Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Feb 1931, p. 42

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-ut 1 hitr ytrylUU7bauxuliary of the.vvomans uuniic Mrs. Hayes McKinney to Open Tusd y H. C. H. club) of Wilmiette will ýbe beld Tues- aarBoht BeA rciv Home fr Meeing; ravel tirty-sixh Tbruary 17, was the day, March 3, in the lounge of theBaar oth oBeArcçv HomeforMeeing Trael hiry-sxthbirthday of The Neigh- Wilmette Woman's club building, Feature of Better Homes Taiki t0 Be Program. bors of Kenilwortb. There were 170 Greenleaf avenue and Tenth street, Exposition in March members and their guests present at at 8 o'clock. The business meeting,- The Wilmete Gardeni club ýwill à luincheon. Mrs. Wendell Clark, the at which new officcrs wiIl be nomin- Anyoniewho. bas a book, ne* or old, ineet Friday, afternoon, March 6, at social chairman, had tables, for, eigh-. ated for, the comng year, will he t>ieaai skdt aekbfr thehoe o Ms.Hays cKnne, ee, arage alngth sie f he first., it is urged that aIl member. March 18, to 'the Woman's. club and 1035 Cbestnut avenue4.,The assistant room, and- one table, at, the bead of- be present prorniptly. leave it with the caretaker, fo the botese ae abeMr. . .Bibyth ro which was presided over hb The. program will be of es'ecial 'il book :booth at the bazaar which wull Mr. ; . ogc.the president, Mrs. V. K.. Spicer, and terest in.that Mrs. George" N. Larnb be hld~. in -connection with the Better adwhere were ,seated the guests o~f will- read the play, "The Barretts of Homes ehbtMrh18, 19, and 20. M'rs. C. P. Berg who. spent last honor, xitMac summer. in Norway will talk an tewocue thecarenadWipleSret b udop eir or a telephone call to Mrs. Ernest emeéritus members and the past presi- The play was a Lndon successà last chp mno h aar .scenery, loiwers and customs of- Nor- dents. ye ar1 and Katherine Corneli naw1 is Freeman, hita.o tebzar way. Mrs.,D.'M. Gallie will speak on, Mrs. Spicer weîcomed the special ý playîng, it, in New York., The story MIL bring one of the committee ta' liber impressions of Egypt. n b nmes uet vtii h oaneo lzbt art donor's home ta get it., heatninfgrdiclbne-guests,,Lndvhely, interestingt À&therombooofksElofbthrecent , Theattntin o gadenclu met-,a few graciaus Words-as usual so and Robert Browning. It is,,a picture iey'inrstgbokofect bers and others is called ta the tbree charmingly. expressed and s0a-ooe on iewibwsnad ae uha aebs eeso pres- day course in gardening which .willporae b odu fsvra ieal ybrfahr r.Lamb nt best sellers-with whicb tbe own- be.given at the University of Illinois birthday letters received f ront some is well known, in Wilmette for maber er, afte neredigistrghae * at Urbana, Marcb 4, 5, and 6. There of aur past presidents Who were .uji. ability as an actress a.nd for ber draiapealydsrd is no charge for the. course. Each able ta be witb us. ireviews. Miss, Vivyetnnel. Morin, a- Good aild standard books of which year when the university puts on its 'One that. she thought we would member, of the junior auxiliary, will many 1f amilies have more than anon gardien week programn,. somte of the especially enjoy hearing she read to 'offer a neW programn of lighter opero- copy, because of having a set of, the Wilmette people' go down> and take us, as it was a greeting from aur aid- atic andmusical comedy'selections. author's works, as. well as separate the course5. Special instruction in the est member, Mrs.. »omer. Taylor Foliowîng the prograni will be re- copies of saine of bis -books, are al- g.eneral design, planting, and care of Mrs. Spicer also welcomed aur'. ne\v freshments served by the hostesses, ways iu demarad. OId copies of "David * gardens as Weil as other topics af in- emieritus member, Mrs. Grant IRidg- Patsey Boylston, Mary Daegling, Copperfield," "Vanity Fair," "Th.'e terest to ga4rdeners will be giveni. way.. Helen Lynch, and Elizabeth Ronani. Vicqr of Wakefield,", "The Count of Notification of attendance are . ta -. Each table ini turri strolled the Monte' Cristo,". "Innocents Abroad," ýbe addressed ta -the Department of length of tbe roomi past the other Young Mothers to Hear an Cese re ' s lwys hechance or the An Horticulture, 125 'New Arclua tables ta model their sbawls. Thereéi l h.caéefrte Building, Urbana, Ill., at once, that Were sa miany' beautiful and ver%,' Lecture on "Vitani ns" viuyer ta pick up an-early editiontt ampl prvisons ay e mdetîx inusuial shawls worni, lovelyly The Young Motber's club will hiave is rare, in buying- at a second. hand letterý fromt J. C. Blair, bead of thelaensteaypnihns that its' next meeting Monday eveing ale departinent of horticulture, reads. gave a fiai-e of color and the paislev March 2, at 8 o'clack in the evening_ The bazaar will lbave for sale. hand- The ilmtteGaren lubis lanand cashmere mnes that were iri- at the home of Mrs. C. H. Jones, made towels, scarfs, collar and cuf TheWilett Gade clb i pln-teresting and rare. 1514 Forest avenue, with Mrs. C. A. sets, luncheon sets, pillows 'and 'quilts, ning ta make a large: garden Plot, Mrs. C. Howard Bent's surprise Hall and Mrs. W. A. McKeigban a s beside gifts of china, glass, and the' 20 by 20 eet in size, ' for the Fifthi programt was a clever Pageant of 'assisting -bostesses. .Mrs. A. V. Gruhn like. Everytbing, it is 'promiscd, will' Garden aîd IFlower show of the Gar- Shawls, including international wo- will be the leader 'iu tbe devotional' be reasonable in price. den Club of Ilinois, whicb will be men witb the various types of shawls exercises, aftér 'which Miss Dorotmy For the food booth, it looks' at pi-es- hcld at the Mercbandise Mai-t March peculiar ta, tbeir countries and Ômr Rae will sing a group of sangs. n,'si ae adpe n oke 2127'Th embers submnitted plans own exponents of shawls in this Miss Rae is a Wiliiette girl of uni- were ta be the principal items. Some for the garden Plot and from a num- country witb their individual type of usual ability,' whose studying bas are donating baked bains, veal loaves,, ber handed in ta Mrs. Paul B. Wag- shawl.* been done for the most part in Ch-.-- and other home bkemet.S e ner wo s n hage o te ilete"After each chai-acter. came down cago under Chai-les.Chaplin. She baS of the club's 'best cooks, are offcringý club'sexbibit, ane was chosen. It will the center of tbe long- roam, and been soloist in Austinwithi the Epis- ta at'ntl h as anntadte be o 'ncret taWmlett peole a munte th fe stes t th stge copal church for the past, two ycars. make whatever delicacieste o i- dsover thne fiower show tbe iden- ta take ber place, amfong the others' The spekrofte afternoon w.Ill ' i-cfes tyofthe one>wbo -made -the, plan. seated on chairs draped ,in specime'n be Dr. Esther S. Nelson. Dr. Nelson Ms.drodSodsadMs.C shawls' Mrs. Alfred R. Hodge read is a g raduate (if the Rush Medical p. Ms.Edonsdreasio hng an rsade Women Votera to Devote part of a story in verse.- This pon school and now is connected with th -E oo prorn ised'o bea rg onm.m was really a beautifuil accompaniment, Northwestern Medical school where Day to Village Aif airS as it gave a: vivid description of eachi she teaches practical nutrition.. Slue With seven buutdred active members, On Moniday, Mai-ch 2, at 12:30' character ln the pageant, giving back- is also on the staff of the St, Franc is and many other f riends ta draw upon, o'clock, at the Wlmtte W'oman's club, grounid and atmosphere. This poen and the Passavant hospitals.' the club activities cornnuttee of the the Lpcague of Womcn Voters 'wiîl that was so lovely was written. by Dr. Nelson will speak on "Vita- Better Homies exhibit, with Mrs.. Haye- eresent 'a prograin on Village affairs. Mr. tHodge.mnsadwllak'te soai- McKinney as chairman and Mrs. C. P. Dr. W. W. Hawkins will talk on Tbe first figure, of the pageant was lai- and clear, that one can tell, fian Be, s ic-h airm aaan d ibta plan "Health Conditions in Our Village." Mns. H. 0. Seely, as the Goddess of then on, just wlyat hier children's f or a mni lrerbza ndtaro C. M. Qsborn, village manager, wiîl Liberty. Assesare h arade ineals lack or of what tbey have *Aliproith s ossithe biding . giye a short talk and Mrs. John W. the "Star Spa.gIed Banren w~a ven abundance. ___poftsgo__th_ bilin__nd Béh will have sonietbing of interest to played._________- Say on "Living Costg' After thse There were songs aftei- cd num- Mrs. John Haines Stackbouse, 1011 At Nort bridge Club threse short talks,' certain league met ber of the pageant. 'Thase Who sang Thirteentb stx-eet, will -be hostess al umeigoftçNrh beswhose 'identi*y remains a secret were: Mrs. Eail, C. Moss,, Mrs. Paul An on ti feno~ a teexecutîvemetnofhéNr- uthe * a>inted day, will jwesent a Gilbert, .Mn; Verann ouckes, and 'Northwest circle- o~f the Cangreg.t- ridge Woxuan's club was helt Tuesday, very luter.sting Play which is, a vil- Miss Alice IHud,1eton, of Rogers >tional chur ' ' janary 24, at thre honte of Mi-.. . laeafi si asb-enwriten b Park Miss Magar t BWrsardt waurs Vu; an beursen, 2114 Ashland avenue. an itenaioalprbem crredonMadn Ms.'Hnr Tyor, as Ms lyeP RsMartha Wash-, The nextimeeting oft eclub wil1 bhe__ rf a omuidin a anm ad aVýMr.A_ xn njo. hecncuionof the pro- bé held I(ch9,a t theh' f Ui-g terstag commenat on préent 'ay prob- 'Lady rom OldSevlle 'r Lus 'Th e p aeat was most beauiilullv den Toplcs," as heri thetue for thc eve- IMM. C. Bouchard, Au Irish Mother; Mrs. done andI Ma'. -Berit proved herself ning. Thre iembers are assurcd of a Rservalars are ta be made ta Mrs. George H. Rigler, New England a real producer, as the chai-acter s very interesting talhc on gai-demis 'and Murdo Ross, 727 Cumminge' avenue, Skater; Mns. Leon T. Ellis and Mrs. wcte well cast and the 'costumes the planning and planting of gai-dems. Km.Ilwotth, by noon Saturday, Febru- James R. Starr, Two Maids of a wene perfect in every détail. The ary 2&' Gyps3f Band; Mn.. Ben Matthcws, A pantontime of those taking part was JUNIOR BOARD TO MEET RED8 ' Mid-Victorian Lady; Mr.. John delightful, carrying out whatever The Junior auxiliary of the Wom- TO MEET AT FED Wilds and Mn.. De Witt Stillman, mood thre part called for, wbctber it an'. club of Wilmctte will have a T1*e ama meeting of the Protest~ two ceolored Mammies; Mrs. joseph was beautiful, ordsig rsici-bad meig Mnday. evening, aut Wommu's Service club wilil k hcld White, A Chinese Girl; Mns. Walter ingly funny. ' The pageant sbowed ta Mai-ch.1 2, at ' 7:30 o'clock, at the' ut marshil 1ieId and 1omp.uy Wed- Knoop, A Princess of thre Par.,East; a degrcc the extent of talent we, have homte, of thé president, Miss Helen nOedq, Mardi 4,at 12 o'clockw. Mns. Harold Bai-mies, "Maide*naf. withih aur own membersbip, ElliS, 2 retinwood avenue.

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