Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Feb 1931, p. 1

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Heads Scouts G hairman Gàllie Names Com-. miittees to Pugb Civie Party t Campaign Alnnounisceniieit of ftic personnel of thcexecutive, finance, publicity and permanent organiz ation coinmiiittee% of theiiev-Wiliiiette Civic party fea- ti'ire(l the adjourined caucus sess ion of. tl'at party' held Monday, eveiling of this eek in the', library of the Ilowardschool. Dr. Donald M. Gallic, as ch air'nian of the cauicus,;, naiied tic connmittees afolws: Executivc J. Nye Macal- istir,, chairiffan; Elimer D. Becker. A. F. Hooper, Joseph Renigel, Henry *Fowlc!r, and Mrs. Harry E.--Smoot; *Finiance - J. E. ,Wýorthien, chairman -, Ralph C. Wessel, Anlôon Mick, and~ * Mr... L. F. Gates; Publicity-Hector D)odds, chairmnat; C. Miles McDoil am, S. J. Du icani-Clark, RaJîAh Dur- hýlai. Johni M. Steffenis, and Mrs. 1 R. Adkins; Permanient organization. Lloàyd C. Ayres, chairmian; Ralph C NvesseI, Roger Willi'ans, C. R. Non- man and Dr. D. W. Rapp. Another announcenient was tliat the platforni comimittee was to meet on Thursday of this week to comnpiete its work of drafting a platformi to bc subniitted to 'the caucius for dis- cussion before any step is taken ta- * wards final adoption. Menibers of the platforni comimittee are Enioch Steen, Ralph C. Wèssel, Hoyt Kilig, Fred- cric -B.' Crossley, and -Hector Dodds. * It was: stressed during Monday's discussio*n . that the inew Wilinette Civic party. though launched by.tht- j Wilmette Civic league, is. not to be . a mere créature of the latter organ-I * ization, but that aIl action taken by the new Wilmette- Civic party is tc, be -based oni a fulli and compreliensive * systein of represelitation of ail pre cillts of Wilmlette. IlcrvFowcrof iV;tlemcIIeuas clcctéd. president of the Norlh Shiore Area camicil, Bov Scouts of t1gnerica, at the aimnual cou ucul banquet held 7'tusdoy night. Herman T. Reiling Treasurer Candidate Candidacy of Heriman T. Reiling, 1.521 Gr',eetood avenue, for the office of Village Treasurer, was announced this week. 'Hle w.ill bc a candidate on an Independent ticket, it is etated, which. lias been designatedl the 'raxpayers party. Mr. Reiling is ail attorney and -las beeii. a inenber of the law firn Discuss Community Chest Drive Sunday Discussion of plans for the annual Wilrnette Coniffunity Chest, fund campaign, which is to -be formally launiched Sunday,, Mardi 8, will be held at a tea, in the Wilmctte WXo- Man's club on. Suniday, March' 1, at 3 o'clock. At this time instructions will be -given to workers ini prepara- tion for the campaign. Benieficiaries of ,the drive for funlds 1are to. be Arden, Shore, Girl Scouts, Infant' elfare, local charities, Red, Cross , Salvation Army, Volunteers of, Anerica, 'and. Y. XVW. C. A. The Wilrnette Boy ýScouts, formerly_ bene- ficiaries, have withdrawn since their campaign bas been unified. with that of thc otierý nortli shore Sco ut 'or- ganizations. Officers of the WVilnette Communi- ty Chest- association are Mrs. Les-, lie F. Gates, president; Ralph H. Durliaili, vice-president; George W. Chaffee, treasurer; anid Clarence E. Drayer, secretary. The following arce inbers of the advisory board: Charles A. BurrowNs, Hector Dodds, Lyman M. -Drake, Clarence E. Drayer, RalphILH. Dur-, ham, Robertý M. Joinston, Barry C. Khinie, F. Dewey Andersonl, Mrs. Leslie F. Gates, G. H. Redding, A. B. Seibold, Frank< J. Seng, Robert Stod- dard, Judson F. Stone anid Mrs. 0. E. Thaleg. Warns Drivers to Get 1931 Vehicle Licenses Chief of Police Harry Brautigani issued a warning this week that al Wilmette automobile drivers should have their 1931 vehicle licenses. Dog owners also were warned that the dog licenses are past due. Members of'the Wilmette police department 'will be instructed to be on the lookout for automobile drivers using 1930 licenses. Pensons ýwho fail to get their new vehicle licenses at oncewill be subjeçt ta, fine. The saine TALK, GROUF Address Luncheon :Meti Today; Orner 'Sient on Candidaçy Question. V illage Presidenit Earl EB. Orner , i reply to the. question: 'Will you. be a candidate fogr re-election on- Apnil 21 ? stated that he wvas remaining .siuent on the question for the present. "I have no statement'to makeat: ths tume," he added. Meanwhilc candidates of the néwely- organized Civic party -are prepared to launch their election campaign. The initial« appearance of thesc can- didates forVillage offices before a Wil- mete meeting will be ,nmade- this nuoin ai the Ulniversity club of Chicago,' the luncheon of 1tie Wilmette. Civic *At that timie the Civic'Party siate of candidates wïll addre.ss the league. These candidates, chosen at a recent caucus, include Frederick_ J., Newey, candidate for Village president; Henryý J. Brandt, Evan R. James and Floyd' B. Weakley, candidates for Village trusteeships, and Harry W. Miller, can- didate for Village treasurer. A statement by Dr. Donald M. Gai- lie, president of the league, concerning today's luncheon. meeting, reads ini part as f ollows : "We have decided to devote the meet- ing on Pebruary. 27 to thesé candidates, and we are very anxio us to have. as many members as possible in attendance at this meeting to talk with andi join ir, the discussion of, Village niatters with our candidates." It was, also annocunced. this week that the,,Manch meeting o f the Civic league *ill be held in Wilmette. At that time the Civic party candidates will be the speakers. Tuesday atteritoon, March 3, at the IIincludeU *Meven cases 1 1 munips, * Wilrnette Woman's 'club at 2 o'clock. five of- measies, one of scarlet fever The members taking part ini the pro- a.i one of pnieumonia. Oýher cases grami will be Norma' Bosworth, Electa of contagious disease repofted pre- Gamron, Margaret Geppert, Eývelyn La- viously which are still active iniclude *Salle, Dorothy. Rae, and Elizabeth six cases of measles, six of whooping Wexl'uest artist during the afterý- coug, three of scarlet fever, oneo noon will be Miram ),nlgeihard, 'cellist. mumps andone "of pnieumonîa. ing and most interesting subject-North Real Estate. shore while attending an aftair at the iEvans- ton Masoitic temple. When he returned to get it he discoveréd the theft. The car had not been recovened up ta late Wednesday afternoorn.

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