Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Feb 1931, p. 3

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Cnarities nad a aanceivonnaao January 1, 1931, of $2,304.81j accord- ing to the financial statement of the board for the veair 1930. William 1-. Ellis, president of the organization, states that in addition to the $2,304.81, the Wilmette. Optimist club bas. in- ifs treasury a littie more than three huindred. dollars- for the board of charities to draw on, In commenting on' the work of the board of charities last year, Mr. El- lis saidý: "We have tried to be very careful with -the expending of this fund this year-more so ta we have evc.r been, as we realized our..c al .vas, go- in obe heavy. 'Our December ex- penses which ere paid iW January. and our January, expenises Vwhich were, *paid in.. February are. practicallýt« * $1,700.00, so with what litt e money, we can get in betwveen now anîd April 1 will just about mneet our. expenlses unt.il we rTeceive our, asking of $3,000.00, fromi the Cormuünity Cheèst." Mr. Ellis eixpressed his thianks to the many local .agcnces, and individ- uials w~ho lhave - supported tie \Vil- mette Board of Charities in its, efforts to help, the less fortunate residents, of the Village. Annuail Statement Followîng is the financial "stati,- nient of. the board of charities for the year 1930: REC'EIPTS jan,*'1, 1930__.......$2,769.74 e'onimnuity Chest .. 2,719.70 Refunds on Loan$...... 36.40 .ank Interest .........470 *Thenksgivlflg Collection .80.00 Village,0f. Wilniiette i 35.00 Vil. -_yf Wil. Employees 171.00 Rotary Club ...........50.0, Alrs. Ratbburxt Charity Bal. ...:.. ........232.28 * Junior Auxiliary of Wornan's Club 50.00 * srael North Shore ~ 1- * Congregation....... Ladiées' Bowling. Cýlub. 31.00 Pub. Se'rv. Em.ployýee s.. 360.00 Lndividrial ,Gifts......161.82, Chicago &,North Shoré R. R. Ernployeès . 50.00 $7,Od4.44 Groceries ..... ... $1,1.38.04 M ilk . . . . . ... 862.70 Evanston Hospital .. 516-55 St. Francis Hospital .. 32.00 Dr. Weisha r.......... 5.00 * Dr. }Hawkins .............4.00 *by automlobile, t( of the winter.in tbey are makin their home as M Mrs. Kennetb there witb ber Decemiber. -Dr. H. N. Bundesen, March 3 is the date of the ncxt meet- ing of- the Logai-Howard Pareint-., Teaclier association. This will - be an eveingi. meeting starting at 8 o'clock inAheli auditorium of the Howard school. Weare particularly fortunate iii htav- ing as our speaker, Dr. Herman , Buindescît, Cook Coun ty - coronler and forni-crl3, Chicago Health commissioner. 'rhosc whô have heard Dr. Bundesen speak Nvill be glad to hear hirn again., and f or' *any that have îiot thisis an excellent opportunity to hear a health tallk by a. man so well quali- fied.to give it. - The ineting will open with selection. hy the Wiliette school orchestra urider the 'direction of Cathérine Granquist \Vaguer anid following Dr. Bundesenis talk will be music by the Ruf boys trio .consisting of a violin, flute, and clarinet, acconîpanied by thecir mother. at the piano. FETE WINIFRED BRIGHT Mrs., Doitald Maxw,\ell of 1414 Forest avenue wvas hostcss at a tea -for twentyý- five guests Tuesday afterrioori in honlôr of Miss Wiired'ýBright, librariari, who is to leave soon for Eveleth, Miiii., d the balancç Music rage.............. u a. At preseût Public Forum .......... 13r rt Laud erdaIê Re Estate Section.. 48-51 ets daughter, Rerain........ 1 i, bas been RiCe&iu... ...4I Y_ since, early Society Page 40[ ninierous other organizations in New Trier townhip. Following is the resolution adopted by the Republican club- WHEREAS, two bills have been, intro- duced as House Bils *Numbered 26 and 27 In the House of Representativeïs at Springfield, Illinois, wihlch said bills pro- vi4le for the. abolition of the. Board of Assessors and'Townshlp Assessors and, WHEREAS, should said bills. be en- aéted by the State Leglsla.tu're, >the of- fice of Township -Assessor wlll be- abollshed and the country towns will thefi find themselves in t e position of having, no lcal assessor who.will'be direcetly.,responsible te the citizens of thue comuniiesouts1de 9f Chicago. NOW THEREFORE, ýBE 'IT RE-. SOLVEIJ by the regular 1flepublican club of the Village of Wlm*retite that the.pas- sage of, said bills known as House Buis numbers 26 and 27 sboulil be opposed and, BE TT FURTIIERi RE SOLVED) that every- possible effôrt be nmade to encour- age ail tax levying bodies in the countrýy towns 0f Cook Countyr and ail other or- ganizatioins operating in the ceountry towns of Cook< Courîty who are inter- ested in the improvement and develop- nient of such towns, to inmmediately give serfous consideration to said bis, and, BE TT FURTIIER RESOLVED that cop)ies of this resolution shall be sent to, such tax levying bodies. or organiztion-- by the secretary of thisclub. BACK FROM SOUTH AMERICA .\,r. and Mrs.'Alhert B. Welt, their son'; Albert, and daughter, Alice. returned recently to their. home Wt .542 Brier street, .Kenîlworth, f rom a three moriths' business and plÉasurf- trip thr9ughi South America. Tbey ivent up the east coast to Buenos Aires,' Argèntina and across the Arndes to 'Valparaiso, Chile, and downi the wcst coast by way of the Panama canal and Havana to New York.. They were gone about thrceeimonths. BAKE SALE TOMORROW The Cozy Corner circle ôf ,the-Con- ýgregational cbhurch wýi1l have a bakée aeSaturday morning, February 28, with Mrs. J. C. Anderson and Mrs. C. L. Darlinig in charge. T EL EP 1HON E WILMETITE. 4300, operations soon alter Marvil.1, it is announced. The tax bis, sooni to be sent out for collection, are for the 1929 taxes. wbich, aceording tôo law, will bear the interest, .penalty of .one, percent. a month, if unpaid on aând after April 1, 1931. Next, toward the latter part of theý year, will côme the tax buis -for the, 1930 taxes, which will' bear linterest penaltyr on'and after Decemnber 1, 1931.1 TWO SIis This Year are, of course, viewed witb no degree of pleasure by the taxpayer, particu- larly. in. view of, the inc'rease wbich has corne in the averge bi1; other. feaàtures of the taxation, muddle 'and the. prescrit fiiancial depression. The only. checring feature is« the fact that ý if one has the money tu pav, hie nay, by taking bhis double dose of ,"taxationi," feel that, be lias completcd bis course of treatmnent and be- on the road to a more- nearly nor-mal state of affairs. Warns Ag.anst "Strioe» Mr. Hale warns against a dangerous impression wbich some people have that tbey may be able to delay their payment of taxes at this time. "Sone- of these people, desiring by annulment, or delay of 1929 taxes to ýextend the period of tax non-pay- ment," he explains, "are now tal.kiflg of wbat amounts to. a 'taxpayers' :strike,' and are creating the imipres- sion that people generally. sbould withhold aIl or a part of their ta-, bis. 4'It is extrenaely dangerous that sucb an impression s-bould . prevail," Collector Hale explains, and adds: "ILt is likely to cost a penalty of f rom 25 to 50 percent of the amount of the tax bilI,,in addition to the full amount of the bill, and perbaps will even result in the loss of the prop- erty. "If taxpayers gcnerally sbould foi.- Ilow this advice,. not. only would tbey ultiniately all bave to pay their tax' bills in full, plus the added penalties,. but. also lawfully anticipatcd public. revenues would be 'so reduced as to JIaping pong tournanient wi iat the cottage.

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