Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Feb 1931, p. 40

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ieave rHome," i s 1 itsumtcient en- tertainnment, for it is sophisticated and witty, and the actors are well liked by north shore audiences. Lovely stage settings are being provided and the ' costueës7 furnisbed' are tbe Iast word in style ad beautyý.,To complete the performance a captivating, accompani- ~ J ment of music is to, be given by the.~~ Original N. U. Vagabonds. ý .Betwcen the .,second and third acts there is to be a green roomn party in the lounge, so that the guests may mingle sociably. ColTee will be servýed. 'Those who wvil . pour are, Mrs., Harvey Bush, Mrs. . ..-'4 Hayes McKinney, Mrs. W. A. Durgin, i; *Mrs. Knight Blanchard, Mrs. A. G. Ackerman, and Mrs., Paul enscb. MisW Rebecca. Fitch bas. charge of he ushers, who are niembers of the Juii- _2 ior auxiliary. Tbey include the Misses Irene Baehr, Bertha Bersch, Constance Photo by Çarlos Bersch,' Virginia Bixkby, Marion Borii, Mrs. Laiwrcuce, Thornpson Kntt Florence Branson, .Caroline Buckholz.. until her marriage on VaIentine~s Dorotby Durbami, Helen Ellis, Iillian. day, -.was Miss Bethany Jane Fitch, Marie Flentye. Uisbeth Go1'ss' Crozc. She jk thic daughter of Caroline Oroman, Dorothy Hall,' Htlen Mr-. and Mi-:. Hurt Allan Cro.we Hayes, Vera Hoerber, Frances flow- of Kenilworth. Mr. and Mrs. ard, Ethel ICaszab, Betty Mar-shall, Knott, who* have been enjoy-_ Betty Michelet, Aima Muehlberg, Ruth ing the winter sports in Quebec,, Rice, Helen Suits, Vera Tbaleg, Betty wvill bc at honim' ii Larchipont, Weber, Bessie Weiss, Ruth Young- N._ Y. after Mai-ch 1. bei-g and Mrs. Richard DeBerard' and Mrs. Harold Wegner. Mrs. Bernard Brown is general. Three Aitiats chairman of the production, which is for the benefit, of the building~ f un.d Present Musicale and sponsored by the ways and means at Vista del Lago, committee. Mrs. Knight Blanchard,BYR .. chairman of the committe-e, is enter- B .LP taining the cast for tea Sunday, Mai-ch Fay Palmer Kreer, contralto, C or- 1, at ber home at 1015 Chestnut avenue. iiiieFi-ada Pick and Marguerite Mc- Assistiag the director, Jaffes Brad- Adanus, piani sts, were heard in 1a ley-Griffn, is Lea Qi-r, who is also del ightfully pleas-inig musicale for stage manager. Ernst Gould, J. Ro- ber-t McClure, Jay l3oslough are belp- mnembers and friends at the Chlb ing with the staging. George Lowell Vista del Lago ast Suinday afternaon. is in charge of the electric lighting ..Mrs. Kreer showed that she posses- effe cts. and is f urnishing mnany of them. ses a rich and melodious, contralto MssRsa'n Ilis is in. charge, o. voice which she uses with artistry and the make-up back stage. Mrs. Wilh skill. Uer charming -personalitv ani liaàm A. Durgin and Mrs. Freeland G. simp icitv Of fianner won her aud. Stecker are handling the publicity. . ience immediately', and she sang withi nmuch sympathy- for the moods of ber At Kenilworth Club songs. e oce seial nthe The Kenilworth club is givinir a ad hecrta ~ feelinLgf inirc Theatrical Studio Photo *Mr. and Mrs. Chai-les il. Kraft, 1236 Greenwood avenue, Wiluzette, have ûinniolncedl the eitgagemitet. of their daughter Minerva EIi.-a- bcth, to Aido E. Nc*sler, toit of Mr. and Mrs. Edward W-. Nesslei- of Evanston. Miss Kraft is 1a graduate of National Park scil-. inary and of Northwestcrn nui- versity, and is a mem ber of Deltal Z'eta sorority. Mr. Nessier was graduiated fi-rn Northzvestern uni .- versit y collëge ofengineering. anid is a member of the Wraitgh'rs.. Vista- del Lago Lists Forthcoming E vent s The Club Vista del Lago is offering i memnbers and their guests this week a. regular -m onthly dinnier dlance Sat-, urday evening, .FeIbruary- 27. On Mon-ý day 'the first-of -the-niontb special bridge luncheon occurs ,with, special prizes and with Mrs. Arnold Baar, Mrs. Han-y Barnhill, Mrs. Ralph Long, and Mrs. John C. Sanderson as host- esses . Saturday. evening,- Mai-ch .7., ed , including miaty weII knowfl inter- ntationally. Aniong these are Pauline Palmer, joseph Birren, Francis Chapin, Carl Buehi-, Ethal Coe, Edgar Cam - eron, Frank Dudley, Percy Eckhart, Stark Davis, Gerald Frank. Frederick Grant, Lucie Hartrath, Jeffrey ýGrant. Oscar Gross; Elizabeth Tuttie -Hols- mail, Rudolph, Ingerle, Frederick Poole. Allen St. John, Anna -Stacy,., Laur'i Van ,Pappeliandam. Names such as, these,.mean that the .memrbers of titis cl ub and their friends, will. have an, unuisual opportunityý at .their ver% doors. The exhibit wilI openi at 3-.30 o'chock, with a tea andrîeception to the artists when. Miss Jessie Lacey, of the Chi- cago Art institute, Miss Lena. Mc- Cauley, wel knol "n, art critic, MrS Miles MacDonald. wiie of the presi- dent of the ,Shawniee cluh. and Mrs. Frederick Bowes. regent1 of. the Skokie VâIley chapter, of the 0. A. R., 'will pouir. .Mrs. Chai-les ljenîisincludes on lier, art committee at the club, Miss Mc- Cauley, Miss Lacey, Mrs. Robert Millar and Miss Elizabeéth Robertson of Highland Pa-rk.- Mrs. WNilhur Helitu and Mrs. A. j. Clime of 1,.s nad. Mrs. Edwin Hedrick of Kcnlilwvortli. Antonin ýSterba, of Evansion ini- structor at the Chicago Art institut(-, will arrange the exhibit. The pictures wilh reniain oit the %%alIý of tbe club until Mai-ch 22, \%,lien the final sbowing of the season %vilh begin. This last exhibit will be in keeping with the lenten season and xvill be an. exhibit of ecclesiastical art, Last year a situilar exhibit w~as hield and proved of. greatest interest. This .year the committee lias secured a arger and more extensive, group of rare, tapes-, tries, paintings, carvings, priceless :old altar clotbs, stained glass anîd antique.. pieces of furiture including gothic chests and sbrines., Arden Shbore )leceives Donations From Cl .ub The Arden Shore board met witli Mrs. William Uarridge of .1440 Foi-est avenue, Thursday, February 19. The day was spent making dresses. for the mothers, at the summer camp and covering Pillows for the den which i-e- cently bias been equipped for the win- fo the ool be Svd at 1 o'dock la m . M bers wil Luncheoni il iKreer. iThetwo pi, encore. the Aresky t ail nes.; support at1 gave sym- for Mrs. !tveas-a n Z' O'C1OCl desfred. con The Junior Neighbors of Kenilworth 1310 Ashlaud. gave a card party on Saturday of last this afternoon weekç to raise money for charitable ridge chapter, -uses and were inost successful. Miss itish Empire. Margaret Bluthardt, Mrs. Douglas wihl open at Crooks, and Miss Virginia, Marshall. attendance is were -very active in, promoting the event. Mrs. John Wi ld' assisted.

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