ranged by J. Clair Meadi, dîrector of religious education Among the main attractions were two Indians, Chef Chibiabos and Clearwater. Chief Chibiabos toid In- dian legenids,, presented Indian songs in* a béautiful. baritone voice, and gave the- Victorv dance. Cleaiwater offered a fascinating hoop dance, Myvron C. Ryboit. executive sec- retary of the North Shore Area coun- Cil, B. S. A., was thé speaker. of the,,evening. telling of the progress of: Boy. Scout work in this council,. and of plans for the future. Troops 1 and 2 of the Boy Scouts, Troop 7 of. the Sea Scouts, and the. new: Cub Scouts were present. The SmithBrhes Lester, bani- tone soloist of the Congregational Church quartet, as, song leader, and F. A..Cushing as accompanist, belped with spirited- music. The, Smith Brotersare. also kniown to their many friends 'as "Trade and 'Mark."y To Observe World Day of Prayer for Wometi AIl women of the village are invited to- join in a World Day of Prayer forý Women at 2 o'clock this afternoon at the Wilmette Metbodist churcb.- The Prayer is an observance for niembers, of ail churches. A special program lias been arranged. Mrs. Helen Ranney, assistant. secretary of the Commission éf Missions, is to be the speaker and Miss Pearl Roose wîll be soloist. AT N. S. ART LEAGUE The North Shore Art' league is holding its rnonthly meeting Th'urs- day evening, February 26,. in Com- munity House in Winnetka with a program devoted ta sculpture and sculptors. North shore artists will have exhibits. Emory Seidel, erninent aiüong suchartists., iill have a dis- 1 play. of lis work and Will give the evening's program. Mn. and Mrs. Jacob Reinwald of ..I30 .Elmwood avenue were ossai 0o Miss Marýy Beam, who is a student at the Ward-Belmont school, Nash- vIlle, Tenn., spent lait week-end with lber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter . 3ea», 411 Siieridan road., Mrsi Eily Culbertson, and Mrs. May Peterson, ail of wbom are prominent prof essional players. A delicious dinnen vas served pre- ceding the lecture after:which the chairs wene drawn dow.n near the« stage tbat no word niight -be lost. Mn. Culbertson speaks ivith great clarity of' stylé. and presented bis "f*oicing system" ini the most lucid manner.- He'gave-great im- petus to the enthusiasm for the gaine. ILegion AuxiiaryI (Peter J. Huerter Post No. 69) On Wednesday, February 11,.mni- bers of Peter J. Huerter auxiliary v isited the Oak Fores t homeand'also the ex-service men's "dug-out." On Monday we' received a letter. f rom the veteranis thanking us-for the visit and stating that they always like. to have, visitons and tliat it makes them feel more cheerful to know that they are not forgotten. Mrs. Helen Fischer and Mrs. Lji-. han Mick attended the Seventh'dis- trict meeting -i'uesday -afternoon ini Rogers Park. Don't forget the plunkett dinner Tuesday, February 24, at 1 o'clock in th e afternoon at St. Joseph's. hall, Lake avenue and Ridge road. This will be a beniefit a'ffair for the serv- ic~e fund. Tickets can be obtained by calling Wilmette 1435 or Wiimette 3457. Members are askéd not to for- get to report to Ai Huerter the number of tickets tbev have sold Everyone is welcome. CANCELS MEETrING The tea and recital to be given by the Delta. Gamma Mothers associa- tion -of the chapter of- Northwestern university niext Thursday afternoon is ca ncelled,. owing to the sudden death of the member 'who was t0 present the progran'. Mrs. Hugli Foresmn',, of Essex road, K.enilwonth, will ententain ber bridge and luncheon club, next Tues- tday, February 23. 0o Mrs.' George Joues, .of, Oxford road,. Kenlwdrthkis entertaining lier: sewing club this*Friday àftçrnooiý. taes tS 1Aiid arvanGiegioli --- bers and thcir friends atterided. Table prizes were double decks of cards. There were attractive' door prizes and deliciois, refresients. This party was arranged by Mr3. Fred -Von der Lippen, .ways.and, means chairmani, and ber committee:. ýMrs. T. L. D. Hall, Mrs. -S. C. War- den, .,Mrs. ,Clyde FEdmonldson, -Mrs. Norman Deno,, Mrs. J. C. Anderson and. Mrs. John Boddie. » The Seventh District Americanl Legion Auxiliary, eld, iÊs quarterly convention 'under thie auspices, of Rogers Park unit. on Tuesday, Feb- ruary 17,. at -tbe Rogers 'Park Bap- tist -chuirch, 1902. Greenileaf avenue, Chicago. Nine members of the Wil- mette.unit. attended: Mrs. C. B. Co- chran, president, Mrs. F. J. Dowd, secretary, Mrs. Arthur Johnson, Dis- trict Aniericanism chairman, Mr,,. C. P.' Christensen, chaplain,; and the regular district delegates: *Mrs,. E. H. Myrland. Mrs. A. W. BRersch, Mrs. E.' V: Cuillisôn. Mrs. A. Rodenikii4l, and 'Mrs. S.. Vanjlnwagen. Invitations have been issued to junior memibers and prospective juni- ior members to a party at St. Augus-_ tine's Parish bhouse,' Saturday after- noon, February 21, at 2 o'clock. On Mondav evening, Februarv .23. WVilmette post and Auxiliary ill give: a party for hospitalized men at the Red Cross Recreation rôôm, at Great raRes. Entertainment will be furn- isl:ed by the Legion, and refreshients by the Auxiliary. This work is ini charge of Mrs. George Leal, contact chairnian for the auxiliary, and lier Éonunittee : Mrs. A. W. Berscb, Ms D. C. Leach, Mrs. M. S. Newconîb, Mrs.. R W. M.\cCgndlish and Mrs. S. VanInwagen. Al ,mem'bers, are, urgel to gotoGreat Lakes and help make this party a s 1uccess., Cook County council, Amnerican, Legion and Auxiliary, bield a joint Americanismi meeting, on Thursdav e.vening, February 19. The gleeclub of' Mrs. F. A. Baird, 154 Maple ave- nue, wiII be hostess to Miss Chase and. the mothers afithe childrn of the eighth grade of S tolp school nlext Wednesday atron.Fbun 5 at 3:-30 o'clock. Crawford, iDavid GLeppert, Uîic. Hll, Jane Horsting, Nancy Bercaw, and Jaine Krause, Gisela Sauer and Kath- erine Ijttlefield, Gladys Weil, Lillian Frances Mac:Faddeni, Betty Lou Er- ickson, Joanné Larson,,Enid St rafford, David- andlihzabethAllen.. and, Mar- ion Louise Klink. David Gel)pert.will appear in a r citai at Lyon' and -Healy hall .on .March,in,ltbe first of a senies of -sat. urday afternoon. necitals for chldren whichhbavye been planned to stimulate infterest in mus ic, in Sc hool childrenl and especially the. pupils ;of private teachérs. Two ather pupils are ap- pearing Mardh 21. Methodist Church to Hold. Series Prograins "The Mother Lullabies: of the World" will- be sung by Mirs..ý Fra i i McKibban in the assembly balle the Wilmette Methodis t c1urclie~ Wednes<jay evening at 7 :30 o'clok". Mrs. McKibban is on the staff of tI,-, School of Speech, Northwesterni un- versit-y, and will appear in the iiative costume of each caunitry's lullaby. This. program which wl'be 'prc- ceded by a cafeteria dinnet, %wili mark the first of a series of Fellowý,- slip dinners leading up to EFaster. Next week, Mardli 4, the Young pe- pie of the dhurch will present"Th Traveling Man," a one act play. WHJ. GIVE TEA Mrs. William K. Yates, 1131 Asli- land avenue, will give a tea at bier bomne next Tuesday afternoon for, the mothers of the children of the, seventh grade room i a the.,Central school,, anid for. M is's Vernon, rooni. teacher. Mr. and> Mrs. William D. Mcjunikin of Sheridan road, Kenilworth, With tbeir two granddaughters; Misses Wilmi andi Geraldîne, Harvey, daughters of Mr. and Mns. F. W. Harvey of 1035 Green- wood avenue, are. making a. montb's ay o Miss Lois Phelps of 260 Wood court, netunned Sunday ta Bradley . Poly tecli- nical institute at Peoria after spendiflg few daysin Wiimette.