sn" namely that lu tire sacrarnent forgiveness of sins, lite. and saivation, are given ' u.s tirrougir tbese .worde. For wviere there is, forgiveness of sins, there is, als'o lift and> saivation. "Comne let us reason to- gether, saitr..tire Lord. Tirougir your sjil be as scarlet, they .-hall be as whlte as Ëno w. Thougir they ire red like criruson, thez shall 'ie as wook' Enjoy tire wor- sir) ot God in "A Hbuse of' Woiship)." Thre WomatI's Foreign Misslo nary so ciety will' meet Thursday at 2 o'clock .in thre Woman's roomn. Bring a well- tilled mlte-b-)x and hel p to observe Fouuder'sday. F'ounidcr'sdayr is Frlend's daýy, so bring'a frieud. Wlth you. Thre "Aokiya Class," of which Ms R. G. Kimbeil is thre teacher, held its monthly -sàciaLjneetlng last Ttiesday evening at the home of Li lie Mae Hlum- phries. The officers of th' class led the' group In an Impressive caindlelight' cere- mony symbolizing thre meanlng of thre niewly chosen name-"banded together for a purpose."1 New m embers will be received into) thre church on Easter day,. Clas1se s on church nîembersbip are being"formed for ciildren of junior and Intermiediate age. AIl adits having churcir letters or- wishinig' to join the cirurcir on confes- sion of faiti w-111 confer %vithr the pastor. Baptist Ckurch Wmilmette and Fore-t 'avenues George D. Allison, pastor AÀ Church That Crs'. On Sunday, Marcir S, the m'orning worshin of, the church wlll be held at Il o'clocki Dr. Allison 1-ill Preach on the subJeet> 'Thre Religious U--4 of thre Imagination.,, Tiere wil be a st6ry for the boys aud girls after whieh a kinder- garten class is held in Ciildren's 'hail for tire smaller cildren. Thre session of thre church sehool ie- gins at 9():30 o'clock. Attraictive and worshipful services lire planned for the openingz haîf irour followed by a forty.. flve minute, period of. ihlibe1nstruction~. tI thé 'Junior intermnëdiate departruent the inembers of MsAdroscas Imogene Kaufnman, Iien'o clar- garet Davis and Susa.n Anderson' are to lead the worsirip service. ThisV will ire ou"r nitily imissionary Progrtani <on "India." Thre gi re learning a Hindu Song and will rend some Hinclu poetry. Precedine the Worshlp service oPpor-î tunity will be given front 9 :20 to 9 :4.5 t J participate l in emsinr'oYrig Te oung People's Society iras Its meeting on S1unday.evening at 6 o'clock1 with .,the Fiosi omsin l charge this week.iiPi tTuesday. Mardil 10, the Chicago Bp tist 1ý1ission t'Iion 'Will ineet lit thei Hyde Park chuirch. '5600ooodansp Much appreciation ha. been expresse<î by Mrs. Gruhn and' Miss Green, supýer- intendents of the Beginriers and PrlmarvY departmeflts, for the flower boxes whi,:h were decorltted by the Girl Scouts' itu itroop 3. 'and for thre Interesting M.11, projeet worked out by thee Girl, Scout., in Troon. 5 and presented to' the littio folk. Girl Scout Trop1s. 3 and 5, Miss Ho< and Mrs. Arden, captains, are planning a cookip sale. for, SaturdaLy, March 28, in order to buy sôme xnuch needed equip- nient. such as cushions, a cupboardl, and books. We have- secured thre vacaiit lunchroom ln thre Firat NattionalBank- buildinge, 1150 Wilmette avenue, for the sale. This 18 our first venture in raisin,- rnoney and many ln the church will waiit to assist b- purchasing these cookie-s whiclîh treSouts will make themselVes Tuesday. Marèh 10. is the last iet-. ing of the Teachers' Training cou rs**. at thre Conp_-egational' church bieing taught by Prof. McKlbben. S3t John's Lutheran Wlnîette and Park avenues, Wilinetie Hernan W. Meyer, M. A., pastor 406 Prairie avenue Telephone U 3ftt 'Churcir telephone 3111 SERVICES TrdSunday ln LenÏt * 15, a. m.-[,irat. service. and sermni 9:30 a. m.-SündÈLy jchool and Bil)lI& classes 10 a. tni-Advanced, Bib~le class 11 a. i.--Se.cond service and seryin» Sermion: "God or Devi! -Can a Mai B le, Neuitral?"' Lenten Servicee Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock Sermon: "Synmpathy on the Way o Sorrows» MEETIGS Mondav at 7:45--Choir rêhearsal Tuesday at 7 :45-Congregation meeting Wednesday at 4-Classes for chiidreiri Saturday ar. 9 a. n.-Classes for childi,'ir There are no doubt many situation in life and many questions and catcjns ln :wiich a man has a right and Is able to observea> neutral poi$ition. Ii is flot*obliged to cast' his lot with loie side or the',other.- But' there are àise(, many situations, ln which a manti caniic4 observe nieutraLlity. Even though he ia yv be forceed by circurustancesouari fo inaintain a neutral position, yet. in his, mind and his sympathies ire w inu-o u ide. One'et the thjig, need ~ lodrsilr,tp.i Ia1chuieat 5:30. and thre entire group wilU A 'ow sries of Wednesday igt 'ir funda te eh 1n4er or dirtrte thon Lgo dfrectly te thre prera, 421 meetings bogins next week at 8 'O'clock font ar., con nu boys and girs cn-'lmwood aventue. under thre leadersiîp ettire Pastoir, ieteir gs'ovth 1lual linos , " -- Siool. hen Ueatou of ail people. 'Thre younug people Ïrill meet a.t 6:30'Tire anUai dinner and businiess niet- abo#e SBunday - Sunda.y eveijpg l irAe Girl Scout rôoùi. lI'0of tire ehurcir wtll be heId 'Wednesg- tized at 3t, j brary labehlrg ubedby daY. May 20. AUl Organizafjon aud 0111- nar future. 1) lu. prues a3ay prob-, The ComMuuity Cirest campaigu ifl ncer;saubmtting reports for publication are alwyaW oua rQlatiig te religion, boon Sun.day. We, bespeak for tire eau- àre asiced to have them u ir crucW(ei I Whoe cor».. Tirse se rv- ti tire noat solern , ot thiri message ef tire guf- Ltiro e u. Christ, our. nie 'lsalaway. welcorne. ' tire.Mmorlal baptismal rz lu nleely lu thre 5anks chirii4rof etthe Suuday 1 sOîllctation among tirose 3irool age Who were bai)- oued on page64 ilf