Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Feb 1931, p. 53

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German-Swedla3n-Norwegatn--Cojored. Ail references anvestîgated and un mfe in thiîs omce. PÂAULLiN£'S EMP. AGENCY 748 EIm bt. .eh. Winnetka, 2662 46LT.N42-itu WANT 1ST CLASS COUPLE, I family, - no launclry, good wages. PJAULiNE13 AUENCY MUST SACRIFICE D)ESOTO ROADI3TE, DRIVEN LESS than 5,000 -m iles. IPaid $1,050, wlli Bell for hlaf., Ph. Wihnùette 1079. 48LTN42-ltp' 1928 STUDEBAKER COMMAND ER Regal Victoria, six wlre wheeis. Good tires,, paint and mechanically, A-1. $450. Ph,. WilniWtte. 2732, Mr. Church. 48LTN*2-ltic NASH SEDAN, 1928, PERFECT CON- dition. Phone. Wnnetka 275(. WANTED TO 1EN-- OR 6 ROOX houa.. April 1Sth or May lot occu- pancy, Good ref. Ph. -Greenleaf 1915. 62XTN4-ltc M ALL 100%y LOCATIONS 580 LINCOLN AVE, 80x60 This double store aultabie for First.Class Restaurant o0r TeaRoom 576 Lincoln ÀAve.. Wlnnetka, 15x60. 90Lipden &ve., Hubbard Woods, 13ij0. 706 Vernon Ave., Glencoe, 15xÉ25. 710-16 Vernon Ave.,,'ieoe., 15x55. W. ]a. C&eM 980 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods Wlnnetka 3380 66LTNIS-ltc FOR RENT--STORE IN »XCELLENT location in Wilmbette, also office suit- able for profeesional maxi. Eddington. & Allen, Inc.- 410 Linden Ave. Ph. Wilmette ý407 QWCÀIK Buyer ed Seller have found the W ant-Ads of WILMEITE LIFE of inestimable' velue.1. Many a deal involvng hundreds of dollars, bas been the 'resuit of a Classified ad whîch cost but a few cents. Classified: ads wil be accepted every -evening unfil 9, Phone Wulmette 4300 'W.dn.sday befor. 9 P. Mi. for' the. Currnt 1su 4SLTTN42-ltc Bi FOR RENT-ROOMS ONE OR TWO COZY RQOMS, NICELoY furnished for iight, housekeepinig. Verv reasonj,13le. Garage. accommoda- tion. 1023 Main:St. Ph. Wilmeitte,3007 51LTN42-ltp 1 OR 2 ROOX,5 FOR LADIES OR mharried couple, in amaîl fanully nr., New Trier. 1 block Indian Hill sta. Wlnnetka 3260 mornings ofily. 51LT42-ltp FOR RENT-VERY COMFORTABLE room -with garage avallable. Reason- able. 1696 Oak St. Ph. Wlinetka. 2690. 51LTN42-lte 1 OR 2 ROOMS, ALL CONVENIEN~C;~S. Near New Trier. 1. block Indian Hi station. Tel. Wlnnetka 769.' 51LTN38-tfc FRONT 0R0OM, PLENTY HO0T wate. 1%blocks trans. andrestam]r- ants. 710 Park Ave., Wlmette 2088. 51LT42-ltc SUNNY.3VARM, ROOM, 2 WINDOWS, large elosets. Near trans., ln Win- netka. Pihone' Winnetka'415. 51LTN42-1tc PURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT.- near transportation, Ph., Wîlnette 1416. se FOR' RENT-APARTMEtaTS WHY NOT LIVE IN HUBBARDS WOODS The mont desirable place near Chi- cago.. An early ýselection of apart- ments advisabie. 3, 4, and 5 rooms and' baths. LINDEN MANOR which le practlc-ally a new building at 1095-97 Merrili street. Strictly up- to-date in every respect. Reasonable rent. Exclusive tenants. Representa- tive on promises seven days a week. 980 Linden Ave.;, U-ubbard Woods * . Wiiinetka 3380 56LTN42-lte, [57 FOR BUUNI-FURN. ApTs. 2 ROOMS AND BATH FUJRNISiHEDf for light housekeeping. Heat,~ gas and light furnished. Garage space. Phone Wilmette 824-w. 57L42-ltc 'ORRENT - FURNISHED APTS-. near transp. Aduits only. Ph. Wil- mette 9399... 7LTN40-tfe 60 FOR UENT-HOUSEU ~I KENILWQ)RTII STORE,' 17x70 IN modern brick building sultable for bahk, drugs, clothlng, dry gooda, tea roetc. FRED)'K' B. THOMAS & CO., Agba. 743 Elmn St. WINNETKiýA Winn. 3800 66LTN42-lte Glencoe State Bank 1NSUITES 0F 1-2 OR 3 ROOMS sultable for Doctor, Dentiat, Archà-. tect or any business requlring office space. Low irextal. 66LT36-tfe 72 FOR SALE-HOUSES Picturesque Colonial OVERLOOING SKOKIE CLUB GROUNDS 8 rm.-3 ba.- 2 car ga!rage--spaclous wooded grounda 100x198. Owner Wants offer, or will trade for BAIRD, & WARNER, 528 Davis St. Zvanston 1071 Skokle Ridge, Dr. Briargate 1855 (Between Dundee and Green Bay Rda., Glen oe) 72L T N 42-ltc A Charrning Horne 743 Elmi St. worth 3219. 5 I4-t OAKWOOD) AVE., 918 - 2ND. UN-, SIX ROOMS AND SUNPORCH, BATH- heated, 3 roorn apt., ln-a-dor bed, hot -and lavatory, 2 car garage, $175 per atrheating uit, garage optional. mo.- Cail lxi the'evenjng. Ph. Briar- Ph.. Sunnyside .9431. 56LT42-tfc 'gate 4280.. 6OLTN41-2tp UAUjflU5 JJuLvU, &audu arden, uear oo- 663 Vernoni Ave. Ph. Glencoe 805' kie Playfleld. Cali Wlnnetka. 2307. 1'3LTN42-ltp 6iLTrN42-tfc Fa WAN#ED 70 R ENT-HOUSES EAST W LM ETTE HOME $9,500 VANTED-HOMES FOR MAY 1ST' .8 rra. frame, h. w. heat, .glazed porch, rexitals,1 furn. or unfurn. Famlly of 3 gai.. wooded> lot. Near achoois and wants fumxi. home of at 1least 4' bed- transeportation.. rme., 2 or 8 baths, for 6 mos, or 1 eear. MILTON E.ý REID & CO. Cail1 Mrs. Wlnscott, Winnetka 1961. $01 Lake Av.Wllmette771 62LTN4r2-1tc 7SLTN42nl1te 6 0 FOR RENTr-HOIJSE FOR RENT-2728 WOODI1NE AVE., Evanston. Modern 7-room"house;-en- closed sleeping porch; bot water heat;ý. néwly decorated; large wooûded lot; garage; two blocks to C. & N. W. Ry. Station. Open for inspection Sunday afternoon or cail H. Park 500 daily Niles Center. 975 evenings for- appoint- ment. Rentai $80.00* 60LTN42-lte CI*ARMING COLONIAL HOME, 5 BD- rnis., 3 bathe, oilI eat, near. schools and trans. $175 per mo. Other attractive rentais, furn. or un- fun, $90 to $600 per mo. FRANCES J. WINSCOTT 902 Spruce St. Wlnnetka 1267 60LTN42-ltc 6. RM. FRAME; LARGE LOT; OIL heat-hot water system, tile bath;, shower, hardwood floors, cedar clos- et; 2 car garage. Near schools, park and transap. Wil1. 961. 60LTN42 ltpý FOR RENT-UiOà&ES-1,ARGE AND amali, furnlshed and unfurn. ini Gien- coe and Wlnnetka. Dorothy K. Rosa. 663 Vernon Ave. Ph. Glencoe 305. 60LTN~42-ltp FOR RENT-6 ROOMS AND SUN 3 ROOMS AND1 AUi es FOR ItOMT--Wmnm

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