Wilmette RIDGÉ AVENUE, Wilmetté 2800-2801 WILMETTE 2800-2801 and 152 sud 152 Buy it here for Iess Quality Remains Rib RoaiofBef bet ver I.......... 6-7 Rib pierl......... BUtter S brlik or roil........ dozei . . .. . . . . . . . . . Pork Loin Pot Roast (Jest euts) ver lb..... ...... Breast of 'eii per l............ BUeon, SIIeed Per lb., 40e; or 1 lbs- Touaito or Vegetaïllt Soup 3 cans for. - 320 dam- 25o ......... 200 $1.00, 23e Lard, 100Pure 2 b. ......... ... 2 '7 0 IWhen it comes from "Pearion's" it's the best. We Deliver to Wilimette, i Kenilworth, Winnetka, Hubbard W'oQods, Glencoe GOle"LDEN DAYS 13y EVANS Drawn for Wihuette, Coal & Material Yard 14, will aid 'the WýNinnetka Music club in raising money for an unenmploy- ment fund. The club, wbicb bas spon-, sored the Artist-Recital series for a number of years, is. now sellingtick- ets for the March 14 concert,'whicb is, an extra one ii this year's series. Mrs. RolanidD. W'hitman, is chair- Man of the committee' in charge of thé Artist'-Recital series, and she i-,, àssisted bv Mrs.. Sidney F. Bartlett, Mrs.. Evere tt L.. Harris- Mrs. George E. Fr-azer, Mrs. Dwight C. Orcutt andt Mrs. LouisG. Scbmid. Mr. Spalding was given an ovation w'hen he was presented ini the Artist- Recital series several years ago.. His, %vinnin.g personality and'-bis impec-. cable playing have, been vividly re& membered hy patrons efe the series. and wben flice coninittee.- looked forý an outst andingartist w'ho proved be- yâond. doubt bis popularity with: northi shore music loyers, they inîmediately ,'ot in toucb with Mr. Spalding. Through. a careful re-arr«ang-emienit.of his timie, the great violinist ablhe to grant the club a' date, and1lie fur- ther proved bis genieros,itN, and good will by off ering to donate bis servi1ces for the occasion. .Mrs. Bessie Grant, Winne'tka State bank,, i.s in charge of the sale of tickets' for. thicMarch 14 concert,, but information regarding fthé tickets. may ,be secured f rom any mnembère f flie coinniittee. GOING TO WASHINGTON *Mrs. Edwvard 'G. Wingate, daugbiter of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Singleton, 1104 Forest avenue, is* leaving tomnorrow .wvith her two miontbis' old son for Washington, D. C., to join Mr. Win- gate. Whi1Ž in Hjonolulu, Mr. Xin- gate was aidinig in making a survev of the island for the governnient. Hel is now waiting for bis next assign- ment' Tbey plan. to, remain in, Wash- ingýýtoni for several monthis. A son', George Davis, was born on1 January I1 at the Evanston bhospital to Mr. and Mrs. George Davis Kil- nier of 1045 Michigan avenue. NMrs. Kilmner, the former Lynette Soidle, is1 the daughter of Mrs.: H. J. Soule. orders 0O for *The stor.y of the rediscovery of Illinois wilI bc told in words and pic- tures Sunday, Mardi 1, at the Wil- mette Sunday Evening club, by Dr. Fav-Cooper Cole, chairman of the department of anthropology at the iUtniyersityof Chicago, and for nine- tecai, years with the Field museum. in cha rge of work ini southeastern Asia, whicb took him from the pyg- mies and head-huntinggroups of ýthe Philippines and the Malay peinslUla,- through DBorneo and Sumatra, to the Courts 'of Java. Durin. the past five .'years the Universitv .of Chicago lias been ,carry- ing on -extensive'survey and excava- tion vork in. the northern. haif of- the state under.-Dr. Cole's, direction. The purpose of this is to recover the prc-history of Illinois; to make knjown the, cultural achievernent~ of the peo- ple who preceded us in the 'Missis- sippi valley. The survey bas revealed the fact that -Illinois ig -one of ýthe, most important archaelogical re- gions in America and that important exploration work cao 'ho- accomipiishedl righit lere at home. Perhaps the nost interesting recent dcisco%,èry was the finding, bèneath an ancient miound,,of ine skeietons. of a long-headed peo- ple w'ho atedated the nmound-build- ing Indians, probably.by many cen!- turies. Dr,.. Cote Will illustrate this ;lecture withi slides and motion pictures show%- ing just how the record of the past was read. This will be one of thýe niost interesting and unique offerings of the season, acquainting us Nviti the prehistorical past of ouf own neighboring countryside. The public is cordially Wvelcorn-. The Sunday Evening club meets iýi~ the first Congregational church. ufi Wilmettz. M rs. Clement: C. :LeY, 1206 Gle - dennig ro ad, entertained lier lunch- eon b)ridge club- yesterday at bier home. Mrs. George Steinerj 2107 Thori-' Wood avenue, entertained ber lunich- eon. bridge club yesterday afternoon at bier home. AL 1X ZHTBEAUTY SHQP Avenue.Wilmetté 4517,