Pay for Its (Jwf Roads ini Cities "The weakest links in, the, chain of.- the State Highway system are the streets used as'State highways;ý, through cities and villages," Gover- nor Louis L., Emmnerson stated, com- menting Ùpon the administration's bill to correct the "unfair discrimina- tions between cities and VIlge iso far as the construction >of State routes tbrougb them 'is concerned." Proposed, legislation, now, before the road, and1 bridge committee in the House, would authorize the High- way division to spend gas tax money to pave and maintain routes, through ail citie s and to .construct belt lines around them where required. Streets selected by, the 'highway' officialà would become a part of the State highways - tbey connect. Pointing out' the necessityof this' measure, Governor Emmerson stated. that the $60,000,000 Bond 'Issue act prevents the state from pavixig the * routes it. provided through any city of more than 2,500, or more than 20,000 if in Cook county. On the $100,000,000 system, routes through any city.otber than Chicago can be buit. andkept up by State road funds. * rwo ýmeasures, to correct thèse in- equalities,' would give the Highway division the right to relieve local property owners of the unjust burden .impgsedl by utilizing city pavemen~ts for state wide traffic. Europe Is Demanding Packard for Luxury ' More th1 an onie-.thirdl of ail Amier-, *çan--made cars selling for more than ý,2,0O exported dulriig the first.elevenl mnonths of 1,930 were Packards, ac- crngto, H. W. Peters, vilce,-Presi-- dent of- distributioni of.the Packard Motor Car company. :rle actual per centage was .35.5, -lie said. In making, this compultation, .Mn.. *Peters said,. the cars represented in the total were the products of 18 dif -> ferent manufacturers. He added that nearl'v twice as many Packards as to IEttect Road Program proposals for the second road let- With ail other road funds expended ting of 1931 are iii the bands of con- or obligated, and some seven millions tractors who will enter bids for. of assured revenue -for 1931 antici- opening, March 4. The projects in pated, the Illinois I*ighway division, this allotment include 86.80 miles of in its, first road letting for tbe 1931 building, season, absorbed the $3 - pv~ n 28 ie fgaig 000 éeercy road funid alloted b nliiay ok engaginghiwy the Federal government and obligaïed engineers at present, anticipate ex- other federal funds to build t'be.fol- penditures of from .$47,000e000 to loin: 1089miesofpain, 24$49,000,000 for roads and, bridges in miles 'of grading; 4,46 miles of. forty-. i h r o fhb foot pavement; 8.63 miles of widening .1931, fth rsent'.*orces ofhgh to forty feet &nd the construction. of way funds are undisturbed. .5grade separation.Éids. received indicate an average cost of $24,753 per New . er1tLasi mile, including the cost of cement. D cm e eitain Themotr ehile ndalledCbevrolet new car registrations in inu-the United States for December lead tries provide employment for.approxi- al other makes, according to figures mately 4,700,000 pensons. just made public., With 31,609 new Chevrolet sixes titled i the domestic market during the last month of 1930, the company exceeded by 2,000 units the second leading make. Figures so far reported for january judicate that the relative position of Chevrolet in tbe lead maintained for the mohth just, ended, p4qrticu4larly since Chevrolet's January productibn was 70,000 units. Thatcher* Returns'Prom Month'u Visit, in. Plorida Ray Thàtcher.of 714 Sheridan roait Wilmette, returned iast wek frôm a month's visit in Florida, and is now as sociated with the' Evanston Nash company, 1735. Benson avenue. Mr. Thatchér bas been associtdwt h Nash sales department on the north shore 'for the: past three years. Ile& Wise to Choose a àSix Dollar'for dollar.: -the new CHEVROL«ET. s ýllxlfor Economical 1-ronsportation is a sensational, value! Every investigation of the new Chevrolet dollar for dollar, it ofers more t/ian ever MORtE.PERFORMANCE-for.the new Chevr o et hsagreat six-cylinder valve-in-head egine-n creased to--50 horepower. MORE, COMFORi-for the,' four long semi- elliptic springs are under the cushioned control of Lovejoy* hyJraulic shock absorbers! MORE SAFETY-for the braking system has been re-designed... witb fully.enclosd, internal-expand.. ing, weather-proof brakes i Six must Iead to a single definite Conclusion-- bel ore f MORE BEAUTY-for the newý bod ies are built .by: Fisher .. ithulai he. style, smartness and distino- lion for which -the Fisher naine ià famous! MORE STAMINA--for the new Chevrolet huasa stronger' rear axie, a heavier crankshaft and a sturdier transmission! MORE VALUE-for the new Chevrolet is a J---. yourself to the Higjiway department for ap- proval When approval is obtained, checks drawn against the allotmjents, which are on deposit on the State treasuny, wiil go to pay 'for couflty .road work. Thene are 350,000 filling the United States. You live in a territory assigned by thse Chevrolet Motor Compnyut. an auth.rixed is very anxiousuto b. of service 50 VO. Our Che vr.let trained mecIsaicsand-100% guarantee on ail roork done assure >iou be had. dealer, u'f. ot thse best service te NORTH ,ýSHORE-CHEVROLE SALES 611 ain t.,Wilmtte DIRECTLY OPPOSITE DEPOTPhnWimt,41 1 Il mailiSt, wilmetté- Phone Wilmettel,4414,